Future Community Vision: real buildings serving the crypto-sphere.

in #palnet6 years ago (edited)

Draticornix Idraya

Community centers

I have spoken so far of Future Media Vision in terms of pivotal projects, Writing, Gaming, and Blogging. Those activities can be done at one's home but our vision goes beyond this. Our goal is to have physical buildings, in cooperation with localities and governments, to have a social, physical, place where people can do these activities.

A cooperative concept

Future Media Vision, in all its forms, is less in competition than in cooperation. Because of its uniqueness, that of physical buildings named Future Community Vision, we aim to create a space of free distribution, where everyone can directly publish the result of his own work, and make it instantly available in the network, and thus also in the recreational spaces we're decided to create.

How does it work?

The method is, in itself rather simple. An online interface will allow the publishing & organizing of any digital content distribution or showcase. For example, if a digital painter wants to organize an exposition, he will look at the exposition templates and assign his works to the displays available in the template. If a Future Community Vision center is interested in his exposition, he will simply "accept" the exposition in the system, and organize the displays as per the template. On the set date & time, the display will show the works of the artists, and all tickets sold will immediately split the revenue between the artist & the building.

Regardless of date and time, as long as the artist leave the exposition as available, any owner of a community center in the network can make the exposition, meaning that the same exposition can be shown anywhere in the world. That, but not only! A showroom in the centers will be a "basic exposition" with simply displays on the walls. People can then arrive at any time that the basic exposition room is free, look through the available "basic exposition available" and pay the fee, then enter and enjoy the exposition alone or with friends, at any time.

This will extend the spread of culture and will allow people who have, for example, odd hours, or works that are highly demanding, to enjoy those expositions nonetheless, and artists to make a costless exposition of their works, and benefit from it much more than one-time expositions.

For owner-decided expositions, they will be able to make the marketing of their exposition locally, and this type of advertising will be more firmly anchored in the everyday life of the citizens of the settlement area than ads that are very impersonal.

Having a place for multi-art culture & divertissement, as they will learn to know and respect the staff, which in turn will gain in safety, reputation, and attendance. A typical center, therefore, includes a digital library: each display on this room has the list of ebooks & books available, which are available either at the counter, or directly on comfortable reading screens, a basic exposition room, and a gaming library.

The gaming library is a list of games available to play either directly on-site or that you can activate at home. The library will have rooms where you can enjoy games on either new or old consoles and will strive to conserve the legacy of video games. Why? Because video games are also part of our culture. Think about it... how long have you been playing? What kind of games have you been playing? Does every country play the same video games?

The answer is that you've probably played all types of games, following what suit your tastes and your tastes are also dictated by the environment you grew in &/or a cultural trend. For example, I was raised in France, but by English grand-parents, and have been riding the Japanese trend since junior high, I prefer japan-styled graphics in gatcha & RPG games rather than the very American-stylized games such as counter-strike & the like. Not to say I hate them, but they're not my primary pick.

As a place of liberalized culture, the Future Community Vision buildings will try to the best of the current possibilities, and within the legal framework provided by the countries to preserve the games & retrieve the old games, as to make sure they leave a lasting trace.

The digital galleries & libraries

Not everyone has the opportunity to go to an exhibition or a specific event, and often you can not attend a concert or an exhibition because it takes place in a city where there is no access or no means to go to.

The digital galleries allow to get out of this model, an exhibition will take place at the same time in the place of the physical exhibition, but also everywhere in the Future Media Vision network. It would be possible to work with museums and galleries and bring their exhibitions to all corners of the country, then, when Future Media Vision will expand internationally, in all countries where there are people willing to open a building pertaining to the network. The museums will thus be able to receive more visits, from people all over the world, and receive more funds for their missions.

It would be the same for artists in concert, on national tours, for cities that are not served, and for people who can not get to the concert hall, because the box office is sold, there would be an option to go live the concert in a room Vision Future Media.

Where does crypto fits in that?

The entire network will work with crypto-tokens, and blockchains, allowing perfect transparency of who gets the funds you pay for when you either activate a book, a game or visit an exposition. Different blockchains will power different parts of the operation, allowing instant purchases, all connected through a framework that will work as the cement of all the activities of Future Media Vision.

We aim to make this use totally transparent, so that the everyday person will not have to bother with crypto-exchanges, fiat or whatnot, while allowing everyone within the culture industries to lessen their costs, and reach a broader audience, all the while staying harmonious with the laws of their countries, and being able to fully comply with their own country's specifics.


