My Story With Partiko

in #partiko7 years ago

The days on Steemit were long and dark before the Partiko app. Using the desktop version of the website with its dysfunctional search query, never getting sound notifications when someone replied or voted on posts……so many users losing hope due to not getting any activity points, and not understanding the overly complex system…..darkness became normalized.

Every time I went out with my trusty iPhone, I had to leave Steemit behind because the site was not easy to use on mobile, and the available Steem apps were not user-friendly and really they didn’t work well at all, all of them clumsy and amateurish…….these were the dark days………… felt very anti-social on a so-called social media site…..

The dark clouds continued gathering strength and formed a thick cover, almost completely blocking the sunshine. Users crumbled under the weight of the thick unfriendly clouds and the careless structure of the steemit platform, no activity points were programmed, and the whales getting fatter from bidbots, everyone having to buy upvotes………….this continued on, day after day, week after week, month after month…year after dismal year……

So disheartened by the absence of a clean, fast and beautiful Steem mobile app, I lost all hope for the future of the Steem platform gaining mainstream appeal. Even the most average of ants knows that mainstream adoption of decentralized social media needs a fast and good mobile app. Without a decent mobile app, Steem would never grow into any meaningful size, unless DLive took over and redefined Steem as a substitute for YouTube.

The dense and idiotic clouds continued their ugly descent into Steem’s protective atmosphere…….as more and more users abandoned the site, plunging the Alexa ranking further down and down.

Until one day, a tiny ray of sunshine broke through the dense clouds in the form of a small autonomous canoe which came from Silicon Valley……

But who was this person in the canoe?

The canoe contained a talented, humble and friendly AiRBNB programmer named His mission was to create a fast and beautiful app for the Steem blockchain…… He was determined to get it right and to make users feel good with earning activity points..

He came without trumpets or tuxedos, without whistles or music, without confetti or tinfoil. He came without warning, he came without demands. He came bearing gifts from a land far away, where pelicans dance and technonauts sail on programmed ponds.

He came with his trusty paddles which he so deftly wielded, carving out Swift movements and native Android strokes into the rough and amateur-hour Steem seas, which had confounded so many others before him.

I was browsing mindlessly though the bot-upvoted shitposts on the trending page one day last week, and I began noticing comments all over the Steemitverse that said, “Posted using Partiko Android”.

I began to get curious, so I decided to download the app and give it a try. After using the Partiko app for several minutes, I was immediately blasted by a powerful sun ray, which tore through the dark atmosphere, and bore a tiny hole into my brain.

I looked out the window to discover a bright and happy sun looking directly at me. I couldn’t believe my eyes!

“THIS IS IT!” I exclaimed.


I went to the rooftops, mountaintops and bell towers, and blasted this message with all my might into the ethers…………only to realize that everyone was too busy paying the bidbots to even take notice of my epic missive……

But even though my memo was not received by the big fish, it was still the start of a new day, with users feeling happy, content and engaged.

Partiko gave people hope, in the form of activity points, +10 points for logging in each day, +30 points for creating a post and +10 points for commenting on other people’s posts. Without these activity points, Steem is a dull, depressing experience for 99% of the people.

The yellow sun inspired me to start a project to help users feel the sunshine again…….and the project name is Banana Program, which helps to introduce new users to Partiko, and to combat boredom and isolation. This program was inspired by the Partiko app. It’s unofficially sponsored by the @stupid account.

To participate in the Banana Program, read the rules and follow @stellabelle:


Posted using Partiko iOS


Wow that is a pretty super extra strong recommendation!

Personally I'm not a big fan of (1) the first tag being #partiko and (2) the sign off "Posted using Partiko iOS / Android". Also I do not trust mobile apps, they often abuse their permissions privileges but I do have a special device for them... so I might try it out.

It uses Steem Connect.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Look, the rest of the apps suck. It was after I saw the reviews in Google Play and the AppStore that I realized something unusually good was happening. I also talked to the developer in a private chat. I learned that he works for AirBNB.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Probably keep that to yourself, I'm sure they signed a non-compete clause.

Yea you're right I mean it's obvious, I'm just not ready yet and I don't like SC. Maybe I should make one myself!

Actually that’s public knowledge as i think it was mentioned in an interview with the developer

Posted using Partiko iOS

Okay that's good, hopefully they though it through.

Also, Partiko doesn’t take a cut of the rewards.

Posted using Partiko iOS

That's a positive.

Great stuff. Those dark days are over. So is boredom. Partiko has made the sun shine again.

Partiko is the Usain Bolt of the steemit app. I have it on my android phone and stuff blazes even with the notorious slow network that the GSM ISP providers are known to dish out in my country.

Posted using Partiko Android

What’s Usain mean? Hahahaha my story is a fairy tale, how will it end?

Posted using Partiko iOS

Usain is one of the fastest runner in the history of fast runners :)

I think it'd end by Partiko being one of the best app to grace the sphere of steemit. I like how fast it rocks.

Posted using Partiko Android

Me too. I would not be here blogging without it

Posted using Partiko iOS

People find steemit a little bit cumbersome to use, I bet with apps of this nature, it becomes easier to onboard new users. I like how user-friendly it is, I like being able to see my remaining voting power when I click the upvote button.

Posted using Partiko Android


Posted using Partiko iOS

I like the points. I hate to waste my energy so the points are actually critical for users both new and old alike

Posted using Partiko iOS

Yes, it does make it a more fun app to use. I still can't believe how fast and seamless the app is. They optimised the heck outta it :)

Posted using Partiko Android

banana program is a interesting program.i already join it @stellabelle

Posted using Partiko Android

Wow @stellabelle

First of ALL that was a very TOUCHING and HEART felt read... (kuddos😘)

Second of ALL I appreciate how much effort and research you have gathered regarding the CREATOR of the @Partiko App! (HE IS A WINNER 😎👉🏆)

Third your 3 photos showing your BEFORE and AFTER is ingenious! (I TRULY felt the same BEFORE 😧👎and AFTER 👍😃)

Awesome Post 👍👍😎

Resteem...Posted using Partiko Android

Thanks for your exuberant reply

Posted using Partiko iOS


I @frankcapital NOMINATE @stellabelle for #partiko-partners PROGRAM!!!

Posted using Partiko Android

Thanks for the mention but I think it’s best that I stay independent. I have a notorious short attention span and also am unpredictable but I live this app

Posted using Partiko iOS