Someone's writing posts that I don't like and they're getting too many rewards for them. That takes rewards away from other people. What should I do?
a. Get motivated and start writing better and more frequent posts.
b. Go out and vote for a bunch of other posts that I think are better quality.
c. Collaborate with other authors and editors to improve the quality of competition.
d. Come up with some other innovative idea to constructively earn a larger share of the rewards pool.
e. Go on a vigilante flag and propaganda campaign to squash innovation and bully that other author into posting less.
I just can't decide. Please help.
Or, option F...find a safe space!
LOL to the point, and resteemed
Lulz... upvoted and resteemed
Realise you have poor taste, and poor decision making ability. Votes go to where they are deserved. Your request for help in making a decision, implies poor decision making ability. Assign your vote to a robot. The robot will also have poor taste and poor decision making ability, but will provide you with more free time and less angst.
Use the extra time and lower degree of angst to devoting effort to understanding the taste of the masses. As a first step toward understanding the masses, realise that including photos of kittens in your post will gain you many more upvotes than a sensible and informative article you spent two days of your time editing.
ColdMonkey mines Gridcoin through generating BOINC computations for science.
Hmm...that's a tough one.
I think the correct answer is 'e.' Right?