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RE: I am a Lioness, Hear me Roar

in #parenting7 years ago

When my kids were growing up there were a couple kids that were growing up to fast for their age. I use to keep minimal exposure to them around my kids. It was much easier because they didn't live next door and I drove my kids to the other side of town to go to school. Sometimes there isn't much one can do especially if the parents don't care. Somethings you just have to let go of and that's not coming easy being a person who always seemed to have someone else come along that guided me where my parents neglected to do so. My son meant a women who had a five year old son, he was five going on fifteen when he came to live here. Most his life his grandmother had him and they drifted around from here to there. I use to have to go get him from kindergarten and I'd hide my face under my hood so no one who knew me in the neighborhood connected with the kindergarten hoodlum. It's been a rough ride for sure. After this past summer I thought he was closing the gap, maybe eight going on eleven hanging around the other grand kids and learning he's really suppose to be a kid and what being a kid really is. I don't know, lately though I've become more frustrated that he seems to be keener about his manipulations and it's frustrating. I guess I see him and how he manipulates my grandson whom his mom and my son have together. A couple weeks ago I picked him up from school and the teacher came over to the car and said she tried to call mom and got no answer and wanted me to tell her that it's been a rough week with him, she said not that's it hasn't been a rough year just that this week seemed more so. I looked at her and said consider yourself lucky, it's been a rough four years and that's every month of the year I don't get a summer break. I told her I'd tell mom but I couldn't guarantee it'd go in one ear and out the other. He's needs counseling really bad so I decided when it warms up a bit I'd find a reason to stand around with her and see if we can't come up with something to get that going. I know it's hard to say but sometimes even kids can scare us, it's been four years and I've seen this kid do some stuff and if he doesn't get some better intervention I hate to see what he could potentially do. It's heartbreaking because you can't even approach the situation with mom because she feels I am too hard on him. Hard on him as in picking him up from school and hearing how he flopped around on the floor all day and wouldn't shut up, or sometimes repeatedly getting out of his chair and running circles around the room laughing so when he'd get home I'd make him sit at the kitchen table until he got what he was suppose to do in school that day done. He'd sit there and cry and whine for two hours or more before realizing he just plain had to buckle down and get it done in order to get up and do whatever he wanted afterward. So yeah I am a bit worn out on it, totally frustrated and at a loss. I've come to the conclusion that he has the potential to destroy everything I've worked for to create a different path for my family to go down, I came from a really abusive family situation and most my brothers and sisters didn't make it, I wanted better for my family, I've practically given up my whole life to change the course and one tiny little kids comes along and puts its all in jeopardy. I am sorry about feeling that way but he could drag any of the other grand kids down with him in one stupid moment. Well I don't know if any of that helps you but I guess getting it off my chest a little probably helped relieve some of the vent up frustration I have, maybe for awhile just have the girl around when you can supervise their interactions and see how it goes. Sometimes the right influence helps and sometimes it wouldn't matter.


Wow thank you so much @sunlit7 for sharing your experience and wisdom with me. It is really difficult to watch your family in a situation like that. It sounds like this boy is really exhibiting alot of learnt behaviour and that he has big problems dealing with his emotions and expressing himself. I think you are right when you say there needs to be some intervention. It is hard to work through things with family because of all the emotions tied in with one another so it is always helpful to have someone from the outside who can guide and point things that are being overlooked or not dealt with. It is only natural you want to protect your family, this boy is part of that family too and is acting like this for a reason, it's about finding out why, so that you all can support one another.
Boundaries are important as well, for you and for him. I hope that you and your son and his partner/wife talk about this and start to look for ways to deal with this. I really feel like you could write more about this, it may help to bring you some release and a bit more clarity too. You should make and post as their is alot of supportive people on here. Let me know if you do and I can resteem it for you.

Thank you and I appreciate your support also. Yes I agree this is something that someone with some experience with children needs to come aboard on like a school counselor. I also think we may be at a turning point where his mom herself is doing some reflections upon his behaviors. At least the other day when she brought him over for me to babysit she brought his spelling words....I took that as she may be agreeing that he needs stern guidance to succeed and I wasn't being so awful after all. Let us hope right? If you see me around let me know what you decide about the girl and how that works out. Good luck.