yeah and using old bike wheels to dispose the blades was an excellent idea...
Yeah, the "northern california of the coast" mindset of those "techies"... You just have to watch jack dorsey to understand there is a serious loss of consciousness and reality there.
I would be even more frightened by corporatocracy... like barack (a lebanese rich guy who has hears to the potus) is pushing... I know that some state have gone ashtray but at least there is a hope of enforcement, it was done earlier it can be done again. But with corporatocracy there is really none... gmo, frak fluids, nuke plants...
the boat... and come the swells... and the pirates!
It's undeniable that unchecked this non armed bio weapon with outlayers made of HIV proteins (?) fixing on ACE2 receptor in one of the biggest organ in surface in the human body (less than skin?) can flood any ICU in any state and lead to a lot of deaths... 350+ in a single day in italy (yesteray and sunday was "only" 250).
So... the new real questions : how to stop forced vaccination (liberty) and create a better legislative framework at the end of the tunnel (it's not yet apparently a full on bio weapon and not a sync nuke plants meltdowns). Meaning there is a hope to foil the nwo / one world gov project of the globalized cleptomaniac childraping aristocracy... still...
Re-purposing trash to useful purpose is just plain smart, and bike wheels are light and strong!
There has NOT been brain activity in California in decades.
If they win here, the World will fall quickly after; we simply Must recover this again, likely by force, I am sad to say! I pray I am wrong, but it doesn't look good....
BUT GOD is in controil of the outcome, even if Satan rules temporarily in this World. Politicians are possessed at the higher levels, and that is the source of their Evil!
There is a lot of Evil tied to the NWO, and GMO's etc are their tools to poison us all!
It is telling that this latest virus kills primarily older people; they are most prone to resist, and cost more in retirement and medical after all! That can NOT be accidental with a modified virus weapon....
We have no future if the NWO wins!They must be driven from power, hopefully at the voting booths.
They are good for as lot of things for sure.
What is happening in California is rats deserting a sinking ship. Sadly they are too stupid to not take their liberal plague with them; after killing California with liberalism!
IF WE are disarmed, they will FORCE a one world government upon the unarmed victims. What we can see with covid 19 shows how far they can push the World with the common cold!
Sadly, the evidence shows that Satan's Minions are controlling the government bureaucracy, and are bent on pure Evil! We must oppose them to the limit of our ability....
The NWO is the core of today's evils, and they are bairly Human, and then by DNA only!
My 'healthcare' provider called today to see why I was not using their services, ROFLOL!
GMOs are so poison, that the bugs won't eat them! Maybe we should eat the bugs, for a safer food source....
The scope of the liberal agenda is sourced from the Devil himself. NOTHING can survive, if the regain power, and are not jailed; especially all the non-elected minions!
The internet giants need to be relegated to a public utility, so they can be controlled, and then be forced to be more balanced. More of US need to fire them, to hurt their income as a first step! I no longer use FB, Google, twitter, instagram, messenger, and have had to fight my phone to destroy the 'Google Assistant'...and to keep it from reloading!
They only have the Constitutional Authority WE Give them; it is time to begin rescinding that over reach, and limit government power!
We will stay safe, only as long as we remain strong, and armed!