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RE: Words

You think you know someone until you don't. This post touched a sore nerve, got me upset, had me wondering once again, and had me say out loud, fuck you. The fuck you is not directed at you but at the guy who lives across the street. Best friend for over 40 years. Along with my sons, we built his house. turned him onto the property he bought. He stayed with us along with his beautiful wife, at the farm, every summer when we had off. We fed him. The standing joke was that when we both finally retired, he owed us 1850 meals and Robin would not have to cook for years. He retired early on, 7 years before us. During that time he got heavily involved with the American Legion in town and made some new friends. When we finally joined him in retirement and moved to the farm, it was almost like he couldn't be bothered with us. I think he paid us back two meals and still owes us 1,848.
To this day we just don't get it. His wife says that he has turned into a grumpy old man.
Even though we live right across the street from him, I don't think we've spoken more than a dozen times. I still see him at the party we have once a year with all of the guys we taught with, but that's it. We had big plans to vacation together and enjoy each other's company for many years. The situation used to bother me but hasn't for several years now. His wife is still the best and we see her quit often when she stops in. Robin and her are still best of friends.

Last week he drove by on his quad as I was standing at the foot of the driveway. He was nice enough to say howdy, fuck him. The whole situation still upsets Robin very much.

(trying to secure an RV spot in the Bay Area without a reservation is like finding a loaded semi-truck without Chinese merch.)

I'm glad to see that you're sense of humor hasn't gone away.


Dang man, that's terrible. Enough history together you purchased land across the street from each other.

Hey, Sweed, for what it's worth, an outsider looking in might think that dude's ill. Like maybe not in his right mind, there a chance of that? No disrespect. To switch like that without even so much as a misunderstanding is weird.

I get it though. Kinda.. ithink..

Thanks for always being able to relate, appreciate it more than you know.



Smell mop.

= }

It's funny that you suggest that, we've considered that as well, but his wife, Randy, surely would have let us know if anything was up with his health.
I wish I *kinda *of got it, but I don't have a clue.

who's there
I don't know, but it aint Pete.

Have a wonderful weekend.

Hey since I got you, I've been meaning to ask, can you get on a ladder?

Curious if you feel safe on one with the new knees. Tough to see myself getting on one again currently.