
I honestly didn't want to believe this was what was going on with @haejin. I found him on Youtube originally, and got excited that he had a Steemit account. I was a big fan of his. When the Steem and SBD price began to raise, his colors began to show.

I had followed him, and even liked his posts prior, but then I was seeing some ridiculous amounts of posts for a single day, and it began affecting me from properly scrolling through my feed.

I can see how he's getting a large number of votes, since his aim is for others to make money off of his investment calls. But seeing that people are not even reseaching coins and just going off by what he says tells me that:

  • His followers will support him in exchange for the oppertunity to make money quickly, and without effort- Devolving this into a taking advantage relationship.

  • He does not care about anything other than the size of his own crypto portfolio and money in general, and has found a way to capatalize on it more.

Just because he doesn't have to buy Steem and SBD directly it doesn't mean that it's "free money". The resources come from the rewards pool that is meant for everyone. As long as he comes ahead, he doesn't care about how many people are impacted by his actions and pardon my language, but these numbers are FUCKING DISGUSTING.

The community on Steemit is full of talented, driven, and continuously improving authors, but one toxic user screwing over people that spend enormous amounts of time and effort into posting is discouraging not only veterans, but new users as well. I am not here to say anything about his analysis, however

The way he is bringing down the very place and community that brought him up is selfish at new lows.

I want to thank you @berniesanders, for bringing this to attention, and I support your efforts on this 100% If someone decides to downvote me for speaking the truth, then I will gladly accept the challenge. I will never throw my morals away for money.

@dan, you legitimately are the man. You've shown me that even if we believe our own flags are too small to make a difference, every voice matters. (which bernie also stated recently) And although I only know of you in passing, you are actively taking responsibility for Steemit and it's authors. I am grateful for your downvoting spree, because I honestly do not believe that @haejin deserves the shares he receives for conning other users out of rewards.

With love,

What is wrong?
quick profit?
liking a person due to his free help?
rewarding him in a platform which is meant for rewarding?
While I came to like dan, his own motive regarding haejin is clearly quick profit for himself as I explained in one of my comments in this thread.
Dan seems to retreat out of his projects, especially STEEM and Bitshares.
Regarding EOS I still do not know or care much.
His retreats can be explained and excused by his need to concentrate on his next projects.
Dan's projects seem like good ideas implemented badly, and instead of caring about correcting their implementations, he cashes out.

Hello @stimialiti,

There are many things wrong, and I wouldn't even know where to begin. I think that everyone is split up too much and it's too difficult to recover. I don't know much about Dan, so I won't talk about him. I feel like if everyone tried to make Steemit a better place together, things like this would not happen as much.

Thanks for sharing your views @shello. People finding Alternative to Steemit.

I just wrote an blog post about it:

Guess what?

What does this mean?

Did you vote for any witness at all?

Being a top 50 witness is a big honor and it also means that you are validating much more blocks thus also having bigger rewards.

I feel that having @nextgencrypto here is a really good thing for the platform as he is probably the only one caring and showing the problems that steemit have right now.

You're so nice for commenting on this post. For that, I gave you a vote!

Pleas what is going on

I think that was @rewardpoolrape proving a point about self voting. He would vote your comment and vote his own with a higher vote power. Something like a protest. I had the same thing happen to a few of my comments ;-)

You are actually creating the most interesting content on steemit right now :)

@berniesanders Content is real. Not just random BS. He is showing what could make it better. How do we even know if haejin doesn't have 500 bots writing random things & upvoting his post?

I made a chart just like haejin & I'm not getting hundreds of upvotes. I even have triangles, squares, & the moon on mine.


no man!! - you forgot to sceenshot the market indicators and place it behind all that, that's why you areen't hitting the figures yet!

That seems like a lot of work to make $1000 each time I would post that every two hours.

Ya know, I just try to tell it like I see it.

Shit around here is fucked, and people need to wake up before it's too late. I'm not usually the "doom and gloom" type, but people need to step up around here.

But who can do anything about it?
Whales come together?
@haejin makes more on 1 day bullshit on steemit than I do on a month of fulltime work. Something aint right!


Competition as in several spamming 10 posts about "guess the number" each day and the people on steemit rewards them like crazy for it?

It's a free market, who's to judge?

We are.

It's not a free market. It's closer to a gift economy. We have been collectively given a gift and told to spend it. We all are responsible to judge in how that gift is spent. Downvotes and upvotes are a mechanism of that responsibility.

