I see the exact same value in what is being built with Palnet. It is leading the charge for tokenized tribes on the Steem blockchain. I continue to buy more where I can, but like you, I’m having trouble buying enough!! Not too many sellers, which is fantastic!
We could really be in for quite a whirlwind in the next year to 18 months. This is going to be fun to see what else is constructed on this base platform. Steem-Engine has so many possibilities which further fuels my optimism.
The fact that the price of both ENG and PAL tokens keep rising which tells me low selling pressure.
I agree, it’s going to be incredible to watch this unfold and we are lucky enough to have front row seats to the spectacle.
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Personally I'm interested to see the package, where any community could EASILY and FAST create their own tokenized platform with video, social media and forums attached to it. That could spread like a wildfire.
Each of these new tokens could then be traded for Pal/Steem at Steem engine, giving them instant value and liquidity. Can't say I've been this excited for Steem since the very beginning.
Now it's up to the community and the Steem engine team to get the word out.