If it wasn't for bad luck, you wouldn't have any, said my grandmother once upon a time when I was too small to reach the kitchen sink so I stood on a step-stool to clean the apricots.
We just picked them, she and I. They had a small orchard in their back yard—grandparents. I lived with them several times as a child. Fruit trees as far as eye could see; apples, pears, oranges, avocados, plums, cherries and, my favorite: apricots. Grandpa had his favorite, too: grapes.
It's how he made the grape juice they only brought out on special occasion.
I ate them as fast as I could clean them—apricots. Rinse - split - chuck (seed) - eat. Rinse - split - chuck - eat. Rinse - split ¡POW! stung by a fuckin bee!
Right on my apricot eater.
Not enough to deter me but enough to notice. Stung for a minute as most bee stings do. Paused long enough to announce I got stung on the mouth by a bee, rinse / repeat.
Grandma rushed in the kitchen, grabbed my face with both hands in disbelief.
Looking back now, I guess the chances of a bee making its way from one of many trees in the orchard to a basket full of fresh picked fruit I carried all the way across the yard, through the garage, into the kitchen, up in to the kitchen sink for a shower and dry before ultimately stinging the front of my face are unlikely.
Fast forward to now:
19 years and some change is Not how long I waited to tattoo the whole inside of my leg purple and black and yellow like I got kicked by a horse. It's how long they made me wait for a total knee replacement. Opaque collage of pastel accented flesh sensitive enough to stay awake 60 something hours straight provided at no extra charge.
It's what's on the inside that matters.
They wouldn't do it back in '04—first time I blew up my knee. Hard to forget those things.
April, 2004, Easter Weekend. Glamis, California, Imperial sand dunes—largest sand box for big kid toys in USA. 300 square miles of sand dunes, many of which stand taller than the average hotel. Back before GPS was a common handheld device and no one knew what it stood for, you'd catch an occasional tale of someone or some people who ventured too far from camp never to return. Search and rescue didn't locate them until it was too late.
I was waved off. At the last.second. Had the go ahead all the way through third and fourth gear. Fifth, GO, inches before take off when every extremity they had flew through the air like beads at Mardi Gras urging me to stop.
To.O late.
Willys Jeep. A primer rust-color Willys full of people made their way to the landing.
Nailed it!
When I woke up, the heel of my left foot was against my chest.
ACL, both MCL's, meniscus, bones, this, that. Every factory setting I had remaining in that knee got sacrificed on that jeep.
Unethical, they said, installing a fake knee on me in '04. I was in my early 20's—bulletproof (1), active (2), healthy...
Three strikes according to medical ethics.
Come back in 20 years, they said.
Since the first complete overhaul, it's been rebuilt twice. "Reconstructive surgery." Received cadaver parts once, those didn't work, my body rejected them. Had a leg realignment once and have since worn hardware valued around the same price as a small automobile. Repair, yes. Replace, no. See you in a couple decades, they said. With each procedure I asked for a new one.
It went out again back in December. I'm still a year and half shy of candidacy material. An opportunity to preach my case. Again. This time I coached myself, scripted a whole speech before hand, had it all figured out, I did. Ask nicely, I shall. Calmly describe the pain I'm in, I will, and explain how I can't walk downhill or down steps or carry anything backward or hold up a motorcycle. Squat, no. Maintain balance, sometimes. Ladder, absolutely not but be cool, I thought. You need these people, don't lose your cool.
So much for that.
My emotions got the best of me. I recited everything he was gonna say before he said it, none of my own material—totally off script!
I'm not obeise, I told him, I'm not a good candidate because I'm not overweight or in dire health or restricted to a wheelchair and I'm under 50. I've heard it all before. They're only good for 20 years, I said, and should I live to see 90, you'll have to cut the thing off and that's unethical.
I was over it. 48 and some months is close enough. I got excited. Whatev. Not angry, passionate. Nothing as practiced. Completely lost my cool.
Felt like I was on trial, not a medical patient. He motioned me to stop. "Okay! Okay! Okay!"
Calm down...
