What is That, that is Me?

in #patterns9 years ago

We may think of our selves, as individuals with perdurable minds throughout our life, with add-ons that come in and out, but with a fundamental uniqueness to ourselves that never mutates.

I believe this is actually not the case.

Our mind, is a construct arising from the amazing interconnection within neuronal cells that give rise to a feeling of purpose, meaning and control over the phenomenon of our immediate universe. But this structure and interconnectivity is a never-stopping pattern that evolves and changes through, internal and external actions over time.

Consciousness is what we feel, when we feel like being us. This conciousness that in its self is not the events of our past, nor our ideas., values, hypothesis and beliefs; these are a consequence of the randomness of the Universe. Conciousness is the experience of being part of this Universe.

Are Humans the only Conscious beings in the Universe? On earth? Is a gorilla Conscious? A Chicken? A Bacteria? Is the genetic machinery conscious?

Is a circuit conscious?

“Consciousness is the number of feedback loops required to create a model of your position in space with relationship to other organisms and finally with relationship to time.”

-Michio Kaku