Sounds like the argument against the global warming alarmists, raised by the guy who has a rocket to propel him and his family to mars when the proverbial material hits the big fan ;-)

Sent @nextgencrypto a message on discord. I'm about to cast my vote for what it's worth.

@berniesanders how do I get a negative rep - it's so special - I want one too ;-)

Seriously though, I didn't know big politicians were on steemit and I came to know about it on one of the haejin arguments, but I like what you are standing for. I trust that sanity and intelligence will eventually prevail here. It would be a great thing to see.

@dan should come back and @ned should resign?

@ned should at least grow a pair. Does anyone have a clue WTF he has been doing? I surely haven't seen shit happening, especially given all that Steem they're holding onto.

They have been powering down the @steemit account, so that's doing something.


And hey, there was that nauseating fanboyfest a few months back. And a dog park! So don't be so negative, man.

Also, if you watch his photos very closely, you can tell he's been eating a lot.

I'm wondering how the 5.5 million Steem that was powered down this morning by the steemit acccount is going to be used. Hopefully for the good of the platform.

@Ned waiting for SMT's to make him a billionaire

That and he's following @sweetsssj around trying to cornhole her.

That and he's following @sweetsssj around trying to cornhole her.

Thx, I just spit my beer over my keyboard... :(


That is the highest compliment anyone can pay a satirist. Thank you.

I wrote a letter to you.. if you have time I request you to read.

@dan is busy building EOS. He's moved on to bigger and better things. He ain't coming back!

not gonna happen, we need fresh blood.

Especially it looks funny today when technical analysis of @haejin looks as a total bullshit. Really so many graphics showing how altcoins will go to the moon ? I have nothing against his theories, but usd 500 upvotes for post every hour, very sad situation.

I did my part... Only lasted a couple of minutes, but still.

how can a minnow be a whale? Dolphin also accepted:)) anyway, yes i got the point but maybe more authors get attention to this. it may be solve..

I could not get myself to upvote you, but had to resteem this.
I already have regrets, and with resteems being irreversible, I already knew that STEEM is fucked.

It is simple:
Recently dan is liquidating more than all of the witnesses do, and cares about the price in the short term while he is trying to sell his stake and therefore he tries to guarantee himself the highest prices.

The witnesses and you act like STEEM is sustainable, while you (singular) make it unsustainable with your automated accounts.

Dan shouldn't have been forced out.

That said, the real problem on the platform is that the minnows and dolphins are not voting.

People don't need to downvote anyone - if you see abuse, go upvote someone else and that will have the same effect as downvoting the bad guy (because the fixed rewards redistribute). And that way you won't get into any flag wars and revenge downvoting.

If the majority of users on this platform don't vote, that hands power to teh whales who do. Unfortunately a mindset has arisen where people hope other people vote for them, but they don't bother to vote for anyone themselves.

what to do ?


Bernie is for the people, you always have been! I remember late 2016 when you used to help people all the time on this platform...I get why you're jaded. The balance of power on steemit is a mess, I hope this shit can get sorted...maybe just by people acting human.

Nice one, @dan! As we can see, you both still have something really important in common:

May many more of the good whales be with us!

upgoated @nextgencrypto . Bernie for steem witness nr# 1.

The problem with the whole thing is

People fundamentally don't understand the reward pool

The more you try to explain it to the followers, the less they understand it and keep coming to his defense.

They have no idea that he is taking rewards out of their pocket. I want to make a post.... maybe I will make a post, Reward Pool for dummies or some such nonsense.

Ultimately, Dan cares because he created it. I do wonder how he feels about the way things look now. I guess it is good that he is able to take some of the lessons learned from the Steem experiment and try to do it better. We'll see how that all turns out.

This is just such a cluster....

I think you should make a post about this and I will definitely resteem it. A better understanding of how daily rewards are finite will do everyone some good. This is a big problem, but current methods at a fix are not working

It is done... I figured I would avoid any copy write issues by calling it "The Reward Pool for Morons". See because then it isn't an idiots guide. Hahaha

I tried to explain the reward pool by comparing it to a bid bot. I'm not going to Sully Bernie's post with a self promoting link drop, but it is easy enough to find if you click on my name. 😎

Something needs to be done, but the name calling and keyboard warrior mentality approach is not working. How about joining the discussion with other top witnesses that @aggroed has organized?
I am 100% behind you with the idea that the reward pool abuse needs to be addressed, I just think that in the digital world where people aren't actually communicating face to face, mudslinging will not accomplish the intended goals

As much as I respect what @aggroed is attempting to do, I have nothing to say to a group who really is doing nothing but sitting around talking and collecting rewards.