Motioning the palms of his hands defensively toward me silencing my testimony long enough to inform me he already reviewed my case. Himself, a team of colleagues and the chief of orthopedics unanimously decided before I got there. Prior to my theatrics, they'd already agreed to install a new one.

Gruesome, eh? Hence it didn't make the cover. Small-er, I thought, off to the side like that so it's less nauseating to look at. You're welcome. = } Did that back in January—knee replacement not the image alignment. I welcomed 2024 in recovery. Procedure was a few hours, rehab's about a half year.
If you're no stranger to D and A, you might be all "but didn't you JUST fuck your hand up?"
Good memory, you.
In the past seven months I've lost the use of my hand and now this. Versed ain't no joke. That's the stuff the anesthesiologist mainlines you in the operating room. I'm not a medical professional or anything but I don't think a pair of three hour versed comas in less than eight months is good for longevity.
Would be nice to incorporate my cane in this but unfortunately my hand has a mind of its own. I've been using a walker—48 feeling like 88. A couple things that seem like basic knowledge now that no one prepared me for is, when you're reliant on a walker for mobility, you won't have hands to carry anything. That and check the mail. Our driveway's a little longer than most and it's a six degree angle down to the mailbox.
Lots of ice. Got a convenient little ice machine that plugs into the wall and circulates ice water for swelling. Lots of that, lots of elevating, and a lot of staring out the window.
My grandma was a rocket scientist. Not really, they owned a liquor store. But even the future was no match for her.

D & K on a walk just now: Did you know @dandays has a fucked up knee again?
K: Hops on here for the first time in ages to see what's up...
Dude. You really are the bionic man. While I can somewhat relate to the surgery recovery, I cannot even begin to grasp that amount of immobility. Sending all those good vibes that sooner than later you'll be up and moving again.
And of course fingers, toes and everything else crossed the universe gives you a bit of a break ahead!
Hugs from Atlanta.
I felt it all the way over here. @dksart, there, now I know you'll get this. Hello you two.
Yeah, lame right? Lotta parts. I keep telling Atlas how just wait!! Before long we'll be able to go farther than car sight distance. Female dog rolled her eyes.
A: Thanks, K. Supposed to be a lot better. That's the objective. Can't get too far from the car as it stood.... By this summer'ish, however, they're convinced all that will be behind me.
And there I was asking how your hand was.. totally missed this one. Wow.
You had your fair share of knee issues yourself, so I see. I have two bad ones, not even caused by something but they didn't come out the way they should (lol) and therefore are very sensitive to being dislocated, so I found out around my teens.
I hope you will be happy in some months that you've got it done, I remember even with my simple procedure at one knee once, that it took me some time to get back to normal walking and riding a bike (that's what Dutchies do lol, we depend on bikes).
But I'm happy to read your doctor was prepared to review the case up forehand. He probably knew what you were coming for and thought let's give this man his way finally.
Sending lots of healing vibes! <3
Well ain't you just the sweetest. That virtual pressure on your cheek was me.
OMG -> Dislocating a knee. No thanks! I think it was my second reconstructive that stopped the thing from popping out. So painful and at the oddest times too but not a dislocation. OUCH!
I'm happy to report I'm progressing well. Ahead of schedule actually. The dog's pissed. Pura's pissed cuz I can't pick up the dogs poop like normal cuz the property isn't level but progressing none the less.
Thank you. <3
Well received!
I can speak from experience that dislocating knees are indeed no fun at all, I'd not recommend, but hey they say always DYOR :)
That's great that you're ahead of schedule and I'm sure the ladies will be thankful when you are healed sooner than expected, especially with all the poop..
I'm sure within no time you'll be the master poop scooper again <3
Wait, first a 🤗
Then again 😱
I will have to be honest - that's not a nice tattoo, on your leg!
As if the arm wasn't enough!! But step by step (I guess it goes like that with the walker) and one arm. Ice - cool. Use it. And cool you gave signs you are alive 😋
I hope that wasn't supposed to be funny cuz I didn't totally LoL.. Step by step.
Hi! Always nice to see you. I do check on you once in awhile. Sometimes, when I don't have anything good to say, it's best I just hang out with myself.
