Yeah I agree. I ask because I’m launching my own tribe/token and am currently working on the parameters for the launch. It’s hard to figure out exactly how to distribute millions of tokens in a fair way.
I like the idea of selling 1-2 million tokens at the sell wall and not having inflation for them. It may be a little tough to set that up as the inflation rate is based on the total and not “per token”.. I.e. you set the inflation to be X number of tokens per Y number of blocks.
The other option is to start with a really high inflation rate and let the early adopters earn tokens for using the platform — like Steem did. The problem is that you may end up with an unfair distribution kind of like Steem.
I love those ideas on mining. I see a lot of potential there to do some interesting implementations.
Palnet did a great job. The sell wall is pretty daunting, but I’m having trouble finding a fair alternative to it while still being able to distribute millions of tokens. Thanks for your input! Let me know if you come up with any other great ideas that I could possibly steal from ya! 😉
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