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RE: Words

in #outofthinairlast year

Dang man, that's terrible. Enough history together you purchased land across the street from each other.

Hey, Sweed, for what it's worth, an outsider looking in might think that dude's ill. Like maybe not in his right mind, there a chance of that? No disrespect. To switch like that without even so much as a misunderstanding is weird.

I get it though. Kinda.. ithink..

Thanks for always being able to relate, appreciate it more than you know.



Smell mop.

= }


It's funny that you suggest that, we've considered that as well, but his wife, Randy, surely would have let us know if anything was up with his health.
I wish I *kinda *of got it, but I don't have a clue.

who's there
I don't know, but it aint Pete.

Have a wonderful weekend.

Hey since I got you, I've been meaning to ask, can you get on a ladder?

Curious if you feel safe on one with the new knees. Tough to see myself getting on one again currently.