Lawsuit Filed Over Fox News Calling Coronavirus A Hoax

in #palnet4 years ago

A lawsuit has been filed on behalf of WASHLITE, otherwise known as Washington League for Increased Transparency and Ethics, against Fox news over their coronavirus coverage. They are arguing that the media company violated the state's Consumer Protection Act by spreading false information about the virus to their viewers, which they say causes danger to the public.

L. Hallock, a candidate for governor under the Green Party, is reportedly representing the group, WASHLITE, in the lawsuit that has been launched against Fox. Hallock has alleged that one of the members of the group happens to have been infected by the virus, as thousands of others have also allegedly experienced in the state.

News reports suggest that EvergreenHealth hospital in Kirkland, Washington, is the one hospital with the most cases, said to be at the center of the outbreak in the state. They have seen the largest cluster of patients, they have had more than 7,000 cases.

That is, if you believe the various news reports and allegations from people working within the healthcare system who have said that they see the pressure to the system firsthand, and that they have been dealing with those patients who have been infected or died. Not only that, but there are also thousands of volunteers around the world that are helping to bring needed supplies like hand sanitizes and masks to thousands of medical centers that claim to be needing it and running low. Perhaps everyone is just telling lies?

In Washington, it's alleged that the death toll has exceeded 300 so far, but that ER visits for the virus are reportedly on the decline.

There are various stories and news reports to find which provide details regarding the thousands of people who have become infected and overcome, or those who have lost their lives from the virus. Still, seeking to close down the world economy for an extended period of time hardly ever seemed like a rational idea to use as defense against any sort of virus threat or problem. I would argue that there are enough people willing to make voluntary changes and we shouldn't be making criminals of those who want to go for walks or continue to hold church services.

No matter what low grade fear mongering garbage the mainstream media spews out, they will continue to find a large audience without fail. Doing their part to manipulate one group or another. Fox news is king of the cesspool, along with several other notable media conglomerates. It will be fun to see how this recent lawsuit unfolds. Fox news general counsel has responded and allegedly insisted that they are looking to vigorously defend their position on this. Ultimately, those behind the lawsuit are hoping that a judge will order the news organization to stop spreading false information about the virus, as well as make an apology for the lies they told, but by then it might be long over with and we will be on to the next topic of the day.
