If you want the white cards instead I can send you a SILVERSHIELD KNIGHT and a SILVERSHIELD WARRIOR...just send back the 2 red cards I sent you earlier...I will leave I up to you!
Posted using Partiko Android
If you want the white cards instead I can send you a SILVERSHIELD KNIGHT and a SILVERSHIELD WARRIOR...just send back the 2 red cards I sent you earlier...I will leave I up to you!
Posted using Partiko Android
That sounds cool too! It would put me a bit closer to actually playing, so that's probably better. I'll send them back in second. :)
Got them and sent you 2 white cards.
Posted using Partiko Android
Heck, yes! Thank you again. Hopefully I don't have to use them against you in a tournament some day. That would be awkward. ;)
Its ALL good mate!
Easy and fun trading cards with one another!
Looks like the battle wont start until mid OCT.
Posted using Partiko Android