Did donald trump say he doesnt like black guys counting his money?

in #p4 years ago


This is a secondhand quote, something that someone has alleged that Trump said. So it should be viewed with some skepticism.

Trump Plaza Hotel and Casino
President John R. O'Donnell (a known embellisher and conman), in the
1991 book “Trumped,” claimed without evidenc that
Trump once said that “laziness is a
trait in blacks.”

Here is the full
context for the statement, as
described in the book.

Claims a conversation with Trump
about a finance employee, who
happens to be black and who
O'Donnell believes has shortcomings.

This is what odonnell claims trump said

“Yeah, I never liked the guy. I don't
think he knows what the f— he's
doing. My accountants up in New
York are always complaining about
him. He's not responsive. And isn't it
funny, I've got black accountants at the Trump Castle and at Trump Plaza.
Black guys counting my money! I
hate it. The only kind of people I
want counting my money are short
guys that wear yarmulkes every day.
Those are the kind of people I want
counting my money. No one else.”.

Obviously this is the second-hand account with no evidence to back it up. Coming from a known tropical tour of embellished stories and fake news..

So theres no reason to assume these claims are true without proof. And these statements are far different from the mannerisms in wich trump usually speaks- further casting doubt..

Due to lack of evidence and the clear untrustworthiness of its source- we have to rate this as probably false