Hear hear, so I must be in palnet.io to utilize my free flag right? Forgive my not being with the program.. I'm aware since I'm staked my upvotes on anything tagged palnet will reward palnet as well, but unclear on the flag..
Posted using Partiko Android
It works just like voting, but instead of charging you voting power for the first flag, you get a free one per day. Only works on stuff that is or was tagged palnet, some people were trying to remove tags as a way to avoid it, but that don't work no more, got patched really quickly. :)
Awesome good to know, what slick Willie's we have here SMH.. No pal for you! Good to know u guys r on top of the lames! 🤗
Posted using Partiko Android
Cheers with !BEER
Sorry, out of BEER, please retry later...
How can I replenish it?
It’s the thought that counts and I have a real cold beer in hand 🍺 thanks 🙏🏽 for the effort
Posted using Partiko iOS