I didn't tag you or mention you in this post so you must be following me pretty damn closely. #fanboy
Posted using Partiko Android
I didn't tag you or mention you in this post so you must be following me pretty damn closely. #fanboy
Posted using Partiko Android
Oh yeah, my life revolves around you.
So it seems. You care very deeply about my blog or why downvote it? :) You've spent considerable time, energy, rc credits and downvote power, all dedicated to me! You're my number 1 fan. You have personally replied to my posts more than anyone else. Congratulations! ;)
Posted using Partiko Android
I assure you I am not, it is all automated, like your dumb spam bots. I also assure you my VP and RCs are not even remotely exhausted from it, it is not even noticeable.
Just proof that no one gives a damn about your spam and milking.
Oh, you're still here? Was this reply also automated? You like my bots. You give them love too. I think I'll introduce you to a few more.