You know what's hilarious. @aggroed has already had a discussion with @themarkymark. You know what @aggroed kept saying to him? He kept telling what @themarkymark was doing everything wrong, but anytime @themarkymark asked @aggroed what he was going to do @aggroed just put the doing back on @themarkymark. @aggroed never once in the entire conversation said this is what WE should do as witnesses.

The below quote is why he @aggroed has no interest in doing anything for the good of Steemit. He's just sitting back and collecting rewards by not making any waves.

I have nothing to say to a group who really is doing nothing but sitting around talking and collecting rewards.

Alright, then on to the next option, what do you have in mind? I'm all for ideas and exploring new solutions, but what is currently happening is not working


Totally @aggroed's M.O. - Put the blame on everybody but himself, then disappear for another week while his mods do his shit work for him. Been there, done that, he's a fake.

Right, so then what solution can you bring to the table? The flag war approach doesn't seem to be dissuading people, nor do I see an actual method to your madness. Closing discussion channels is not going to help. I can see you're frustrated as fuck and I hear you, but this current approach is not working

That little @aggroed t-party is a red carpet for elitist show offs, not an agency for change. All talk and no action. But hey, he delegates and spews wishy washy new age bs to his cult, so there's that.

It is possible that it is just a whale circle jerk, but why not join the discussion and at least brainstorm and get some ideas out there? Currently there are no other people out there creating a platform where people can have a live discussion/debate on the correct path forward, so in and of itself, that's better than nothing

LOL, well first off I built msp-waves, and resigned from it and left PAL over crap like this, but every single steemitizen of ANY size or account age is welcome to come on the air every sunday during the 5.5 hour Steemitizens of Steem show on SteemStar Network. There are whales and also the tiniest minnows there all together, like it SHOULD be, without any pompous assholes thinking only certain account sizes or connected influences with the right friends should be welcome. So there's that. ;)

I am not saying they are the only people out there talking about it, I am saying they are high level leaders who have more than just a lot of SP to actually put words into action. Whether they do that or not is a different problem. And when I say create a platform I only mean, having a live discussion, I don't see other users using skype, zoom, whatsapp etc to have a conversation about this. Or at least I have not been made aware of it. When you have a lot of top witnesses involved it is a sign that at least they are aware that the problem exists

LOL, come see the dozen plus witnesses that roll in steemstar and youarehope discord, they are the ones ACTUALLY doing things... The ones you are talking about have been talking about themselves for a long time, but I rarely see any action that doesn't benefit their little clique. It's a show man, and you're watching it, and you know, meanwhile, there are those of us actually DOING things for the world and the platform. You should do more investigation into who IS doing stuff and who is merely talking about it for self promotion. It's super frustrating to keep hearing about them, when I know what I built that radio station for, and how many thousands of hours of labor and dollars I put into doing so to support those fancy talking "leaders" you are so enamored of, but truth is, nearly a year later, and if you aren't in their little club, they haven't done SQUAT for you.

I am enamored to no one on this platform, I simply want to find a solution to this current problem, and one way to do that is by having a discussion. I am not a big member of PAL nor do I actively communicate with the leaders so you are probably more knowledgable about what they do and don't do. That being said, I want to stop the reward pool abuse and ultimately I support Bernies efforts, I just think the methods and approach he is currently using are futile and maybe it would be good to explore other avenues.

If you think there are no other people out there, it speaks volumes about the noise that the group in question is making, sadly though, there is very little action behind it. It's why I resigned and left the group that produces those charades in the first place. I gave them that venue and they have made it useless.

sorry sir, in terms of comments i can not accept. once again apologize best wishes always to steemit pak community

Damn i really cant keep up with the bot voting drama and the rewardpool rape drama. This site is giving me intersting content for sure!

As a Steemit noob, I must admit that it seems as though there is a very small # of people who have such weight that they can post whatever crap they want and just pump their posts to make money for themselves. It's quite discouraging to see so much poor content ranking so high compared to all of the smaller accounts that are putting out useful and well-though-out posts.

Kinda just like that pesky real world where you can excel via excellence or chicanery or both. Welcome to the game, complain, or win, that's your choice here.

I guess scammers are uniting. Haven't seen @zeartul in a while.

Every vote is helpful for every witness right? regardless of the user's stake i.e lowest of the lowest. Because I think, minnows should be supporting someone like you who defends for the good of steem and its mostly low stake users.

I have been analyzing the work of this person (Haejin) and the truth of all your analysis, 15% have given results, I think they are paying someone to do nothing: D.

