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RE: My experience with not vaccinating my child

in #parenting8 years ago

Woah, the amount of anti-vaccine sentiment on this thread is a little frightening.

Because of choices such as yours (which are still within your legal right), we are having breakouts of diseases we once thought almost eradicated completely. Measles, Mumps, Whooping cough - all returning in outbreaks.

ecentrally, do you take other safety precautions with your child? Safety belt?
Car seat? Wipe and clean things when they get dirty?

What is so different with a vaccine?


Hi, thanks for your response. I too am surprised by the number of people who share my views. I truly thought that I would be in a very small minority.

In answer to your questions, yes I take my child's safety very seriously. It has not been an off the cuff decision. I've looked at both sides, but for now I'm happy with the decision to not vaccinate.

The difference with a vaccine when compared to a seat belt, in my opinion, is that it is not a one size fits all type of scenario we are dealing with. A vaccine for you would be exactly the same for me. They don't take into consideration family history of allergies, illness etc. My sister had a bad reaction and required a long stay in hospital due to it. She now has been diagnosed with MS which is an autoimmune disease. I can't say that it was caused by her allergic reaction to the vaccines but we can't rule it out either.
With that history in my family, and the fact that I myself have not been immunised, I couldn't say for sure if I'm allergic or if my daughter is.
So to me it's quite different to cleaning dirty toys or putting on a seatbelt. Those things can be undone, unlike damage that can potentially be caused by vaccines. I'm not willing to take that risk with my daughter.

These anti-vaxxers are idiots. Thanks to the polio vaccine, no one gets polio anymore. Thanks to the smallpox vaccine, no one gets smallpox anymore. I support their right to not get vaccines, but they don't have the right to send their kids to a school that says all kids have to be vaccinated. Where I live, if you want to send your kid to school, they have to get the shots.

Can you imagine what life would be like if they had not invented a polio vaccine?

That's not why polio disappeared. That's what they told everyone so that they will get vaccines. Consider the source:
30 years from now when the DNA chain is ruined from vaccinators. They will be looking for non vaccinated people to repopulate. It's a game of who is smart enough to avoid the traps.

"The science behind vaccinations has long been proven to be completely ineffective." Total BS, like the entire article. Why anyone would believe this is beyond me.

I don't think anyone could watch that video and still think vaccines are some sort of conspiracy to "lead people to the slaughterhouse". Your mind is made up. You are playing Russian Roulette with your children's lives. The BBC (which isn't American, of course) is the most respected news source on the planet. No man is an island. The time will come sooner or later when you will need "the healthcare system".

They believe it because it is the truth. Anyway this is such a controversial topic that I will just leave it here. Have a good day, my friend!

The Polio Story - The Vaccine That Changed the World

The increase in human lifespan is due to vaccines. This is from the BBC.

In thirty years, many non-vaccinated kids will be dead.

To clarify- as long as un-vaccinated kids are surrounded by other kids who DO have vaccinations, they are protected by "herd immunity". There is no way for the infection to spread if most kids are vaccinated. However if an un-vaccinated kid goes to a place where many other people aren't vaccinated, watch out. Also if the level of other unvaccinated kids reaches a high level, it will also be a problem. Unvaccinated kids benefit from everyone else getting vaccinations. If your kid is unvaccinated, I would be careful about going to airports and other places where there are crowds of people from other places.

Off course BBC WILL PUT THIS VIDEO OUT. They want people to believe in the vaccines and get them. It is herd to the slaughterhouse. They world is overpopulated my man. The damage that vaccines cause is also well documented. This is part of the plan for think g out the masses. Have you seen the georgia guide stones? It's a bigger plan at work here. Don't you believe in your body, your immune system. It's criminal that you think it's ok to pump a human body full of toxic chemical like mercury and cells of aborted babies, let along children. Those small defenseless bodies being altered before they have had a chance to develop naturally.

I hope more countries follow the actions of Sweden on vaccines. I believe in pro choice. Even though I don't like some choices people make. I still believe they have the right to make them. The fact that vaccinators feel the need to force everyone like. "Herd" to do something is MAJOR red flag. That not the kind of world we should be living in my friend.

Dig a little deeper with the facts. Look for third party studies. Not backed by big pharma dollars. They want you sick and dependent on their healthcare system. Self sufficiency is POWER! Love over fear.