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I do not think you have to run away from such a person. Unless you are sure of yourself, that you have confidence in your abilities, you can confront them with their ego, their arrogance and their malice.
We can act in different ways, without fleeing or fighting.
If we give the best of ourselves to the people who deserve it we create a society with two speeds, where the bad guys will have more and more power and where kindness will be a sign of weakness.

" I am the mage destroyer of the established power
The wizard who before the dark forces never wavered
I bathe in the light and the shade
my black dove is the spell I cast for good and evil to be one! "IMG_20180519_201613[784].png

p.s my english is not so good, i used google translate, i did not found a spell for learn english :p


@columbadubh thanks for droppin’ I appreciate it. Well I respect your opinion, you have a point. However, there are people who don’t want drama and confrontation like me who value harmony and peace. Sometimes shutting those kind of people off is best for one’s physical, emotional, and mental health.

I agree with you that at times it is better not to conflict.
Thank you for your text that can help some people.