Sure, as long as you want to deny reality. When Exxon poisoned the Arctic and the Gulf coast that wasn't them according to your philosophy.
When people in Bhopal India were chemically poisoned to death it wasn't Union-Carbide who did it.
Do you also argue for getting rid of Law Courts totally, too, as no one, it seems to me, is guilty under your metaphysics--except for humans in general, of course--which is where the archons always lay the blame.
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My apologies if I've strawman'd your comment a tad:P I do get what you're suggesting but simply disagree with the metaphysics behind the comment.
lol it's fine. You're making me trying to remember what I meant when I wrote it now... Perhaps I should have replaced "you are your own worst
enemyvictim" as the Global Homogeniety being enforced on us by the hidden global elite is something we are born into and struggle every day against.There ya go! Now we understand each other precisely:)
BTW: there isn't a way to do this but if we could test the archon DNA from the Roman senate and political and warring elite 2000-years ago I'd bet dollars to donuts it matches those in D.C. today...