Good morning from Upstate NY. I'd ask you how you are doing but the pictures answer that question. At least your insurance company finally gave you the green light to get the procedure. The healing process takes some time but with every passing day, things get a little better.
Walkers suck for sure but they are a lot better than crutches, which I'm sure would be impossible for you to use with still having a hand issue. Going to the bathroom (porta potty) I found it to be more of an issue than the walker.
Are you going to physical therapy? I know that for me it worked great. At the end of every session, the therapist attached an electrical device to the knee to stimulate circulation to increase blood flow to the area.
Hang in there my friend, before long you'll be up and around taking long walks in the woods with Atlas.
Say hello to Pura for me. What the heck would we do if at times like this we didn't have a partner who felt our pain and attended to our every need?
Good morning my man, long time no this. I know you are but I'll say it anyway: I hope you're well.
Thanks for finding me, much appreciate you checking in, I know you're ahead of me on this one. I got some questions. I'll answer yours first.
Physical therapy, yes. Twice a week up until next week, we'll cut back to one. I'm getting 100-104 degrees outta my knee right now.
The ladies. I tell Pura and I try to emphasize it. I don't know if she understands but if not for her, I wouldn't agree to these procedures.
Did you experience any of the cl-click--clicking in the beginning. I'm attributing it to swelling and the quad muscle. I'm assuming it'll go away??
How far out are you now and do you even remember what it's like to be in pain? Is it 100% gone? Is there new pains now?
Happy new year dude.
Forgot to ask, how's the hand doing.
Crazy, right? That and now this. I can't squeeze a trigger yet. Those extended lighters, for example, like for a bbq, I can't strike one. Thumb is much better.. Probably 75% of my thumb back.
Finger, less than 50. Better than zero but far from where I need to be. But, progress. Haven't digressed at all.
Thanks Sweed. It's been wild. Life.
Heard you guys are in Fla, helluva time for it. Snow and snow and rain and snow this way.
It sounds like things are getting better, but still a way off. This hand thing has been going on for a while. It would have been great if the hand was 100% before you had to deal with the knee.
Let's hope that six months from now you are back to yourself.
We had a good time in Florida, but the weather was not as warm as we had expected. We had only a few days above 70 degrees, with many days in the 50s, but still a lot warmer than the single-digit temps here at home.
Sorry for the late reply. A day after getting home we packed our bags and went back to NJ for four days visiting the kids.
Peace, my friend.
Good morning buddy. I hope you're feeling a little better than yesterday.
Oh, the old clicking sound, yeah I had that for the first several months. Asked my therapist about it and he said that it is very common. He also stated that as the knee gets stronger it will disappear, which it did.
The pain is gone, as well as any memories of it until I looked at your pics. Viewing them was a stark reminder.
The knees haven't felt this good in ten years. Total success, I should have gotten them done years ago.
I've been exercising regularly, walking, high knee bends, walking backwards, and squats with my ass almost hitting the ground.
The first knee was done about 18 months ago and the second knee almost a year ago.
Lots of new pains, but not with the knees. 😊😒
It's good to hear from you!
What do they say, (patience is a virtue)
I'm so glad I found this message. Thanks Sweed. You're one of the ones I counted on info from cuz I can't seem to be in the same room with someone who's had the procedure.
Much appreciate the reply sir.
It's early. This was a good one to wake up to.
You are very welcome. Keep the faith young man.
My goodness you have been through the mill! Your granny might have been right about your luck, all those long years ago. But you found Pura, so it's all good. You have a great dog. Your house looks lovely. You'll not have to beg for a knee replacement again for twenty years. And best of all, somehow, you've found the funny in these events.
I cannot imagine the pain you must have experienced all these years! Tough cookie, you. I wish you deep and restful sleeps, and a speedy recovery.
Put a small basket on the walker.
Two comments in a row I laughed out loud. The hell would I do without ladiesofhive.. I failed to see the bright side in not having to beg. L o L. And the basket! Can't believe I didn't think of that.
Pura, all by herself she did. The Luckiest Guy I Know. She did that.
