Good info. I thought about patreon in the past when I wanted to do YouTube more seriously and it's still an option in the future, though I feel I need to get over my fear of being in front of the video camera more or somehow find another way to develop a larger audience.
I'm not surprised they are going to take more of the profit, that seems to happen with a lot of companies once they get bigger. Just look at YouTube itself, they used to allow anyone to make money and then they made it so difficult that I've never made one cent even though I have a video with close to a hundred thousand views... I know that's not much compared to many other YouTubers, but... Still... I gave them a lot of views and have earned absolutely nothing in return... Quite frustrating.
I think there are lots of YouTubers that provide great information even without appearing on camera themselves. I think as long as people want the information you provide they'll tune in.
I do agree though, I saw the latest monetization requirements of YouTube a week or two ago and it's absolutely brutal:
3,000 public watch hours (in 365 days) or 3 million public Shorts views (in 90 days). Just absolutely massive numbers to hit before you can even earn a cent.