I think it's a fantastic blend of colours. The flamey leaves work really well against the greeny bluey greyey background :)
It's still beautifully warm over here, we can still go swimming if we wanted (haven't though, too much stuff XD) and my deciduous tree is very green still, no need for heaters at night but occasionally the kids have been asking for extra blankets as their rooms can get really hot in summer and really cold in winter.
Glad you still had fun despite the blowy weather XD check next time :D

I showed it to my friend when it's just the tree and I'm glad that they recommended to me to add the sky. I think it adds a lot to the quality of the picture.
It's been cold for a couple of nights here so the heater has been turned on again. Or maybe I'm susceptible when it comes to cold weather, but better not take any chance or I might get sick again haha ^^;.
Thanks fyn :D.