1.)Stop posting and commenting with this account. Only resteem with all the accounts you do not want to loose. No post, no comments, no reply. Make 20-30 new accounts. post all SWAPSTEEM related posts on all of them. once these account have negative reputation, create 30 new accounts. work with the #swapsteem tag so people can always find you. He will get tired of flagging you soon. He will find other targets he wants to flag and drop you with time. Plan B) make only very few but excellent posts about your Swapsteem project and use @smartsteem service to push your posts into trending
1.)Stop posting and commenting with this account. Only resteem with all the accounts you do not want to loose. No post, no comments, no reply. Make 20-30 new accounts. post all SWAPSTEEM related posts on all of them. once these account have negative reputation, create 30 new accounts. work with the #swapsteem tag so people can always find you. He will get tired of flagging you soon. He will find other targets he wants to flag and drop you with time. Plan B) make only very few but excellent posts about your Swapsteem project and use @smartsteem service to push your posts into trending