There are times when something clicks that turns an "aha" moment into "holy sh*t". I had such a moment when looking through the proposed idea of Tribes as mentioned by @aggroed.
In reading through the information, it took me a little while to connect the dots. When I finally understood, it hit me like a ton of bricks. This could be absolutely huge.

What is Tribes? It is the idea of forming communities on the Steem blockchain using a variety of applications that are available. If I understand it correctly, the payouts could be huge.
The best way to explain this is to use an example. Let us say we are starting a Tribe for homesteaders.
What are we going to need?
The first thing is a website. This is the foundation of the tribe. We live in a digital world and the website is ground zero for all activity.
Once we have the website, we need a token. After all, this is web 3.0, thus we to be able to provide users with incentive. Hence we create the HOME token.
Now that we have the website and a token, what can we do?
The first is blogging. Our Home website is a blogging site just like Steemit or PALnet. People can post their long form articles and receive payouts in the HOME currency. Since all the post do get pushed through to the Steem blockchain, SP/SBD are also earned.
Blogging is great for those who want to provide information. What about interaction? We know that the comment section is not the best way to get interaction.
Enter TokenBB and the forum. On the website, we have our HOME forum where people can go and post their questions. Individuals can also engage in ongoing discussions surrounding the different topics. This is something that can be moderated to prevent spam and nefarious activity.
Of course, homesteaders tend to be creative people, surpassing just the written word. What about those who want to create how to videos? This is an important part of the educational process.
This is where HomeTube comes into play. Those video creators can post their content on this application just like people do with D.Tube.
Finally, perhaps we want to put on a live tutorial or have an interview with one of our more valued homesteading members. We can use VIMM to accomplish this right from the website. An announcement in the forum could help us to attract more viewers.
So what did all this accomplish?
To start, all the applications are available as features on the website. There is no need to open different applications to use them. They are all contained on the base website which is catering to the homesteader Tribe.
Another aspect to this is the fact that the posts are linked to the specific underlying applications. What I mean by this is all blog posts do appear on At the same time, the HomeTube posts are available for viewing by those who are on D.Tube.
This offers the possibility of more people finding the information while also providing the users with the potential to earn different tokens. As mentioned, a blog post will earn HOME tokens and SP/SBD. A post on HomeTube will also net HOME tokens and, if they bring them out, the possibility to get D.Tube tokens.
Once again, we see the opportunity to earn multiple ways for the same effort.
The other major part to this is the idea that people are getting together around a central theme. If one is interested in homesteading, there is no need to sift through thousands of posts that are moving along like a river flowing. We all know finding stuff on the Steem blockchain can be difficult. This alleviates all of it.
This opens up a world of possibilities. Consider how many communities are formed online around a central theme. Most any idea has a following. People follow professional and collegiate sports teams. There are followers of political candidates or parties. We see different movements. Television shows have fans. People like to discuss philosophy or religion. Singers, actors, and other celebrities are the focus of millions.
We also have a multitude of YouTube creators who have established followings. Here we see tens of thousands of tribes that could potentially be moved to Steem.
Whatever the area of interest, it is a candidate to have a Tribe. By providing a platform where all the applications are available from one place, this brings different aspects of social media together. One of the main problems with the present system is that it is siloed. People need to physically switch from one app to the other. With this, all is under one roof.
We also have the benefit of a single log in for all Steem-based applications.
Are you beginning to see how this is a revolutionary idea?
My final thought with this is that we are seeing the power go back to the people. There is no demonetization by a central entity or the ability to take down ones content. These Tribes, although initially set up by an individual or two, exist for the users. They are the ones who will make it go. It is an opportunity for everyone to benefit from creating content and being an active member of the community, not just the main individual(s) who set it up.
I also want to take this opportunity to showcase how exponential growth takes place. Look at the convergence of many developments on here. We have the different applications that are being pulled in. The creation of Steem-Engine provides the ability to develop tokens through the smart contract capability that was written by @harpagon. We now have an exchange to swap the tokens.
In other words, this idea would not have been possible a year ago. It took the development to provide the pieces for this to come together. Now with the pieces in place, the coding can occur to pull it all under one roof.
Everything builds on top of what went before. The more that is there, the greater the slope of the growth curve.
Things are just starting to get interesting.
If you found this article informative, please give an upvote and resteem.
Great post! We at @deegramofficial have been pondering about doing something like this. Our main question at the moment is how to best possible control or enable for a healthy economy with our DEE tokens (or whatever name).
On one hand, as the users are already getting SP/SBD, our tokens have a lower value of the bat, but then again with adoption and commercial interest the tokens could of course be pegged to offers and rewards we deem fit.
I guess our main issue is overpromising something off our tokens that we can't live up to. (as seen by many ICOs, STOs and IEOs)
Just my 411 on this @robinron but I would make the token secondary. Focus upon the experience your Tribe offers. That is what the attractiveness will be. Separate Deegram from the rest with the technology and experience and the token becomes a bonus.
Over time, creativity will take over (or copying) and more ideas will flourish of how to use the token in the ecosystem.
A million times this! Tokens are thick on the ground these days; it will be the unique experience your tribe offers that makes your token something worth acquiring instead of something worth dumping.
