This Sounds Bad but I wish I could Short Steem!

in #palnet6 years ago

Money can be made on the long and short side of an asset. Well, assuming the availability to short something exists. The investor in me wishes he could short some steem. Not only to make some coin, but as a hedge on the largest crypto position I have.

Yep, I'm not hating. I'm investing.

Look at this chart, you want to go long right now? 40 cents has been a real mother for price and we are muddling under it once again. My bet is we see 30 cents before we see 40 cents....from a technical standpoint it's a 50/50 coin flip.

This is more just a sentiment guess. Luckily we have projects like PalNet and the like bringing some hope to the steem blockchain. That will take some time to materialize in steem in demand though. I will atleast earn Pal coins for posting in the meantime! :-)


Roberto dood... you be hating big time.

Nah, I still hold a shit ton of steem...I just wish I could trade it LONG and SHORT. On the flip, I did have to pair down some of my delegations as I need to liquidate some a little steem.

that's actually why I hold a wad of STEEM and SBD, to take advantage of shorter term moves like that through the internal market, especially when the spreads would widen dramatically.

unfortunately, I've been so busy lately it's been a while since I've had a chance to take advantage of it ... lol

Regardless, it is smart that you have enough liquid to take advantage of it from time to time. I'm working toward getting more liquid myself for that reason among others.

I think that's smart. Can't fault somebody for managing their risk. But you can call them dumb for NOT! 😂

Yep, doesn't matter how much you believe in something makes no sense no to manage the risk.