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RE: The Murder of Julian Assange

in #palnet5 years ago

Yeah, I hear you man!
This is about much more than Assange but he's suffered immensely for speaking out against empire, corruption and war crimes. He may face the death penalty under 'espionage' charges - but he's not American. How is this justice? The intelligence industrial complex wants to make an example out of him.

Things look bleak, and we're definitely on the path Chinese style surveillance state if we don't wake up. It may be too late for Assange but I still hope that we can turn the tide. Call me naive but let's at least go down swinging fighting for what we believe in.


You and me both Brother! Freeing Julian has to be a priority... he's sacrificed everything for the cause of truth and transparency. Perhaps if the public outcry became loud enough. It's times like this I wish I had a bigger platform- I'm just one little guy- a nobody screaming into the wind.

One thing is for certain- like you, I'll go down fighting. I'd gladly trade what's left of my life to free Julian.