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RE: Patriotism, an Abomination

in #patriotism7 years ago (edited)

By the way, before proclaiming how great "freedom of speech" in the U.S. is, make sure you're not talking to someone who was CAGED for a year by the ruling class you swear loyalty to, for the sin of SAYING THINGS the feds didn't want said.


Before the Nazi flag was waved, the German flag had to be ousted, and books burned. Be careful what you wish for! The flag you burn today could be replaced by the equivalent of a swastika. Then, with G-d's help I would be a Bonhoeffer. Let's hope it never comes to that!

You are nothing.

Translation: "You upset me with your facts. I can't refute them or explain their relevance because I am overwhelmed by emotion."

Here's a fact: American patriots destroyed Nazism, liberated the prisoners of concentration camps, and freed Europe from totalitarian rule.

If you can still call patriotism an "abomination" after that, then my assessment is true: you are nothing. Go cry to someone else, gnat.

Here is a fact: Nazi Germany was largely funded and supported by American businessmen and bankers. Otherwise, there would have been no WW2

Your tin-foil-hat conspiracy theory is noted.

Absolutely correct and my fellow country men/women still believe this crap that Germany started 2 world wars where in fact the globalist cabal had their money and fingers in both of them. The winners always dictate the history narrative and this is a very persistent one.

He's an apostate from your religion, which is why you can't just click on something else and go about your day.

Your hallucination is noted.