Amish vs Progress

in #palnet3 years ago

Progress. Progress is such a tricky term that sounds cool, but the word has sort of become a paradox in this day and age.

I genuinely think western society is bored. Egos are everywhere.

I don't think money is the root of all evil or whatever the saying is. I believe ego is the root of all evil. If money from taxes were distributed fairly with zero corruption, perhaps the world would be a lot better. Maybe that is where Blockchain comes in.

But I hear a lot of 'progressives' talk about the need for progress, I can't help but wonder if like, we need to progress everywhere?

If we remove ego from the equation, feelings from the equation, what don't we have in Western society?

I think we need a fairer/less corrupt economy perhaps fix the federal reserve or whatever the name is. Perhaps improve healthcare a bit? But like really, what don't we have?

Progress towards what, exactly?

Working fast food I often wondered why fast food places exist? That's probably a bit extreme. Businesses should exist obviously. But my point is that nowadays its like restaurants, or grocery stores are the main options to get food. No other alternatives unless you are a farmer or live off the land.

Obviously these luxuries are great, and I very much enjoy them. But I also sort of resent the powerlessness that this gives me as a result.

I guess I am simply eluding to the fact that everything in Western society is basically spoon fed and sort of served on a silver platter.

I am not even mad about these things but something just feels off. We have sped up life to an almost pointless level. Like why can I get a burger in two minutes? It's cool I guess, but like it's eerie isn't it?

Get a burger faster to get to work faster, to make Jeff Bezos rich faster?

Then once Jeff is richer faster, what does Jeff do? When will he be satisfied?

When will any of us be satisfied? We have to make up problems it seems like.

Sports shows have fake debates, I'm certain many news shows do the same.

Automation taking jobs the entire way.

What is the end goal of all this progress? Where are we going? What needs do we not have already?

I think a nice pressure release to all this would just be to allow people with access and knowledge of being self sufficient. Homestead I guess? It just feels more natural and then these giant companies won't have to have so much pressure and they won't have so much POWER over the common person.

I mean of course we have the access but like, normalize and encourage these things more if that makes sense.

I mean, I don't know maybe it's the German in me but around where I live there's a lot of Amish folk and as I get older, the more I think they are on to something.

Cars are cool but like, why are they exactly? Why must we be in a metal box that can go 100 plus mph? Why?

Why must we travel across towns to work?

Life is weird man.

I think maybe technology could be taking a next step here, and I don't think I really care to be a part of the next giant step.

Perhaps there will be a second 'Amish' generation.

Because what is next exactly? Floating cars? Flying through space because earth is gonna die apparently?

I guess people want to be immortal. Maybe that's the point to all this. I have no idea.

I would love to learn to live off the land, raise and live off animals. All that good stuff. It would be hard work, but if it meant real independence that would be amazing.

Live off the land, earn money, be a dad, have some more kids maybe, collect my cards. Have some wifi and some movies.

Look, I wouldn't wanna go FULL Amish. Hahahaha.

I think society would benefit a lot from a simple change like this. Keep most of our modern lifestyles, but just learn to grow some food. Small things at least. I don't know.

Big farms could and should definitely exist. But like, nowadays virtually nobody knows how to live off land or hunt or anything old fashioned like that.

Maybe I don't realize how hard it would be to do this. But I would start small and go from there. If I had land I would absolutely try this. I'd even go to school for this.