description: This woody vine branches occasionally and can reach 50' in length. Boston Ivy can easily climb tree bark, wooden fences, concrete masonry, and brick or stone walls. In the absence of such supportive surfaces, it sprawls across the ground. The lower stems of mature vines are brown and woody; they can span several inches across and form small brown rootlets that can cling to various surfaces. The upper stems are hairless and vary in color from green to bright orange-red; they produce branched tendrils that have suckers at their tips. These suckers are shaped like small disks and can cling to various surfaces as well. Immature plants that are beginning to develop have trifoliate leaves. However, mature plants produce simple alternate leaves along their stems. The mature leaves span up to 6" long and across (excluding the petioles). They are cordate-oval, palmately lobed (usually with 3 lobes), and crenate or slightly undulate along the margins. Their upper surface is medium to dark green, hairless, and rather shiny. Young leaves of mature plants are similar, except they are yellowish green and coarsely dentate along the margins. The petioles of these leaves are long and slender; they are usually light green, but may become bright orange-red during the fall.
Older Leaves of Mature Vine
Occasionally, cymes of flowers are produced from the axils of the leaves. Each cyme can span up to 4" across and long. Each yellowish green flower is about ¼" across, consisting of 5 green petals, 5 stamens with yellow anthers, and a central pistil. The sepals are absent or insignificant. The blooming period occurs during the summer and lasts about 2-3 weeks. The flowers are usually well-hidden in the foliage. Each fertilized flower can produce a juicy berry about 1/3" (8 mm.) long that contains 1-3 seeds. The berries are dark blue with a whitish bloom and globoid in shape; their stalks are yellowish green, brownish green, or dull orange-red. The root system consists of a stout woody taproot.
Cultivation: Boston Ivy prefers full sun to light shade, slightly moist to slightly dry conditions, and a fertile loamy soil to support its rampant growth. It will tolerate soil containing clay or stony material. Flowers and berries are more likely to be produced if there is some exposure to sunlight.
Range & Habitat: While commonly planted as an ornamental vine, the non-native Boston Ivy has rarely naturalized in the wild in Illinois. According to official records, it has naturalized in Hancock and Kane counties; the webmaster has observed escaped plants within the city of Urbana, Champaign County (see Distribution Map). Habitats include areas along railroadsCluster of Ripe Berries (including the gravel ballast) and areas along bridges. Boston Ivy is originally from East Asia. It is rather surprising that this introduced vine hasn't naturalized in more areas of the state, as it is a rampant grower and produces berries readily. However, some cultivars may be more productive of flowers and berries than others.