Hello. Nice to be seen. Thank you. You must be pretty settled and comfortable by now. No one warned Atlas either. She's, "WTBeeeeeeeeep!"
I was wondering where you were..... and now I see !
What an adventure ! I hope it all comes out like you need it too.
I see folks with walkers have little pouches that have velcro loops that attach to the front of their walkers to hold things they can no longer carry at the same time. Obviously that is the common issue.
I saw you wondered. Hello. I wanted to say something but it's best I don't say anything at all when nothing nice wants to come out. = }
Pouches, good one. Owasco said basket. Good one, again. Sometimes I have extra pockets. Food, though, drinks like coffee. And creamer, I love my creamer.
And it's all the way in the fridge!
In August, after covid allowed me to come home and work in March (thank you covid(says nearly no one ever) for making it possible for me to work from home).....I climbed a ladder to change the burned out lightbulbs in my kitchen ceiling fixture. The ladder was very sturdy, but me being older and weighing more than I should AND the fact that I had a sometimes gimpy left knee already.... and the rungs were too far apart, I found the next day that I had further gimpified my left knee and worse than ever before. It also did not bounce back in a few days like through the previous years. D'oh !!!! Anyway, I had to adapt because for a while I could barely stand on it and definitely not for long. Part of my dilemma was cured by my rolling office chairs that were already here, in the parts of my house that have non-carpeted floors, which is all but the bedrooms, one of which I work in. Blah blah blah.... why the long story and ALL of that...?? LOL.....but I told that to say that in the mornings especially, when I wanted to bring my coffee and water and snack or breakfast back to my work desk, what a chore ! So, I bought one of the below rolling trays normally used by tattoo artists or nail salons that I could put my "stuff" on and roll ahead of me as I rolled my chair along with my feet.... and then across the carpet as I gimped the rest of the way to my desk. I have to say I considered myself a genius for thinking of such a thing and it has worked famously for me. Now, years later, I still use it every morning to push all my "stuff" from the kitchen and anything else along the way to sit beside my desk, even though I am getting around much more famously now. I put anything I use back on it during the day and when I get off of work, I push it back to the kitchen and unload it. It rolls really easily, barely any effort. There are probably cheaper versions than this, but this is what I have. Maybe if you don't think this sort of thing is for you, it might help you brainstorm another good solution.
Oh hell yes. Big shout-out to Covid for pioneering delivery. I can hardly remember what it's like to have to go get take-out.
F'ing genius. Never would've thought of it. Ok, so, I searched portable tray, remote control just now cuz only thing cooler than that would be a pushless one and I got a buncha TV remote control holders. For the couch cushion, a tailgate, arm of the chair, kitchen counter. I had no idea there's so many different ways to set a remote control down.
Talk about ME being spoiled ....I even have my groceries delivered ! I have been in a store or two for a quick one thing, but not for a full grocery order since the first few months after covid began. Working at home saved me money in other ways, so I used some of that to have my groceries delivered.... driver's tips and all that. I've grown quite used to it.
I didn't think of hunting a remote rolling tray. Do they exist? I have used this for so many things like when I wanted my labtop at my art table, safe from spattering paint and really.... so many things it can be used for along the way. Who knew I would ever need one of the rolling trays and would find it so useful at home?
My fav is Hormone Depot. That's what I call Home Depot cuz you know how all the chicks who work there wear tight ass pants and push their boobs out for the nearest general contractors.
Delivery, this is still Covid talk, serious.
Don't even need a truck anymore and it's all free. 16 foot lumber, a pack of thumb tacks, doesn't matter, delivered to the door.
Only thing is produce. Fish, too, I guess. You have either of those delivered? What's the trick? No one takes the time to find the good ones, understandably.
I don't buy much fish from the regular grocery, but sometimes some frozen. There is a small garden market and butchery not too far from my house, no bigger really than a convenience store and if I want fresh fish, I will go there. The produce I still let the grocery store bring me. I admit I get something that is not as good as it should be once in a while, but I can go online and put in for a refund and they have never given me any hassle over it. I then go online to do reviews and complain that they have not trained their shoppers to give delivery orders the best produce available (while I wonder if that is the best they had) and I then do their survey they send after each order and make sure and complain there too ! LOL.....That's what it's there for ....right?
