Deepika Padukone attended Padmavati’s 3D trailer launch event today and oh boy, she looked drop dead gorgeous. Styled by the very talented Shaleena Nathani, the actress opted for a Sabyasachi suit that perfectly complimented her sleek figure. The suit consisted of a black sleeveless kurti with gold embroidery which came with a matchy-matchy dupatta. It was teamed with a white bottom and we love this entire monochrome look
The actress paired her outfit with a chandbalis that we want to steal right away. And don’t miss that pair of sky-high stilettos that are grabbing all the right attention.
In the hair and make-up department, the actress kept it extremely minimal. She opted for a subtle make-up with lavender lips and tied her beautiful long tresses in a neat bun. A small round bindi completed her look.
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