I ran your 2-word sample passwords through https://howsecureismypassword.net (sponsored by Dashlane) and compared them to you LogMeOnce results:
LogMeOnce > password chain
< HowSecureIsMyPassword
6 days > cursecharm
< 59 minutes
97 billion years > eigenvectorconfused
< 607 million years
12 years > flirtbleakly
< 4 weeks
8000 years > luxuryfrontier
< 51 years
I appreciate these services are only a guide, but there's a massive difference in ROI between 12 years and 4 weeks where the first wouldn't be worth the effort, the latter seriously would.
What I'm saying is that anything that says cursecharm
is sufficient as a password is pretty dubious. I ran a little straw man test through HowSecureIsMyPassword. Each password is 10 characters:
59 minutes
59 minutes
1 month
4 days
1 year
6 months
...and if you use non-keyboard characters like ¤ or °:
500 years
3000 years
3000 years
As you can see all pigs are equal, but some pigs are more equal to others. Also worth bearing in mind is the processing power of today's GPUs compared to what that will be in just 12 or 24 months. Today's correcthorsebatterystaple
is tomorrow's correcthorse
PS. correcthorsebatterystaple
would be cracked almost instantly - it's in every password list on earth!
PPS. correcthorsebatterystaple!
may not be, so it would be cracked in a paltry 678 sextillion years!