Viewing the Steem Blockchain Through PAL Coloured Glasses

in #palnet6 years ago

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Invisible and 0.00'ed by flags on Steemit ~

However on we see a different picture!

Check it out:

My Blog

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Every post in the last 3 weeks flagged to the max, only 2 were able to remain visible.

Comments from my #SteemFam on

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Zeke's Replies to me

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Ready to put on the Rose PAL tinted glasses?

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My Blog

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Comments from my #SteemFam on

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Zeke's replies to me on

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Pretty badass hey? And it is only just the beginning. Communities are here folks. They are known as "Tribes" and is powering it all. At this time palcoin (the token you can earn on is worth 16 cents USD. So not only are our flagged posts/comments visible on #palnet, they are keeping their earnings in most cases.

How Do You Join?

It's so easy and yet some are struggling to do this one thing...
You have 5 tags you can use on your Steem blogs...
Make sure 1 of them is palnet
That is all.

If you need any help claiming your palcoin, or understanding more about the site ask me in the comments, or message me on discord:
Lyndsay Bowes#0572


There is Peace, Abundance & Liberty in the air!


Very interesting experiments, for sure. I've been using palnet now, too. I just wish we could use more tags. With Actifit I can use a lot of them! 😂

Well considering the other tags like: life, photography, art ..... I mean, who really looks through them as tags? So ditch one of those useless ones for your useful ones, ones which actually bring you benefit.

I hadn't really thought about how the steemit downvote bots can't remove talcoin from your posts, that's really cool! Now I'm even more glad that palnet is available!

Heartening eh? :) I'm glad to give you another reason to be happy about #PALnet!!

PALnet seems really, really cool. I recently started to use it, and I admit that I still haven't read too much about it. I do understand that it's easy and that you should use the tag "palnet" etc.

What I wonder is, when are you supposed to use that tag? On what type of articles? I mean, I've read about nopal4u and a bunch of other "rules" and "guidelines" about not trying to abuse or take advantage of the rewards etc.

But would it be safe to say that you can use the palnet tag whenever you publish content? Basically like people use the tag "writing" whenever they publish an article?

Yes, on any type of post is fine!

through the front end to get the upvote from them as well.
Yep, "double-dipping" is absolutely welcomed! Some people are even triple dipping by using the tags #weedcash (because the post is about weed), and #palnet (because they want that post and its comments to be a part of the palnet ecosystem), along with posting

It is totally encouraged to tag every single blog you write from this point forward, with palnet as 1 of the 5 tags.

Looking forward to seeing you in my feed there @hitmeasap :) Thanks for asking that question!

I see, so it's basically like I thought it would be. Thanks for the clarification though, I appreciate it. - Let's see how things goes. :)

everybody who posted here is awesome and yes we so far are safe from the flagging jerkoffs on palnet and lets hope it lasts
and when i say jerkoffs that are flaggin for those of you who dont know they are BEANIE/MARKY
for you canadians out there happy kommunist kanada day
peace love and anarchy without the flaggers on palnet

shitshow has started and ive heard from quite a few people about what kuweii is saying and others are backing it all the way while others still love palnet
i dont know what to think now lol
what do you think about this
im using both places and its not like i put any money into this so if its all true im not losing anything really really strange

Sorry again to see they're doing that to you, but I am happy that your posts on Palnet shows perfectly, they are good guys, I am also using Palnet tag, though my activity became less, but I am really happy to see the new great community starting on blockchain. wishing luck for you <3

I'm happy you are using the tag now too Davood, cheers to new beginnings!

Hey, I need to test this out and you deserve more coins, so: have a !beer

Hmmm, maybe it's still turned off after the scammer?

Yes and Palnet at least provides some protection from steemit bullies, I may have lost my steem on a post due to retaliation flags for having an opinion, but I kept my Pal tokens. I do feel sorry for those that lost their potential curation, but I will take care of them.

HOORAY Palnet! :D

so nice comparison! At last my Sis is in safe;)

Pretty cool indeed :) And I'm happy to see you using the #palnet tag now too!

hey talia where are you articles about the CPS and children did you give up lol
also you are the only one i never get replies from
is it cause of beanie and marky or did i do something to offend you
have a great day and at least those scumbags cant take your rewards from palnet but i dont think they ever bothered you and its probably a good reason no to reply to me
hey lyndsay jerkoff is still at it lol
cheers people

Well this looks exciting Lyndsay.
Will certainly take a look. Cheers my friend x

Posted using Partiko Android

Yep, I'll see you there once you start adding the palnet tag into your posts! xo Looking forward to seeing your special gal... <3 <3 <3 Hope she's still growing nicely!

Very cool. I've started using steempeak a lot more now since they have tribe integration and its helped me curate a lot more content and my commenting and engaging has seriously gone way up. I think on steemit we all get a bit of scroll fatigue with all the garbage you see since you get a sort of unfiltered view of what's going on. communities like this really help uncover what you would like to see and im sure it's only going to get better with time

You made my comment invisible, or tried to anyway. I guess when you do it, it's okay right cuntface?

Hey man would you mind sharing about this.. I am trying to put the picture together.. and am highly curious about censorship against anyone.. would you perhaps share a screen shot or link for us.. I would be willing to create a post to cover what has happened to you.

