Hello, I wrote this tutorial for you guys.
-------Guide for: Windows 10 pro-------------
-do everything till the driver part - we want to use mining edition
AMD driver
-on some motherboards you don't need to put PCI-E to Gen1, it will
work with gen2 or auto
-in bios set your internal GPU as main and connect the monitor to
it (sometimes it's under chipset settings), so you won't stress your
mining GPU with display
-in bios disable AudioGo to this site: http://1stminingrig.com/best-windows-setupconfiguration-tweaks-for-mining/
-this will stop windows from automatically installing drivers so it
won't install the wrong ones
-restart your PCUninstall your current drivers using DDU: http://www.guru3d.com/filesdetails/display-driver-uninstaller-download.html
-this is needed to run the minerInstall VisualStudioRedistributable: https://www.microsoft.com/enus/download/details.aspx?id=48145
-when installing go to CUSTOM instead of Express!!!!!, and ONLY
select "AMD Display Driver" and "AMD Settings", after that DON'T install
-restart your PCInstall Mining Edition AMD driver: http://support.amd.com/en-us/kbarticles/Pages/Radeon-Software-Crimson-ReLive-Edition-Beta-forBlockchain-Compute-Release-Notes.aspx
- Install the Driver Patch, VERY IMPORTANT!!:
- you need to apply that driver patch every time you change the
drivers, because flashed GPU could get not recognized!
-restart your PC
- Flash your cards using atiFlash:
-put the bios you want to flash into that folder
-open Command Promt as administrator, go to the folder ATIFlash is
extracted, with "cd fullpath"
-type "AtiFlash.exe -f -p 0 bios.rom" (that will flash your
"bios.rom" to the "-p 0" gpu, the gpu order is same as in gpuz or
claymore! if you have 6 cards in rig you will need to do that for each
card like: -p0,p1,p2,p3,p4,p5,p6 , always flash one at a time just to be
safe https://www.techpowerup.com/download/ati-atiflash/
- Download the overclock/undervolt tool OverdiveNTool 0.1.7.beta2 from
-this is the latest beta version that works well with AMD Mining
edition driver
-order of GPU in gpuz,claymore,overdiver is the same!
-for each card type you have in your rig you will need to make a
new profile (in the bottom right click "new"), give them names so it will
be easy for you to select the right profile later, for example
RX570_8gb_hynix and SAVE the profile now
-in the GPU selection go to the GPU you made the profile right now
then do the following:
-double click on ALL GPU states "P0", "P1" ... except the last
one so you disable all states and they should all be gray, just have P7
-set the "P7" state to 1130 MHz, and 850 mV
-go to Memory and disable all states except the last one (some
gpu have 2, some 3 states just keep the last one active)
-on the last state set the memory for 8gb rx 580/570 cards to
2150 Mhz and 800 mV // for 4gb rx580/570 cards set it to 2000 MHz and
-set "Target temp" to 60
-click apply and then click SAVE under "Profiles", now your
GPU profile you just made and it's saved, you can load it to all GPU that
are the same as the one you just modified
-for each GPU type you have follow the steps above
-when you have finished overclocking/undervolting all your
cards restart PC https://mega.nz/#!9zpDSJgT!85r03t5UulABxsoW2fRIgQYKgK2kSbOp78ykEHHGwWc
8.Download Claymore 9.8 noFee version (fee redirected to your wallet):
-open "start.bat" with notepad and replace everything with this:
EthDcrMiner64.exe -epool stratum+tcp://eu1.ethermine.org:4444 -ewal
yourEthAddress.yourworkerName -epsw x -dpool dcr.suprnova.cc:3252 -dwal
username.workername -dpsw x -allpools 1 -dcri 21
-replace your ethereum wallet address at -ewal, and you will see
is your decred mining pool, create a worker without password there and
replace the "-dwal username.workername" with your username on supernova
and workername
your stats on ethermine pool: https://ethermine.org/ with your address
-go to https://dcr.suprnova.cc/ , and make an account there, this
- Start Claymore 9.8 by starting the "start.bat" file, and when it
starts mining you can press "+" and "-" on your keyboard, that will
change the default DCRI that is set int the script to 21,
-dcri increases the hashrate for the dual mined coin, in our case
SIA, you need to find optimum for max Ethereum hashrate, in the most
cases it's between 15-30
-the higher dcri is and you have stable ethereum hashrate the
better, because you get more decred, and each 125 MH/s decred == 1 MH/s
ethereum, so you earn MUCH more profit dual mining!
-now you can play with the overclock/undervolt values in the
overclock tools that you saved to your profiles
-you can try to increase memory clock by 25 MHz and start
claymore again to see if it's stable (you change the Mhz on 1 gpu then
you save that to your profile for that card and then you load that
profile to all the other cards, one at a time)
-if you don't care about electricity cost you can increase gpu
clock from 1130 to 1200 and increase it's voltage to 950mV, like that you
will get slightly more hashrate but will use much more power
-go to claymore folder, copy it's "start.bat" and paste it in the
overclock tool folder you have downloaded in step 7
-open the start.bat there and replace everything with:
OverdriveNTool.exe -p1"micron" -p2"hynix" -p3"hynix" -p4"hynix" -
p5"hynix" -p6"hynix"
-this script will load profiles to the specified GPU-s, the order
is the same as in claymore,gpuz and overclock tool
-"-p1"micron" will load micron profile to the gpu 1 and so on...
-if you have internal GPU enabled the GPU count will start from 1,
else it will start from 0, so -p1 is gpu 1 if you have internal GPU
enabled, or -p0 if you have internal GPU disabled
-so basically you need to load profile to each GPU you have in your
RIG, that will the script do, we need that because we want the profiles
to be loaded on windows start and then start mining
-now make a shortcut to the "start.bat" from the overclock folder
and you can rename it to "overclock.bat" to keep good track of it, you
can do the same with the claymore "start.bat" and make a shortcut to it
and name it : "miner.bat"
-after that press Windows start button and type "run" and press
-In the Run window, type "shell:startup" to open the Startup folder
-now drag n drop those shortcuts in the folder or cut/copy them
there, the order is not important
-after that try to restart Windows and see if Claymore will start
automatically, enjoy
If the guide helped you please make a donation to one of my wallets:
Ethereum: 0xC55Eb23a8581D71D3ab1803B88A3e745d3B520eC
Bitcoin: 17RjGzEXPq7KpndEhHgLv8jzwCSJxsjQVV
Very nice how to post!!!
Your post deserves much more credit
Detailed! Nice. What are you mining right now?
Ethereum + SIA