I know that means I still don't have what I wanted, but there is another store closer (a little more expensive) that I can have a small order brought in or shopped for pickup and if it was really important, I will do an "after" order there. The second store uses insta-cart and those folks get rated on their shopping and delivery and their job depends on it, I have had generally good luck over all.
I figure that is just part of getting groceries delivered. It's almost hard to complain when I haven't lifted a finger except to bring the food in from my front porch. How spoiled is that ????
Just today I was looking at my hair and thinking of you, havent seen a post for a while, reminding me you told me that nerves are growing as fast as hair...... And although I will need to cut a little bit at the back and sides..... Uuhh it will be a long way to get them as long as your arm 😯
Did I understand correct, this foot will now be fine for you the next 20 or more years?
Time for another healing hug to send over the ocean ❤️ and yes, the INSIDE is what counts, although sometimes difficult if the outside dont works as we are used to, its still true ❤️
Yes, you understood perfectly, both the it should be fine part and the hair/nerve comparison. Flattered you remember. Thank you.
It's nice to be missed. <3
Now then, did I understand you correctly, you're reading this with about chin-length hair?
How are you feeling? What I'm about to ask is inappropriate across all cultures but, whatev, you able to keep on weight?
hehe, very thin ice my friend ;-) but no. all fine, no troubles with my weight and informations about. It is constantly roundabout 60 kg since theraphy started. The feelings would be a longer story to tell, they go up and down, as the doctors still didnt give their "everything in order now". However stopped chemo in october, there was no use to see, but lot damage on the other side. Maybe it will start again this year, not sure.
hair not chin long, all the hair is roundabout 5-6 cm long now, wich makes me look like a litte idiot ;-) So I love my beanie ;-) I guess during chemo months it grew much slower, than normaly. So happily your nerves will be grown much more
That must be emotionally turbulent. Good you doing what you do.
Pssssh! Wanna feel like an idiot, try explaining to the Italian chef, in Rome, you don't eat cheese or drink wine...
Beanies are cool by the way.
Check this out. Or this! Now's your chance to own it.
:-D this doesnt look like me
I like this one, on top its as my hair already is, Just a cut at sides and neckhttps://www.ihr-wellness-magazin.de/bildergalerien/frisuren/kurzhaarfrisuren/schicke-kurzhaarfrisuren/schicke-kurz-11.html
Very nice, I like your style.
Glad you came back. I deleted it last time outta courtesy but told myself if you come back, I'll say how attaching those links wasn't as easy as you may think. What I searched the first time was shaved, bald, sexy and let's just say searching those keywords may not be appropriate for all audiences. = }
They say God only puts us through things we can handle... I don't know... It sounds good when your all healed but while you are going through it, it sounds like a a half hearted attempt towards empathy. Seriously though, if anyone can handle this it is you.
Hear I am thinking about how wonderful my 40s will be just as you promised and yeaaahhh. Now I am apprehensive about that outlook! Are you still out east?
Dude I promise 45 you'll feel like a rockstar. A mentor of mine, Philly, he said enjoy while you can cuz once you hit 50, it's over.
Yeah, well, I've always been a little anxious. = }
Whaddup! Nice to see you. Last time I was around I hadn't heard from you for awhile. Glad you still breathing. Still in Vegas?
Ugh, how frustrating for you. Seems you are having a bad run. I dont know how I'll manage my frustration if I'm ever in a similar situation so I always give credit to anyone dealing with it to any degree at all! Mend well.
Tougher than usual. Tried explaining to the dog just wait.. next time we go out, we'll be able to go Waayy farther.. Ignored me. I swear she went on a hunger strike last week.
Grrrr - it all started with that fuckin' bee! Why do they always hit ya on the apricot eater?? I never realized that being young was such a hindrance or barrier to orthopedics. Better late than never I guess. Welcome to the frankenstein club! I suppose most of us will be stitched up, zipped up, extra parts or parts removed by the time we reach the end of this game called life. I'm sending hugs and well wishes aplenty and hopes for a speedy rehab period. Get you a basket for the walker and a mini fridge for bevies, you know? Is Pura on pup duties now?
