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RE: Patriotism, an Abomination

in #patriotism7 years ago

Hi Larken. I have read your book, The most dangerous superstition, which I found interesting. I consider myself a Christian anarchist. I don't believe people should rule over other people. Jesus was an anarchist too. He preached the Kingdom of God and came against the Judaical Pharisees and their man-made religious laws and control. We are supposed to love God and our neighbours as ourselves. You love God by obeying his commandments and by serving mankind in love, hope and charity. If you are not doing this, you are part of a governmental system of force. If you are partaking of the services provided by the State, paid for by enforced taxation of your neighbour, you should be ruled over by the State because it is your punishment. We as people should come together and serve each other by being willing to freely contribute towards this cause. If I love my neighbour, I will seek to serve him and offer what I have to fulfill his need - through my free will. I am not advocating socialism which is an evil system of forced contribution and redistribution. If we don't stop voting for third parties to take from others what we want {public school, public healthcare, public protection etc} for free, we deserve to be ruled by tyrants who use us as chattal for their own wicked purposes. Jesus called us out of this form of government into a government of service without rulers and that was what the first century church was, before it was corrupted by Constantine and the abominable Cult of Rome.