Confirmation exchange in next generation team communication? Is it to build a culture of negative feedback?

in #palnet3 years ago

Whenever there is a subject about negative feedback, I think of short videos shot by one of our famous comedians with his wife. Although it is not related to the subject, I establish a connection for some reason. Our comedian starts the video and says to his wife, "Tell me nice things, praise me… Come on, praise me". And after every praise he gets, he asks more, ‘Another? … Another? ”Saying. It is a great happiness for every person to receive methiye. However, if it were the opposite, if he received a negative feedback; Would you be happy again?

Technology is developing rapidly. When we look at the technological reforms experienced by humanity; In the past, technological advances took place at times ranging from 50 to 100 years, today this period has been reduced to a few years. Can we, human beings, integrate with the same logarithmic insight into this rapid logarithmic progress in technology? In fact, it is not easy for individuals to achieve this as a human being. We are no longer in the time when a single person carries the organization to the top and shines the brand value. In other words, the world is no longer the world in which one person in a black sweater and jeans stands out. In short, in the following years, new successes will not come from individuals with individual success feeding the organization, and humanity will have to adapt to the pace of technological developments by building teams of certain sizes and working together. The effective establishment of teams, ensuring their sustainability, organizational structure and many other parameters are very important in terms of team dynamics.

Everyone has a blind area. Most of the time, you won't be able to know it until someone else tells you about our blind area. Feedback actually contains two very important dynamics within it: feeling claimed and creating a transformation. Although negative feedback has positive personal and organizational effects, we sometimes cannot adapt to this culture, especially for generations before the millennium, due to the understanding that the arm is broken. However, the new generation seems to insist on receiving and giving feedback even in their daily routines. They care about exchanging feedback for their individual goals and development. Therefore, for the moment, receiving and giving feedback is a habit that is gradually settled in our culture. In fact, it is not easy to accept this culture on an individual basis. To build a feedback culture, an understanding of autonomy that is spread across the team, group or organization is required. Therefore, with a serious change of mind, in-group communication in which people freely express their opposing opinions against any situation in an appropriate manner is another important issue that feeds the nature of the work. The indispensable part of this process is the encouragement and encouragement of the managers / leaders who can be role models with high self-awareness and self-criticism.

In general, it is useful to pay attention to some parameters while giving feedback. Although courage is important, the balance of courage with sensitivity has to be well blended. Planning the best moment in terms of the person and subject to whom the feedback will be made and making preliminary preparations regarding the subject will be important in terms of the effect of the point to be conveyed. Other fundamental issues in the delivery of feedback are interpersonal trust and goodwill passing on to the other party.

No matter how positively negative feedback is considered; Feedback on topics such as clothing style, appearance, hygiene, language and written communication style can sometimes make this mode of transmission difficult, as it can increase the possibility of customizing the subject. In order to avoid difficult situations with this kind of feedback, it may be necessary to address the desired and expected main topics in the process while forming a team at the very beginning of the process and to orient the individuals sufficiently.

While giving negative feedback, interpersonal communication, trust, right time, place and attitude should be adjusted very well. Of course, it is not realistic for everyone to effectively give everyone negative feedback. When the aforementioned parameters are not adjusted at the optimum level, the ego of the person receiving the feedback may come into play or there may be situations such as not accepting because he feels emotional stress. These types of people may attack, turn your argument, refute or invalidate it, take a proud attitude, play the victim, escape, blame and refuse. Or, people dissatisfied with the exchange of negative feedback may start looking for other affirmative relationships in the team, tending to create their own reverberation rooms.

In fact, the people who will give the feedback may remain abstaining against the above-mentioned non-acceptance and similar situations. In fact, how much do the parties want to give the feedback? If the person giving this notice really wants to improve the process or person, it will create the appropriate conditions. However, in some cases, people who may have poor communication skills, have difficulty communicating due to generation difference, avoid being misunderstood and greedy, or fear stigma or not being loved in a possible negative situation may be reluctant to give negative feedback.

In general, negative feedback is an attitude that aims to optimize the process individually and organizationally. However, the possible unwillingness or lack of both giving and receiving such notifications can lead to the sustainability of the process, organization and team spirit, belonging to the team or organization, and actually loss of personal and organizational value. Team leaders have a lot of work here. Communication dynamics of employees should be well designed, correct communication should be established with people, and a culture of appreciation and appreciation should be established within the team. Although feedbacks are effective when communicating with the team, future-oriented notifications that have come to the fore in important organizations of the world in recent years can also contribute positively to organizational communication. Such reports will have important implications for all individuals in the team in terms of preparing for the future and nurturing future processes. With both feedbacks and future-oriented notifications, the flow from the past to the future will remain more clearly with the team members, the vision will become clear and the team members will be able to see themselves and the organization more clearly from private to general over time.

An effective and level feedback communication is valuable in many ways. There is a very familiar saying: "Friend speaks painfully". Maybe feedbacks are the best gift for the other party to progress personally, to correct their deficiencies and to receive more applause, provided that it is not so painful. These hard facts are needed for development. This culture is one of the parameters that keep the organization and organizational structure stronger, with the habit of telling the swimmer rather than talking behind a person in small and large group and / or organization dynamics. Not refusing these gifts, thanking the person who gave us the feedback and accepting this feedback will be the greatest gift we can make to ourselves.