While I full heartedly disagree with his statement. And I have been an advocate for the gentleman he directed his statement towards. I believe that censorship is not the answer. Not on a decentralized platform. However of course if it is a centralized platform then of course that would be much different. It just depends which it is. If it is indeed central, or private then of course everyone should have the power to do as they wish with their business.. aka facebook, youtube, etc.

Sure it starts with someone like him who is being a blatant jerk. However how much sooner, or later, is the censorship just done willy nilly.. based on personal dislike.. over an actual real cause. Eg. I was banned and never even used the tag/platform once. That is centralized decision making.

Lastly and most importantly why has not the biggest abuser on all of Steem(it) been banned from Pal? Whom actually has used the Pal tag.. and really does harass everyone from cancer patients, to women and children? Right down to death threats?

The message they are sending by not banning Bernie is loud and clear. It is the same shit different pile unfortunately. I wanted to sit back and watch, and give them a real chance via observation. However in just a short time they have burned all bridges of hope that I once had when I first heard of them. Even this Bernie/Pal fight is staged. Letting you off the hook is their way of tricking you into thinking Bernie isn't part of it. However I assure you he 100% is. So since they are behaving as centralized. In this case, until they ban Bernie I have zero respect for that platform, and they are sending their message to Steem(it) loud and clear.

Wish you all the best.

The above quote is not appropriate for a centralized platform. It is my own personal belief system. Clearly Pal does not share that sentiment based on obvious censorship decisions.

Feel free to go give viraldome's comment an upvote then if you think it deserves more earnings. That comment was sitting at 25 cents, and I flagged it because I disagreed with those rewards.

First of all I never said it deserved more earnings. So lets not put words on the page that are not there.

My question directed at the man up top was concerning censorship, I was wondering what type of censorship as he did not say.

I said why is "Bernie Sanders" not being censored/banned. But these other accounts are being addressed in such a way.

Since Pal is clearly centralized then in that case they should use some of that centralized power to get rid of the biggest abuser of all time "Bernie". That is the point of my 2nd comment in this string which was directed at you.

Getting rid of people who have never used the platform, while the biggest abuser of all time is allowed to partake.. is like getting rid of Hitlers dog.. while letting him go on killing Jews.

My point is there are bigger fish to fry, than banning people whom have never, not even once.. used the platform.

But you didn't address that. You just gave a strawman argument telling me to give money to the guy. No one was saying to give the guy money.

My point was so much larger than the guy above this string of comments.

Why worry about the tar tar sauce in the kitchen of the Titanic, and if it tastes just right.. while the hull has a massive hole in it from an ice burg.. and the ship is sinking. Bernie is that hole in the hull. So again.. if Bernie is not behind Pal.. why is he not banned since Pal is clearly centralized? They do say death threats are reason for ban on this 'Liberty' website.. so where is the liberty in allowing him to stay? And who could possibly argue for him to stay and remain unbanned.. while the platform is keeping busy banning those whom have never even used it.

You are a smart lady Lyndsay. You know for a fact that no where did I say that man deserved more. I was inquiring pertaining to his claims of censorship on Pal, seeing as my own recent experience was a distasteful one with them. I was curious to learn more about his. All while completely disagreeing with his statement.

But instead of having a decent conversation with me about real questions, and concerns that I have brought up, you instead gave me that.

You of all people should be concerned why he is allowed over there. However I think we both know the answer. One of us will admit it, and the other will change the topic to discussing things that were never said, instead of trying to find answers.

So on that note. Take care.

You are not banned from palnet, I'm reading your comments just fine on the site.

Communities are not going to be a bad thing, but they aren't good enough yet IMHO. For example, your problems on Steem (my own mirror them) are due to one Steemer flagging incessantly. However, PAL has just demonstrated they can do worse than Bernie because they have prevented a Pal from posting at all.

Frying pans, fire, and all that.

We need more communities, so that there are frying pans we can jump to when the one we're in gets too hot, rather than only having a choice between that and the fire.


I'm glad they're not putting up with abuse there, it's a community I'm proud to be a part of. Peace, Abundance and Liberty. Yes, they moderate. It's only just the beginning, you will see how it unfolds.

Editing in: I can still see all the death threats, sexual harassment of the elderly and death wishes given to cancer patients by viewing the blockchain through the other user interfaces.

Clearly folks that think death threats are humor exist, and I'm pretty sure a community of such would find a lot of users. PAL doesn't seem like they want to be that community. Censorship and moderation are hand and glove. Since one's poison is another's ambrosia, one size fits all is going to become obsolete IMHO. If PAL tries to get everyone in snowsuits, there's gonna be a lot of folks uncomfortable.

When communities arise that allow other forms of dress, PAL will lose them as want to wear bikinis. This diversification is just beginning, and I reckon that's a good thing, and it'd be a good thing if PAL looked to being a community for certain folks. To do that, there need to be rules that are reasonable and comfortable to those folks. Bernie and coininstant prolly aren't those folks.

They seem to reckon different rules should apply to them, and when they have a community with rules they find reasonable, PAL won't have to worry about them stirring up drama.

You're right. We'll see how things shake up. They're gonna shake up for sure.


I was the one that was blocked on palnet, however they let me have 1 post or comment every 24 hours, so I am not 💯 blocked! I agree, it is still better than steemit because things don’t seem to grey out as much????
Check this out, I think he is out of line!
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