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RE: How Do You Give Consent When You Can’t?

in #palnet5 years ago

“We don’t know what we don’t know.”

There is a lot that can be said about how much knowledge any practitioner has. Unfortunately, this is an example of where “manufactured consent” exists in the medical field. Because how could someone who has gone to medical school get it wrong?

Modern medicine has had very good PR for about 80 years. They have successfully created a narrative that places them with godlike powers... and yet most of these doctors are flawed humans who make mistakes like the rest of us. Too late, we have a behemoth that is out of control unfortunately. The profession has over-taken the humanity of the individual practitioners.


how could someone who has gone to medical school get it wrong?

quite simply, hubris. medical schools should teach mandatory courses in modesty, how to listen, cross cultural communication, and being open to different belief systems outside of western medicine.

I remember the struggle it was for some oncology docs to non judgmentally treat faith based patients who believed that they could cure themselves with prayer. I also recall them trying to talk to hispanic patients who would say they understood and agreed when they didnt.

being trained to read signals, to explain with patience and compassion is priceless knowledge. The question is, how can they have gone to medical school and NOT learned this?