Oh man! That's another one. Atlas. With the snow and rain, uneven footing, none recommended for a walker, Pura's been on poop patrol all year. Didn't plan for that. She doesn't mind at all or anything, that's not my point. I hate the idea of her even walking to the mailbox so, poop is like..
Hello. Thanks for tuning in. Happy new year and all that, hope you're off to a better start than me. <3
Damn :( wishing you a speedy recovery!
You're the best. Much love, you two.
Goddamn, so you are still alive. Was beginning to think you'd snookered brandt into going off on some damn fool idealist crusade with you.
Sounds like you've had some fun and excitement, and by that I mean the opposite. Didn't realize they were that miserly with the knee replacements, thought they reserved that for hysterectomies.
If I remember the driveways in your neck of the woods correctly, they're great as long as you want to go downhill, perfect for your current situation. Stay safe my friend, heal fast. If you get bored, hit me up on discord, I actually check it slightly more regularly now.
Jethro! Whaddup. I got an email saying you messaged me on discord. I didn't even know discord notified like that. Got several messages, hopefully this answers some concerns.
I got a new phone in December, too. Three Zoom things, 15x they said, my phone's a legit peeping Tom now. But I haven't been able to sign back into discord since.
Honestly dude, discord has done me more harm than good anyway so, fuck it, I'm not gonna figure out how to get back in.
Nothing's surprising anymore with our healthcareless, eh? Disturbing sometimes. Knee, no. Tits and cocks and Botox, of course!
= }
Much thanks Jethro.
Discord don't email me like that, I think they want you back. Your discord must be hanging out with my twitter account, same thing happened and I've never bothered to try and get back in but I still get emails about it. Fuck it.
Wow... Juss... 💔
No words. Just best wishes and we really have missed you here. 😿
It's nice to be missed. Thank you. You'll never guess how Atlas feels about it.
(dot dot dot)
Well it's good to see you back, D and A.
Wondered where you went to and now I know.
Holy fuck that sucks :|
Your granny was a rocket scientist though. Right.
Thing is... all this shit only makes us smarter. More experienced. More awake. And better writers and artists. Truth. I guess if we use it wisely...
This is a lot <3 Sending love and healing virtual hugs and am selfishly glad you're stuck on your ass for the next bit and back here keeping yerself busy.
p.s. you can write posts from voice with Google keyboard in your notes app. I mean... they're listening to everything you say anyway so who cares?
Also... cool, motorized skateboards; scooters or whatever. May help you get a free hand.
Thing is it takes everything I got to stay out of dark places when I'm laid up like this. It's best I say nothing at all when I'm all wrapped up in my own head.
Hello. Thanks for keeping an eye out for me. Wanted to update you and say how I'm flattered and all that and then I read about your cock sucking and needed a fuckin shower.
It's still ok to say that, right? Fuckin? Or is it just a shower. Never can tell anymore, it's so easy to offend now. Someone's probably in a group right now like "it's just a shower!!!!"
Well I hope you can jack off with no hands then :D
Now I need another shower.
You, my dear human, can say whatever the fuck you like around me.
Stay out of dark places, dude. It'll pass. As it does. Stick around, please.
Wanna study something with me? It'll keep us busy until the world finally does end.
Pick a course.
Hello old friend. What a sexy leg you have, beautiful colors!
Oh man that brings me back to Bob's first knee replacement, I couldn't believe the swelling and bruising, made me cringe. There would be no way I would go thru that twice like Bob did. But now that is all behind him, he loves his new knees and so do I.
We just got back from a month in Florida and it was wonderful he could walk the beach with me again.
Wishing you a quick recovery, sending hugs to you and Pura.
If you don't have to, don't.
Hello, farm-mom. Nice to hear from you guys. Good time to be in Florida.
You're gangsters, you and Pura. Her boss said oh, you're gonna be a busy lady. Didn't register at the time but that's a helluva description.
Thanks for tuning in. She's got a celebratory week planned for April on the coast after all this—Carolina Beach.