If this post is older than 7 days, please support by upvoting my latest post:

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PS: if you want to help these project grow but wish not to invest directly, you can:

-- Resteem the posts & webnovel to help them gain exposure!
-- Engage in discussion about it on my posts, so to help in the form of opinions, points to think about, etc... -- Delegate power (even 1 SP helps and counts) to @djenny.floro that upvote my posts & will upvote the webnovel,

Of course, you are also welcome to do all three :P!



I am interested in your work but due to busy schedule, I will not be able to help directly. But as I want to help so I have decided to give 5 steem for this project. I know it not much but something is better than nothing. So please tell me in which account I should send steem?


Thank you very much for your interest!
You can do that to djenny.floro :) it will provide long-term help!

I've sent 5 steem to your account. Hope this helps.

Dear @aslan786 ,

All the delegations & donations made will greatly help the funding of the project and be used to gain more exposure for the project.

As I once said, djenny.floro upvote all my posts, and will also upvote the webnovel. I do not put any personal money into djenny.floro for transparency purpose (I don't want to be accused of self-voting) so delegating SP to djenny.floro is giving the project a long-term help!

Things I'll do with the money earned from the upvotes of djenny.floro:

  • Hire an assistant with the SDB (so it will help with the work I'm looking for),
  • Hire an artist for the visual aspect of Vision Media Future,
  • Reward the co-author of the webnovel,
  • Buy the necessary to make Future Writer Vision live sooner.

So, yes, delegating is also an extremely good way to help me with the project! It doesn't target the immediate problem of needing an assistant but very actively help with closing on a solution!


Oh, just found your explanation. Thx Jenny.

I just delegated 50 SP to you. Maybe not much, but always something :)


There is no "not much" in my dictionary. Every building is made of bricks, the more bricks, the better cemented they are then the better the building's quality. It's the same for projects. Each person that comes in brings one's qualities with him/her; and by adding all the qualities together, you make a great project.

Future Media Vision is not a project that's born yesterday, and it's not going to kick off tomorrow too, but as each person brings in/ do something, the projects slowly complete / get its funds.

That means that the delegation you've made is one brick, and the help you provide me by making my post visible is another brick, and it will glue together with others' efforts, such as mine, and that of the people who delegate to djenny.floro, make donations etc, and that it will eventually lead to the full funding and completion.

As I said in my post, even 1SP help, so you should consider your 50 SP as a great gesture, and not something small :)

How's your school @arslan786? Hope you're doing just fine :)

I was doing internship in a company for last 2 months and now my college will be resumed after a month so I will start my 5th semester.

Very cool, upvoted , resteemed and got you a @tytran upvote and i believe STEEm in SCHOOLS can be AMAZINg especially;with the backing of French Public Sector! Steem also has french colors :D

added you as beneficiary reward for this comment 5%

Hi @ackza

Where is this printscreen from? What tool is that? You mind sharing?



you may need steem keychain extension just google "Steem Keychain Chrome Extension" https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/steem-keychain/lkcjlnjfpbikmcmbachjpdbijejflpcm?hl=en created by @yabapmatt top witness on steem

Great introduction @djennyfloro

What I've learned within my life is that I like to believe not so much in projects as I belive in team/people behind those projects. I've known you just for a short while but you gaved me so far impression of very trustworthy and goal orientated person.

I found it still quite difficult to see "big picture", however I will keep an eye on your project. Hope it will flourish. Fingers crossed :)

Delegate power (even 1 SP helps and counts) to @djenny.floro that

do you have 2 different accounts? I'm a bit confused.


Yes, I have two accounts.
djennyfloro is my main account, and I mainly interact with people through it, it has the highest SP so far, and I use it to upvote the people I interact with through comments/mail/discord.

djenny.floro is my second account. It's a bit of a special account through. Actually, this account is made to upvote my posts & the webnovel, but the SP & money is not my own.

To make things clearer, djenny.floro upvotes me, so it would be a self-upvote if I used my own money to upvote me. That's why I thought of something: this account runs specifically with the donations & delegation of other people. That way, even modest donations (like cents of steems) have a long-lasting effect on the project since all the steems & SBD are transformed into SP, which upvote me in the long term.

It's a way to maximize the effect of each donation, that's why even if it upvotes me, it's not a self-vote, it's a vote from the people who support my project.

I set things that way because some people want to help but have very few SP & very few mana, so while they want to help me in the long term, they can't do so easily. With this system, they can participate, without depleting their limited resources.