I am right now reading this on #palnet and seeing rewards in PALcoins, which is cool. The only thing is, I'm involved in different groups. It would be rather a pain to log into front end after front end after front end for all of them, you know? I thought we were supposed to get "groups" with HF20 but that didn't happen. We haven't gotten SMTs yet, either, so I think all that development derailed and this is why we're getting the homebrewed solutions like different front ends and S-E and so on, which is awesome. I just kinda wish it was simpler, I guess. Like, when I'm interacting with a PAL post, I'm giving/receiving PALcoins; when I interact with a #weedcash post, I can give/receive WEED tokens, and so on, just no matter what front end I'm currently logged into. Like right now on PAL I am only seeing PAL-related posts; to see other posts I have to go log into Steemit or SteemPeak or Partiko or whatever. I just kinda wish it was related to the tag rather than a front end, I guess - or maybe it already is, and I just haven't figured it all out yet. XD
The front-end uses the tags to identify which posts to show, but everything still happens at blockchain level.
So you can use Steempeak or your front-end of choice and interact with everything just using tags instead of using the various front-ends - you just won't be able to see the pending PAL rewards.
Exactly this. I posted on your comment using Steempeak, but if I get enough votes from PAL-staked users it will show rewards on
There is an option that SCOT iterations can use to only reward activity that happens through their own front-end, but it's not one that any of them are actually using yet.
Can you clarify this @josephsavage? It's my understanding that to earn PAL from votes on your content, those votes need to be cast within
If it has #palnet as a tag, it can earn PAL. The votes need to be backed by staked PAL, and not just SP. Comments usually only have the first tag from a post, though.
No I mean to earn pal on your content the incoming votes need to be made on You can post your content via any front end, as long as you use the palnet tag, but to earn PAL the vote needs to be made on palnet. Well, at least that's my understanding.
That is incorrect. uses the Steem blockchain, and the front-end a vote was placed from is not recorded at the time of placing a vote.
The SCOTbot compares vote information with interactions with the smart contract and your votes count as long as you had PAL staked in the account before the vote was placed.
By the way, what's the case with comments where palnet wasn't the first tag? Can they earn PAL, or is that restricted to comments on posts where palnet was the first tag?
Oh, that's awesome! That means I can continue to use steempeak, as I really dislike the steemit-clone interface.
AHA, I see. Thanks for the clarity!
Yeah, I agree with this. Thankfully steempeak are working on communities, and it will all be accessible via the steempeak front end. Maybe @jarvie can elaborate if he sees this comment.
Also steempeak can easily develop the ability to display reward values and more.Yeah it's almost like a straight up splintering of steem which is amusing ... cuz Splinterlands... anyway @josephsavage is correct you only need to use palnet to see reward values. You can keep using steempeak and just use the tags for your post.
That would be awesome if Steempeak identified the relevant tags for each post/comment and showed all pending rewards and not just STU.
I've been enjoying seeing and reading your posts when they come up over on Steem News on @steempeak
Keep up the good work. Just messaging in case you didn't know.
Also we're working on supporting palnet on steempeak as a use case test.
Yes, Tribes is the future of Steem and also the future of cryptos,

Tribes can also be applied to working groups, business, managers, family groups, etc etc.
The Inner Blocks dApp here on the Steem Blockchain. I don't mean to seem spammy. I am very much on the same page as you. I believe that we can bring more people together and succeed, and not be so divided or spread out. We are shaping it up to bring like minded communities and creators into the dApp with their own categories/tags, and funnel like minded content into a place to be consumed. Hopefully this will give communities and creators more exposure. Great post. Be well.I absolutely love the idea of tribes. Having a central theme and then growing out from there. Since 2017 my wife and I have been a part of many communities, and a big one is homesteading. We now run a community called The Inner Blocks (@theinnerblocks) that homesteading is a large part of. We focus on first hand experiential content. Encouraging everyone to live their best life and make amazing posts about it. We believe that we are all responsible for our own well being (physical, mental, spiritual) and we want to support the whole person behind the content. We also have
I dont really see the new part on the idea..
Im waiting for something like this since Im in crypto, tbh ^^
Posted using Partiko Android
I know, right! This is a great way to forge strong communities of like-minded individuals. Groups can build their tribe and, from what I understand, because these tribes will be nitrous instances of Steem, they can ignore hardforks of the main Steem blockchain, and create their own rules instead. Much like how is already implementing a 50/50 author rewards/curation split even before Steem's Hardfork 21. And as you pointed out, as these tribes multiply, so do the earning opportunities for Steem!
The last few days have really been full of exciting developments for Steem and it almost came out of nowhere. I mean, I feel like it has overtaken most of the Steem conversations. From Steem-Engine, to Palnet, to DECs, and now Splintertalk. It's just a great feeling to have something really positive to look forward to about the blockchain, without having to explain why.
this is how I have been seeing the applications developing since I started looking at SMTs and communities. Integration of applications into a common platform that has various streams of tokens and interaction to create communities around. Another community could flick a few ons and offs to create a different experience for themselves but still utilize many of the same applications.
Gonna be huge.
yep, welcome aboard!
so, what is the website called again????
I also think that people in the future will not go near steemit when they join the eco-system. People joining to homesteead will just use that tribe and see their home and steem balance in their wallet. They won't delve into all the sites the way we are right now when we are a part of everything.
The Steem blockchain is turning into a unicorn farm. Simply amazing.
Hopefully Tribes will be as turnkey as possible.
Tribes will be communication, economic, and content creation hub all rolled into one it seems.
Revolutionary is an understatement.