I'll keep you posted.
Speedy recovery 🙂
Smooch on your favorite side. Cheek, I mean. Face cheek, of course!
You've really been through the mill young man, I cannot imagine having to deal with that kind of frustration and pain!
I somehow did not read or cannot remember about your hand, (7 months ago was when I lost my hubby, my brain went elsewhere)
I am sooo sorry about your hand, it must be so frustrating!
The one thing you haven't lost though is your sense of humour.
Thankfully you got a new knee, just be careful once you start moving around, and do NOT overstrain it.
I hope this season of suffering comes to an end soon. Sharing this verse with you, I'll understand if you don't appreciate it right now.I wondered what happened to you @dandays! I know it's been a long struggle, but praying for you dear @dandays, and holding you up in my heart.
That makes me wanna lace up my dancing shoe with no S. Wink.
You sound familiar with knees, have you or someone you're close to received one? Curious if this click-click-clicking will go away.
The nerve of you to miss my nerve damage when you were burying your husband! <3
Death sucks. You're still waking up though, Lizelle, doing what you do. Your son must be proud.
Always a pleasure to hear from you. Thank you. Oh! Hey, ever notice the location on my profile page?
Awe one dancing shoe, you can always dance with the walker!
No seriously, I've only heard good things about knee replacements. VERY painful at first, but been painfree once it healed.
It was done in Jan, so likely will still be sore for quite a while. Are you having any physio?
There was a lady who had a knee replacement the same day I had my hernia repair mid Jan, and she said it was darned sore. Hers was damaged from years of pounding on the squash court. I don't know about the clickety click thoughz!
It's still early days right?
My little hernia still gets sore if I forget and do certain movements and you've had a knee replacement which is a major op, so it's no wonder it's still sore, just listen to the doc and the physio, you'll soon be putting on a pair of dancing shoes!
Oh, and you're very good with those homonyms, keep that sense of humour.
Death indeed sucks, just doesn't seem fair!
Get better soon @dandays.
Oh and I looked up where you stay again, noticed it a long while back <3
Of course you already saw it, dang it I should've known!
Yes, physio, twice a week. Was in there this morning actually, we can get it real sore on physio days. I work it every day at the house, too. I'm determined to chop the trees back before they get full of leaves. I walked about 50 yards today. Happy about that. Progress.
The few people I know who've had hernias are still reminded of it regularly like you are. Really hope that doesn't give you anymore trouble.
Deal. Appreciate that more than this Lizelle. Thank you.
Progress is what I want to hear, will be worth the pain you're going through now. Just grit those teeth, do your exercises, and remember that each painful step takes you closer to full healing.
My sister-in-law had a bad fall over a year ago, broke a shoulder bone, also told she's too young for a shoulder replacement! They used steel and bone grafts, but still is in constant pain, there's no other fix than a shoulder replacement, she's a year older at least!!!
Before my surgery, I was informed that there was a possibility of them hitting a nerve when they staple the mesh they use to fix the hernia, very reassuring!!! I'm ok though, it's just a case of it having to heal inside otherwise I'd be in constant pain.
Sure you will have both those dancing shoes on again!
Changing the subject, I'm worried about our 2 friends @farm-mom and @thebigsweed, have not seen them for quite a while! Come to think of it, Bob had a knee replacement and did very well.
Hi @lizelle, thanks for your concern. We've been if Florida for the past month enjoying the sunshine and warmer temps. Robin and I could not be doing any better. We hope you are also doing well. We've had several of our friends here on #hive wondering how we were, very heartwarming.
Have a wonderful day my friend.
I am so glad to hear you're both well and having such a lovely break!
I'm well on the mend after having my hernia fixed 5 weeks ago, am driving again which is great.
Enjoy the rest of your time in warmer Florida!
Hi @farm-mom, thanks for the reblog.
The bird house is still hangin in the back yard, that's a good sign. If they're anything like me, radio silence is a good substitute when there's nothing good to say.
Thanks @dandays, I've been worried about our favourite couple!
Jesus man... that is quite the scar. Sounds like a long journey to get to this point.
