Painting D&D Miniatures

in #painting7 years ago

So I just decided after years of D&D to try painting my figures. Well, I have to say I absolutely love it. Lots of fun, if anyone is a D&D fan I recommend painting Minis, really relaxing (at least for me).






Let me know what you think!! I will post more as I finish them!!


oh you're talented

Thank you! I'm glad you like my work :)! I'm think about putting together some tutorials in #artschool :)!

Whoa that's stuff good stuff man! Looks like a fun way to pass the time and my oldest daughter LOVES painting and drawing...I might have to look into getting stuff like this to paint!

It's a lot of fun! The models can get kind of pricey, but they're awesome. It's just acrylic paint too.