Yes, it's ridiculous @berniesanders

vote @nextgencrypto for witness. But unfortunately couldn't clear image.

I registered on steemit a long time after @dan had left. It took me a while to catch with the history. Wish we still had him here :(

Even you care,but with more passionately, wish everyone could digest your unbiased frankness.

yes it's true, just like whale for whales, witness for witnesses.

minnow for minnows.


We really need to be working together, you and I, NGC. Not sure why you don't see we are on the same side in things bud.

Thanks for making steemit a place worth staying @berniesanders

Well for me the English spoken in this post is just too much, can someone just summary in just one sentence what all this English is about. thanks

Great work you guys!!

Screen Shot 2018-01-17 at 1.06.09 PM.png

Bernie check out my material.
I also do TA on a daily basis and from an elliot wave perspective, but from an educational perspective.

You know I thought you were being quite the hot head. Well, you were, BUT, I also watched my rewards dwindle down.

Also, because of the rewards pool abuse, my current minnow upvote went from 0.04 to 0.02.

Is @haejin that important that I'm supposed to be okay with half my upvote being stripped away because this false prophet wants more money?

I can see now why you were pissed. I can see now why you flipped out. I too am getting pissed off as all the rewards for every post I've made this week dwindles down.

Voted for nextgen

Yup! you're absolutly right

I hope the abuser repents and changes his ways

@berniesanders, so for clarification, a witness not only runs a steem node but together they are also the ones the decide how the nodes are configured and how the source code is run/implemented correct? Or am I wrong here. Like if the witnesses decided, they could change the source code of the steem blockchain (of coarse they would have to have consensus amongst them)

Anyways the reason I bring this up is that if you become one of the top 20 witnesses (as the top 20 are the main witnesses and then the next x are backup etc) then wouldn't you be able to do more to change steem for the better than what can be done by flagging? I mean if you could convince other witnesses to join in with your cause?

No, witnesses can't really do what you say, other than via personality influence more or less, as getting a consensus between the top twenty to change the code is extremely unlikely. I say this as witness #77 who had been higher and lower and understands what witnesses can and cannot do pretty well.

But if people all band together and voted for witnesses that have similar agreeances on subjects like these then consensus could happen. Your argument also makes little sense considering I stated in my comment (which is unedited) that consensus would be needed for change to happen like this

more to the point, as stated on wiki

"A hard fork is a change to a cryptocurrency protocol that makes previously invalid blocks/transactions valid, and therefore requires all users / software to upgrade.[1] It could be any alteration to a coin which changes the block structure (including block hash), difficulty rules, or increases the set of valid transactions. You can think of a hard fork as a change of rules.

Free and open source software may be legally forked without prior approval of those currently developing, managing, or distributing the software. In free software, forks often result from a schism over different goals or personality clashes. In a fork, both parties assume nearly identical code bases, but typically only the larger group, or whoever controls the Web site, will retain the full original name and the associated user community.[2]

The Steem Blockchain has an innovative Witness-based system that allows improvements to be made to the protocol more rapidly than other blockchain protocols. All that is necessary for a Steem hardfork is for the top 20 witnesses, who are chosen by the users, to adopt the changes based on their assessment that the code is bug-free and does not pose a threat to the security of the blockchain." -

So yeah, your concept is correct, but actually getting 20 like minded witnesses and getting them all to agree to a specific hardfork, which first must be coded, and proposed, is like, well, good luck. It takes a DRASTIC hardfork to get that kind of buy in and even then, there is lots of angst. We have had 19 hardforks so far, and each time, it causes much adjustment around here. For better or for worse. But your ideal of getting all altruistic witnesses into the top 20, is effectively about as possible as changing a nation's politics without guns.

yeah, in theory, that's how national politics work too in allegedly democratic countries, based on consensus, how's that working for you?

You really are the biggest hypocrite on Steemit aren't you?

You are making more than @haejin with all your scammy activities!

We know which accounts are yours.

@eatsrewards - Constantly upvoting and commenting people so that you can, in turn, upvote the comment with your bot accounts.

Then there is the ever big @rewardpool rape that comments on comments and also gets upvoted! Self voting king you are!

Currently, @rewardpoolrape made more SBD than @haejin for the last week! Over 1000SBD for doing nothing!

At least he is sharing some info where you are just passively sitting back and raping the pool with the money you made from upvote bots. Have you no shame?!

YES YES. I know this will get flagged by you, simply because you do not want others to see your dodgy activity on Steemit while you accuse others of doing the same. COWARD