Good luck in your recovery. I hope you have some good shows and movies lined up or games if you're a gamer. 👍
Been quite a ride...
How'bout an impatient dog, I got one of those.
Much appreciate that. Video games have never been my thing but strategy games, I'm such a nerd. Chess, dominoes, cribbage, rummy. Oh, hey, it's my turn right now actually..
Ouch... has to be torture being housebound. How are you and Atlas handling it?
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I'm probably handling it the worst out of the three of us. For a puppy she's been surprisingly understanding about this one.
Much thanks.
Maybe she knows it was necessary. Certainly not your choice to go through torment!
You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @ wrestlingdesires. (2/10)@dandays!
The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe
through the earnings on @alive.chat, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want, plus you can win Hive Power (2x 50 HP) and Alive Power (2x 500 AP) delegations (4 weeks), and Ecency Points (4x 50 EP), in our chat every day.
Details are sketchy.
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$LOLZ on behalf of wrestlingdesires
Delegate Hive Tokens to Farm $LOLZ and earn 110% Rewards. Learn more.@dandays, I sent you an
I don't know what else I'm supposed to say.
We've only ever had one conversation with one of your last posts about your dog.
But yeah, one might say you have the shittiest luck but then again, people have it worse.
I'm happy to see that your sense of humour is still intact though. It's been a minute. Hope to talk to you more soon.
Has it only been two? Feels like more. I mean, I know your mom's birthday is 11 days from Valentines Day, you like coffee and your roommate has a ring boiler. Seems like I've known you forever.
Lol. You're such a charmer.
Really hope I see you around more often D and A.
Can I keep my fingers crossed on that?
Unless I say bye, it's been real, or something to that affect, I'll be back. What happens is, when I don't have anything good to say it reflects and I'd rather not do that. So, I take a breather and watch from a distance.
Thanks for keeping an eye on me.
I usually start a comment by asking about one's well being but on a post about one's well being, it seems a little silly to ask. Now I need to start with a new opening. I'm not good at new.......
It's good to see you though and i did try and send a Christmas card but your discord isn't working....or I'm blocked lol
You have a lovely window. Nice plant. Very comfy looking sofa and cushions. Beautiful dog, amazing wife.
Fucked up body. Partly.
Body will heal. Takes time but will be amazing when it does. Hopefully you'll be back on a bike, riding along giving everyone mini-hearts :-)
It's good to see your name crop up and just know, I'll be sending all the positive vibes I can muster.
Look after your mental health too young(ish) man and don't leave it so long next time please :-)
Hey whaddup Nathen or Marshall or Theodore or whoever the hell you are today! ....
Man c'mon, block you?! Seriously, I didn't know you could do that on there. I've received some emails alerting me to messages on discord, I didn't know it alerted like that either. I got a new phone in December. Thing zooms so much now, I can't believe it's legal. I haven't been able to sign back into discord since. And know what? It's caused me more harm than good anyway so I'm ok with it.
I'm sure the card was festive. Thank you.
So you're saying all things considered I'm not in a bad place to recover, eh? Agreed. The plants, there's two there. ZZ Top is the front one and the tall one directly behind it is Henry.
Pura named them. She has her reasons. Funny, her, claims she's never had indoor plants and she can't grow them yet there's a couple in every room.
Thanks dude.
You are really a strong man because I am just trying to imagine the pain that you have actually went through all through this years due to the knee
Higher the pain, higher the reward, right? Sounds good anyway...
What's up man? Your first year on the blockchain, congrats, thanks for sticking around. And a fellow artist, too, good to know. I'm a softy for dogs. Even the angry ones.
Weldome to Hive.
I gotta git ta readin' this Shizzit NOW.!!!
I'm not sure if I'm supposed to respond here or the other one so I'm coming in both. Wait..
That sounds horrible. I mean, I'll be in both. I'll go to both. I'll get on both. Dammit!!
Hello, I'm Rusty.
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but I’ve never seen one with more than four.
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(2/3)Dear @dandays, you just got hugged. on behalf of @eii.
eii, dandays sent you LUV. 🙂 (1/1) tools | trade | connect | daily
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