Well hello, Austria.
Language barrier IS a reason when you're in South America and you have a target on your back cuz you speak English. They treat English speakers like an ATM there, assume we're all rich, and try to steal from us everywhere; market, cab, farmer, car salesman, barber, everywhere. It's way easier to call them on their bullshit when you speak the same language.
I want to experience Germany. Fun fact: we have a couple trips coming up before we relocate to Spain, Amsterdam in three weeks and Paris next month. But the way we chose—wrote three cities on paper, threw them in a hat and drew one, my choices were Stockholm, Berlin, and Amsterdam. Almost! Pura drew Paris, I forget her other two. I do hope to get to Germany sooner than later.
Croatia is on the to-do list. If Spain doesn't stop us in our tracks we're gonna spend several months in EU visiting Portugal, Istanbul, Croatia for sure, Albania most likely (traveliving), just unsure the order. I'll let you know what I think. = }
Chizz ('cheers') Beebuh! (Cuz Europeans can't pronounce their R's)