Hello everyone,
I am excited to invite you to yet another fun evening with the campusgistars community: A group of hivers on campus all over the world.
Today is Friday and am pretty excited because its a good time to vibe with everyone on songs and happenings around their campuses.
You should expect a fun packed show with a lot of African music.
Its also a time to welcome new hivers to the block chain.
Students would also tell us happenings around their campuses.
Then comes the couples weekly affairs, girls/ladies are allowed to pick a date amongst the men in the server for a one week blind date.
This will happen after the couples for last week would. have shared their experiences.We would have Novena gist as our host tonight along side @iconnellys
Everyone is also allowed to pick a song that suits the groove, I hope to see you there today.
Join us on campusgistars fm tonight by 8:30pm west African time via our link: https://discord.gg/UcQGarEy
Campusgistars: A place to connect all students on campus all around the world.
written by @iconnellys