in #paulchi16 years ago

That's the quest of every human, is it not?.... To explain, to understand, who I am, why am I here?

                 Let's start with why am I here .

You are here because the Sparks restored you to life.Four centuries after your death
To begin the De-extinction of the human race but why us? Would you rather we restore some one else?I would rather know the truth
The truth is humans were exint and now they are okay.

Let's try a different approach. Who do you work for?
The Sparks.
Who do they work for
They haven't told me
so they work for somebody.

Everybody works for somebody.
Are you always This evasive?

I must now gain altitude to scan for threats.

Show me your eyes
Do you know why I hate humans..... Why..... I find them so repugnant including this one ? because they have something they don't deserve.
This organism,so beautiful design so resilient,so strong legs that can stand ,leap,run.hands that can grasp and squeeze and what does a human do with this gifts he strike's he steals,he pretent and he kills, he destroys his own kind . His own brothers. Is that an organism that deserves all of this ....... When our companion has so little he can't stand or grasp, yet he makes better of these bodies than humans ever did .

A companion that doesn't hold his human tightly....... That let's his human choose he
Doesn't deserve to have a human.
Shall we move on

     Yes .

Now what?

You release them into the water and let them get to work but how do they know what to do ?
They are Sparks .......

Now we wait.

How much time does...... Have

Considering the virulence of the virus and how quickly...... Manifested symptoms, I'd say her time is short

We proceed very carefully