I've had some weird and spooky things happen to me throughout my life, that I think stems from our beliefs in not denying the power of God and that of his adversaries. I've shared how the house that my mother grew up in had a cross in every room (except the bathroom of course), due to the "whatevers" that continued to roam about the place in the dead of night.
Turns out a woman was murdered in the building over 100 years ago, yet continued to claim the place and could often be heard telling my relatives to get the hell out of her house. Cowering in the bed, me and my sister could hear the exchanges, but had no desire to go downstairs in order to get a closer look.
Somebody would grab a Bible that was nearby and order the spirit out in the name of Jesus, and after much protesting, "it" would leave. Or the other "whatever" that could be heard slowly walking up the hallway stairs until they reached the top of the landing. We could see a large, tall, shadowy shape filtered by the curtain that separated us between he/it and us.
Whatever it was, it was taller than a human, unnaturally W-I-D-E and very stout, with a diffuse outline. This is something you would not want to mmeet in a dark alley at 2 in the morning.
Each expelled breath would cause the curtains to billow inwards a bit before the "thing" slowly made its way back downstairs again after nearly scaring us half to death.
You could see a diffused shadow of the whatever in the hallway light, but none of us ever had the courage to rip those curtains open to see what it was. I would look up at that cross that was between us and "him" (not a crucifix, we were not allowed to have idols like that in our protestant religion, simply a cross), and wish that thing would return to whatever hell it was birthed from.
The relatives who grew up there were quite matter-of-fact about the "visitors" telling us terrified kids to just banish the in the name of Jesus so we could get back to sleep. Try telling that to a nine and ten-year-old at 1 in the morning, trembling in bed with the covers up to our eyeballs.
The only things we were banishing, were our feet from the ends of the bed. :)
When over there, I learned to sleep with the lights on ALL NIGHT.
Let's Spend the Night Together...
We would invide sceptical kids over to the house to spend the night and see for themselves. They never stayed for more than one night, and I'll never forget one Doubting Thomas who after experiencing the "hallway thing" called his parents saying "come and get me NOW!" Something like that'll make a true believer out of anyone.
Adults used to tell us that it was juust the sound of the old house settling at night. Get the fuck out of here! I think we know the difference between the sound of the house settling, and something walking up and standing in the hallway light. Fuck outta here with that! :) We always invited the adults to spend the night, but none of them ever did.
I am not afraid to say that even into our early teens me and my sister would call out to grandmom and ask to sleep with her when the "thing" got too scary. Fuck that! We'd climb into bed with this fearless God-fearing woman, with her between us and "it" lol!
Then there was the time that I w as 14, and was about to walk downstairs to go outside. As I stepped on the top step, I lost my purchase and was about to pitch headfirst down the stairs. Out of control, with my body at a 45 degree angle, at the last possible moment, I felt what can only be described as a large invisible hand supporting me in the air just long enough for me to grab the banister.
Looking down and absolutely terrified, I could see an almost perfect imprint of a giant hand outlined on mt white shirt. I carefully made my way to my mothers bedroom and showed her. My hand was tiny and fit easily inside this one. She said it was likely a Guardian Angel that helped me, while I was thankful that it had arrested my fall, I was afraid of that "something" that I could not see.
Needless to say, I stayed in my room for the rest of the day. :)
Know that you will never find me on any ghost-hunting teams, and I'll never have a burning desire to visit a haunted house. I believe in the power of God and the fact that 1/3 of the Angels rebelled against God and were evicted from Heaven. I've seen just enough of the "para" become normal, that I'm quite fine if I never experience any of that again.
I can still when I was ten hearing my grandmother downstairs in the living room arguing with the long-dead woman. She told her to leave in the name of Jesus, as it wasn't her house anymore and it was time for her to move on into the afterlife. And all I could say to that was AMEN! :)
Please check out my other posts:
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It's 1.30am and I'm reading this. I got to the third paragraph and thought "I can't go any further"... then "Stop being a chicken!" Lol.
I know my house isn't haunted but that's the scariest real life expereince I've ever read.
I was very young when I first heard it, as we'd heard rumors about something being "wrong" about the house. We thought it was an actual person that had somehow broken into the house or something.
The "lady" was vulgar, and would tell my sweet grandmom to "Get the fuck out of my house!" And would call her horrible names when she was ourdered out in the name of Jesus.
But at least she was familiar. It was the tall thing that came up and down the stairs almost every night that terrified us. There were clear footfalls on the creaky wood of the steps. Sometimes it would come halfway up and then go back down.
Other times it would s-l-o-wl-y walk all the way up and just stand there breathing in the hallway light behind the curtains. (we didn't have room doors, only curtains in each doorway, so you can imagine the fear).
Anybody that doubted us, we invited their ass over to spend the night. That shut a helluva lot of people up.
But it never harmed us, and someone told me that it may have been a "trickster spirit" who's intent was to terrorize.
It worked.
Me reading this to start my day at 6 am on a Sunday morning kinda feels somehow. So you experienced this also with other kids, that's a whole lot of memories for a child. I thought they only happened in movies tbh.
I've heard about haunted houses even here in my country but haven't experienced one before because even if I hear any noise at night cause I'm a night owl myself, I never stop for anything because I just don't want to believe in the paranormal until you come out to me in the open. If you're just making sounds then it's me thinking just my friends trying to prank me.
However now that I'm older I know God exists by cause since the devil exists then there has to be an opposing force to accompany that too.
I loved my grandmother, but I HATED going over there to spend the night because it was basically haunted. There was a tunnel large enough for a child to crawl through that went way back directly under the house that I blogged about.
Mt train set was in the basement right next to the tunnel hole under the stairs, and I would always keep the basement door open when I was down there. They think it may have been a moonshiners tunnel from back in the 20s during prohibition when alcohol sales were illegal in America.
My sister crawled in there once, I refused.
I blogged about it a bit years ago in: The Hole under the Stairs....
The female ghost was known to my mother and aunts and uncles that grew up there. So she was a known thing. This area was known for mobsters, and it was said that she was killed by a jealous mob member and refused to move on.
Grandmom would order her out in the pitch black living room with a Bible in her hand. We were so scared, but once we tipped downstairs and saw some sort of diffuse humanoid shape talking to grandmom in a raspy voice as the streetlights peeked through the windows.
The kids that laughed about it at school, weren't laughing when they stayed the night, and nobody ever stayed twice. Grandmom was fearless though, and everytime she told that bitch to leave in the name of Jesus, she did. If you had lived with us for months at a time in that scary house, you would have believed it, because you would have seen (and heard) it yourself.
Damn, now im scared 😱
It looked like a story from a fairytale movie at first. If it were around here I think there are ancient and traditional ways to get the ghost out of the house if it's scaring the kids that much. But I guess stuff like that doesn't exist out there anymore.
They did end up calling somebody in because I was the last one willing to go and stay with grandmom to keep her company. But even in my late teens, I FLAT OUT REFUSED to set foot in the place anymore.
Also, since we didn't know where the basement tunnel went (It sloped slightly down, and then turned right), I was always afraid that somebody (a human) would come up and out via the basement. So I always kept that door locked and begged her to get a dog, but she wouldn't.
Some religous people came in and did something (I wasn't there), and then after that, we didn't have either the woman, or the tall hallway "thing" show up anymore. But I still kept my bedroom light on all night long when I stayed there.
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