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RE: My experience with not vaccinating my child

in #parenting8 years ago

I think the problem arose because I allowed them to do some but not others. For instance, I didn't feel it was necessary for my child to have a flu shot because they're not always completely effective and I wasn't going to be putting him in daycare. I also didn't think a hepatitis shot was necessary because I wasn't anticipating my 3mo old to become an intravenous drug user. Both of these were administered without my knowledge. Yes, I did sign off on the papers but I had made it clear that I wasn't interested in having him vaccinated for those things and they gave them to him anyway along with other shots after assuring me that they wouldn't be doing so.


That's so interesting and no, it doesn't sound crazy to me. It seems plausible.
My dad was a model citizen by those standards. He worked hard his entire life and died (from cancer) one day after he turned 65 which is retirement age here. He never claimed his pension as he didn't live long enough to do so.
I'm intrigued by the language/etymology you've referenced and I am going to look into it. Thanks for commenting.