Starting the Business Must be Optimistic. (Memulai Usaha itu harus Optimis)

in #partiko7 years ago (edited)


Have confidence and hope in doing a job. Without the ​confidence to achieve success it is very difficult. The pessimist is not part of the entrepreneur. The pessimist belongs to a lazy person who is always afraid of the risks of doing something. Confidence will lead us to learn a lot about what we will do.

Milikilah kenyakinan dan harapan dalam melakukan sebuah pekerjaan. Tanpa keyakinan untuk meraih keberhasilan itu sangat susah. Pesimis itu bukan bagian dari pengusaha. Pesimis itu milik orang malas yang selalu takut akan resiko untuk melakukan sesuatu. Kenyakinan akan membawa kita untuk banyak belajar terhadap hal yang akan kita lakukan.

Learning is the main thing that needs to be done to start a business. If you want to do a duck breeding business, then learn about the cultivation of ducks. This is very necessary to make the effort that we run successfully.

Belajar adalah hal utama yang perlu dilakukan untuk memulai usaha. Bila anda ingin melakukan usaha peternakan bebek, maka belajarlah tentang budidaya bebek. Hal ini sangat perlu dilakukan agar usaha yang kita jalankan berhasil dengan baik.


In addition to learning, discipline is needed in running a business. Without discipline, hope for success will be difficult. Run a business activity in accordance with what you have planned. Perform monitoring and evaluation to see how far your business plan has been running. The evaluation​n also serves to make improvements when there is a failure in running a business.

Selain belajar, kedisiplinan sangat diperlukan dalam menjalan sebuah usaha. Tanpa kedisiplinan harapan untuk sukses akan sulit. Jalankan aktivitas usaha sesuai dengan apa yang telah anda rencanakan. Lakukan monitoring dan evaluasi untuk melihat sejauh mana rencana usaha anda telah berjalan. Evaluasi juga berfungsi untuk melakukan perbaikan bila ada kegagalan dalam menjalankan usaha.

Posted using Partiko Android


As a follower of @followforupvotes this post has been randomly selected and upvoted! Enjoy your upvote and have a great day!

Good post brother upvote for you, be teman jumpa Lagi makasi banyak saya dari Bangladesh

Posted using Partiko Android

Terima kasih.

OK Do you have to clip their wings. if not what keeps them from flying away and migrate with the other ducks

I dont know @wolfhart. Maybe they are swim

Hummm good deal. well done I must say. Keep them happy and they stay put. Thats a nice thing you got going there. good luck and best wishes to you.