While the fight against coronavirus continues without slowing down under the influence of the whole world, the rate of inactivity has increased with this process in which we spend more time at homes. Experts emphasize that this situation may cause health problems. Stating that adding movement to life is especially important in this period, Romatem Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Specialist Dr. Serap Latif Raif underlined that even if the pandemic ends, permanent problems may remain with us. Raif listed the effects of inactivity on our body for you.
Muscle Loss Begins
The body takes the substances it needs due to inactivity by breaking down the muscles. This situation creates muscle loss. Building muscle can take months, but only a week can be enough to lose it. This may cause weight gain, loss of strength, wear of organs, change of blood values, sagging or loosening of the skin over time. Since muscles carry the body, moving is important for joint health.
It affects our hearts and lungs
Exercises are one of the biggest friends of the heart. Because when we do physical activity, our heart rate increases as the oxygen need of the muscles increases. Our blood pressure increases. In regular activity, even our heart vessels get thicker and stronger. If you do not exercise, you do not increase your heart rate, which makes your heart weak.
People with poor lung health are already becoming more susceptible to coronavirus because they have a respiratory disease. However, there is a situation like this, if we do not act to protect against the risk of transmission of the virus, the blood flow in the lungs does not increase, and this may make the lungs weak. With exercise, our muscles in our chest area start to work quickly, which increases the use of oxygen, which makes it durable in the lungs.
We Gain Weight, We Get Fat
As long as we stay at home, we eat more than we eat during the day. Depending on this situation, weight gain also increased during this period. Along with the inactivity and reduction in energy expenditure, regional lubrication also occurred. Thus, your body can start to resist insulin and chronic health problems such as metabolic disease or diabetes can develop.
Our stance is broken
Since we are constantly leaning forward, we are hunched over, which causes even our height to be shortened. However, the correct posture prevents waist, neck and back problems, while making people more comfortable physically and mentally. This problem is also called the problem of the age. While this situation, which is worst enemy of the spine, is among the biggest causes of back, waist and neck pain, it is also an invitation to many health problems.
Is it affected in our brains?
A research on this subject has been published recently. Scientists from Sweden investigated the link between exercise and learning abilities. At the end of the study, it was concluded that even exercising for at least two minutes improved learning and memory abilities. With exercises that increase blood flow, some chemicals are produced in the brain that break down toxins in the blood. Inactivity, on the other hand, creates the full lesson of this situation and even slows down the brain.