I will never forget hearing those words..."ghosts are demons". I also had recently seen someone comment under a Youtube video about ghosts saying that ghosts are demons and she knew this because she "is a Christian" and that someday, "very soon" we will "all know the truth". Yes, you are right and I will be one of the ones to provide it to everyone right from the source that people, who have made such statements as the ones above, must have thoroughly studied! Yes...I am speaking about the Bible.
I was raised as a Lutheran Christian from Nursery School thru High School. Back then, my head was so thick you would have had to take a sledgehammer and beat me with it in order to get me out of the "I am right and you're wrong, because I am right" state of mind. The interesting thing was, I believed in ghosts whereas the Christian schools I went to told me that my paranormal work was "of the devil" and/or "ghosts are demons" as well as "ghosts don't exist".
After hearing this so many times, I thought it MUST be true. After all, teachers who have slips of paper saying that they graduated from courses that they spent years going through could not possibly get anything wrong right? I mean, just look at our scientists of today! None of the modern day scientists with their degrees have proven any of the past scientists who have degrees wrong on anything and none of the scientists of today prove other scientists that are still alive today wrong either, right?
Oh wait! They have proven others wrong and the same has happened to teachers and other professionals as well. Now of course scientists are of a different scenario than speaking about religious professionals, but many look up to scientists. A lot of people feel that if a scientist says it, it must be true because he has the degree. Same goes for a religious leader and/or teacher. They have the degree so they must be right and someone else with no degree or the same degree could not possibly prove any of them wrong. (I wonder what degree Christ had back in the day. Oh...that's right...there's no record of "degrees" back then. Might be a man made thing that was developed later down the line or something.)
I have studied the Bible. I have read multiple versions of it and compared each one to see the differences between them. A lot of the newer Bible's use the term "ghost" while the older ones use the term "spirit" in the same passages. Don't believe me? Go look for yourself! Let's get this out of the way. Contrary to the illogical belief in the paranormal field, GHOSTS ARE SPIRITS!!! They are the same darn thing! Let's stop complicating things!
Now take a look at these two verses below of two different versions of the Bible and LOOK AT VERSE 26 specifically.
Spirit: https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matthew+14%3A22-31&version=KJV
Ghost: https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matthew+14%3A22-31&version=NIV
Notice the changes in words? Funny! It's almost like ghosts and spirits are indirectly being considered the same thing.
Now about the whole "ghosts are demons" argument. For those of you who ACTUALLY have read your Bible, did you see what Christ said about ghosts? Let's take a look at not one, but get this...TWO...YES...TWO stories where Christ acknowledges ghosts.
Anyone remember when Christ walked on water towards a boat? His followers became frightened and thought he was a ghost. In that story Christ himself told them that he was not a ghost. Do you know what he did NOT do? He did NOT tell them that there are no such things as ghosts or that "ghosts are demons". But maybe Christ just forgot to tell the people on the boat that ghosts are demons and that ghosts don't exist, so he will probably tell his followers the next time they mistaken him as such again, right?
After Christ had risen, he went and visited some of his followers. In one incident the followers panicked and cried out that there was a ghost. Guess what Christ did. He said that he was not a ghost and that ghosts do not have flesh and bone. Do you know what Christ did NOT do...again?! He did NOT say that "ghosts don't exist" or "ghosts are demons". I guess the Christ must've forgotten to say this...again, but all of the certified professionals and others who have thoroughly studied their Bible's would NEVER put words in Christ's mouth right?
You are probably saying now "Ha! I got you! You are putting words in Christ's mouth.". Except that I am not. I am simply saying that Christ indirectly confirmed the existence of ghosts and that they are not demons by him explaining that ghosts do not have flesh or bone AND by not saying that "ghosts are demons" or "do not exist". He even verbally compared himself to a ghost to show the difference for goodness sake! The fact is, anyone who has read the Bible knows that Christ has always spoken in a way that always makes you think as opposed to giving you a direct answer. That is what good teachers do...they make you think for yourselves and not spoon feed you, but rather guide you instead.
FUN FACT: Many documentaries about Christ's post-resurrection leaves out the part about being mistaken as a ghost.
What REALLY happened:
Just let that sink in! Okay...back to the main topic.
Now as for the people who say, "but John everyone either goes to Heaven or Hell". Then why didn't Christ say this during those two incidents? Why did he not tell his followers that there could not be ghosts because they either go to heaven of hell and not remain on Earth?
The lessons here are simple...don't spew utter nonsense until you have properly done your research... AND... start thinking for yourself. STOP LETTING OTHERS THINK FOR YOU! God gave you the gift of being able to reason and gain skills to obtain knowledge. Don't let that gift go to waste! VERIFY WHAT OTHERS ARE TELLING YOU! Do not take everything that someone is telling as gospel.
BE SURE TO CHECK OUT OUR WEBSITE AT http://www.uiniresearch.com/
OWN YOUR COPY OF OUR FIRST BOOK: "PARANORMAL PUZZLE: SIGNS BEYOND THE VEIL". http://www.uiniresearch.com/Paranormal-Puzzle.html
Wow! Amazing! New follower here.
Revelation for many Ghost/Spirit
I have not followed any religion until four years ago i was an atheist in fact so have not been corrupted by religious teachers , scientists etc. I saw beyond this realm with my own eyes and started reading the Bible from nowhere and come to the obvious conclusion which is modern Bibles have been corrupted. The only Bible i care to read after much research is the KJV. I know for a fact after experiencing the demonic realm while trying to help a lady who asked for help to get away from a generational satanic cult. So it turnes out that the lady you mentioned at the start of this blog who stated there is no such thing as ghosts only demons is absolutely correct. Those who believe differently have fallen for one of the devils biggest lies and is probably demonised as many in this world are. God Bless You and i pray for your enlightment.
She is not correct and I had already proven in the above content WITH EVIDENCE. Just wanted to point the "with evidence" part since your comment where you say she is right and that you you pray for enlightenment contained ZERO evidence to disprove my claims. If you actually had researched like you said you did, you would've provided evidence which you didn't. I am sick and tired of people claiming to "research" but have nothing to show for it! Seeing the "realm" with your own eyes doesn't prove anything and the KJV which I have also used to research in comparison with other Bible's brings my point to the same conclusion which proves your analysis as incorrect. I won't deny that other Bible's haven't been corrupted as I have seen the many changes in other versions, but this one isn't one of those changes. Now you claim to "follow" a religion now and have not been corrupted by religious teachings nor scientists. But since you follow a religion now and read the King James Bible, you MUST be familiar with the verse that speaks about the entire world being deceived, right? That means YOU are also one of them as well as me. You can claim you weren't "corrupted" all you want, but scripture tells a different story and speaks of the entire world, not just a select group.
Take a look at some of my smartphone photographs containing demonic entities that,s all the evidence i need to know how wrong you are. I believe every word in the KJV & you can see that JESUS spoke a lot about demons & mentions hell more than he does Heaven. Some are given strong delusion as they refute the truth & i,m afraid you are one of those.
As soon as I read that your "smartphone photographs containing demonic entities" is "all the evidence" you need to show that I am wrong, I easily concluded that there is no point of continuing this discussion. When I do research projects, depending on the complexity of the project, I can have hundreds of pages of documentation for one research project (and I have many projects in many categories), but the "smartphone photographs" is all you need "to know how wrong" you say that I am. Ummmm...sure....okay. I am not even going to waste my time with you on this any further.
I agree your wasting my time mr complexity!