Well hello there! Fancy meeting you here. And there. This is where you'll find me. Not all there.
(continued), give yourselves a big round of applause for fulfilling a dream I've long dreamt of fulfilling—being in two places at the same time!Thanks for tuning in to a brand new edition of no idea where I'm going with this and nothing's planned like parenthood in America. I'm your host, @DanDays - The Luckiest Guy I Know. Before I continue because I haven't done that yet
It's true. Because of you I'm in Australia and Canada, LØØK! Whaddup Finland?! I'm in Asia right now, France, Cape Town, UK and all over the States like a panel of nine judges. I'm in Venezuela, Venice, Valencia and Vadso. Nigeria knows who's in Mexico gracias!
Unlike a sexual encounter in the shower, I can't do it alone. All I ever wanted was to be in two places at the same time and look at me go. All over the place—Fuck!
That is not all I ever wanted.
I told myself I wouldn't lie to you today and in less than five paragraphs I'm worse than the weight on a womans drivers license.
I can't believe I said that! Not that. This:
All I ever wanted was to be in two places at the same time.
When really all I want is to be somewhere I don't want to leave.
- It's too hot here.
- This one's too cold.
- Too expensive.
- I wanna be closer to a beach.
- The food sucks.
- It isn't safe here.
- They're disrespectful to women.
- Cops are crooked.
- I don't feel welcome here.
- Language barrier is tough to overcome.
- I have a target on my back.
- No Amazon Prime.
- It rains too much.
- No public transport.
- Healthcare is more like healthcareless.
- Way too politically correct here.
- More stuff.
- The list keeps going.
Forgive me. Everything outta my mouth today is worse than a coverup in Vatican City. When I said welcome to todays edition of nothing's planned and whatever else I said, what I meant was, I'm in female dog mode today.
It happens.
Pura and I talk about it regularly. No, not that. How we're tired of being undecided, unsettled, homeless, and want our own walls where we can have dogs and paintings and mirrors and stuff.
We don't have kids. That's one of the things preventing our wings from being clipped. Not that I don't love kids, I do. All of my friends have some. I love them unconditionally, they love me back. They won't say a word to me until they're about seven; shy and bashful, hiding behind dad but something happens between ages six and seven—won't shut up!
Kids give reason to parking. A reason to punch the same clock, be on a first name basis with the mailman and hair dresser, CPA and grocery checker. Some provide a damn good pension too! Tom Brady for example or Victoria Beckham. Just wasn't in the cards I guess. Apparently one of me is enough. I was probably too focused on my career and retiring early. That and I didn't meet Pura until I was almost 40. I'm nearly 47 now, any thoughts of having kids are down the drain.
Retiring early is another one. As much as I tried convincing myself this wouldn't happen when I got here, it did, I was right.
When I was 19, I set my sights on collecting a pension before I turned 40. After climbing tower cranes for 22 years, I achieved my goal shortly after my 41st birthday—close enough. The only thing that concerned me was once I climbed that mountain, rather than be content, I'd get bored and glare across the valley like 'what's on that one?'
So we took off traveliving. I made that word up myself. Been at it now since the middle of 2016—traveliving. We've lived in several U.S coastal cities as well as one landlocked one back in 2020. That was a weird year. We've lived in various parts of Central and South America, some European cities and even the Middle East for a short stint before landing in England earlier this year. When we got here we had plans. Plan is a funny word.
My wife's British. Born in California but half English, her dad's from West Yorkshire. She's also pretty sick and felt comfortable with English medical attention. The plan was set up shop here; buy a house or flat or something with a yard, get a couple dogs, plant some roots, learn how to drive on the wrong side of the road and see where it goes. Then, about a week ago, I finally got a response from UK immigration regarding my spouse visa application:
Request for Indefinite Leave to Remain is denied at this time.
Alright, well, that's just fucking splendid! Didn't see that coming like an elevator on mushrooms. This is our plan-b. Since she's British and we're married, we didn't plan on plan-b getting shit on. Nah, I'm not bitter at all can you tell?
We've since been looking into Europe. She really likes Greece. As do I. Unfortunately the plane ride to and from the UK could prove to be a little inconvenient. For that reason, we're considering Spain. Valencia to London is a two hour flight that runs all day long for $23. We'll be going there in October when my visitor pass expires.
Hopefully our first impression stops us in our tracks like "Yes! Here! This is it!" And we do the whole house/flat thing, dogs, roots, etcetera. From there I'd have to apply for a frequent traveler pass that would allow me to accompany her to and from England which, at this point, there's no guarantees I'd qualify. Never did we imagine gaining Spanish residency without being married to a Spaniard is easier than English residency when you are married to a Brit.
She's pretty discouraged now, understandably so. Discouraged, disappointed, some more d-words. The past week'ish we even began shopping properties in the US again. Kinda leaves a bad taste in your mouth when you up and leave everything you know to invest time and money somewhere only to learn half of you can't stay there.
Whatev. This too shall pass or however the saying goes. I didn't make that one up, heard it somewhere else. Life is a trip. It's always doing lifey things.
On that note, presuming you've consumed enough information for now that I'll likely regret sharing at some point, this concludes today's vent session. Have a nice day or night or whatever, you know what I mean. I'm gonna go dig holes in the back yard now and chase my tail for awhile.
Quite a beautiful life you two have lived. Sorry the Brits did that to you, I'm sure with time you guys would find a place you all would love and can stay in if that's what you all want.
Goodluck, buddy.
Damn, I missed your absence, welcome back even though you didn't say you'd be blogging a lot.
If I call you a nuts poser you know I mean right? = }
Wassup man? Thanks for checking this one out. Yeah I tend to come and go regularly, sometimes the length in between is longer than expected. I've been trying to maintain at least one new release per week but the more life does lifey things, the more ambition I lose. I have nothing in the works right now.
I don't suppose Nigeria would be any more welcoming to us eh?
About the only sure thing I've learned in 46 years of living is shit consistently gets worse. What we thought sucked 10 years ago ain't that bad anymore! Concerning when I think about how we'll see these days 10 years from now.
Cheers my dude.
Nope. I'm not sure I know what a nuts poser is. Does it mean someone who pretends or poses like he's nuts when he ain't or something?🌚
Well, feel free, man, post whenever.
I'm sure Nigeria would be more welcoming, mostly because its not bombarded with immigrants yet.
Wow! That's what you've come to find! Sadly I can't argue with that, I can only say some things get worse and some others get better. But in general...🙆🏿♂️.
Hahahahaha 😂.
Ahhhh... Learned something new by reading the comments. Thanks Arts.? I think..?
Any time dude! That's Nevies. He put up this article about a week ago where he was caught on film urgently needing to piss.
This seems to imply that there's a place that they aren't...
Man, that's just dirty. Who pissed in immigration's tea? Are they still bitter over that tea party we had a while back?
If nothing else there's always those WW2 gun platforms turned micronations...
There's gotta be decent, trustworthy law enforcing human beings somewhere, right?! You don't think I'll die searching having always walked away empty handed do you?
Wassup Jethro? Neither of us considered the complication. We did our homework before we left. Everyone made it sound simple cuz we met all the criteria. Then fuckin russia happened. We've now travelived right in the middle of Brexit, then covid, and now this.
Good call with the micro nations, you know seafood's my favorite.
Thanks sir. And not just for your stance on guns, law, womens rights and everything else we're eye to eye on.
Odds are good there's at least one somewhere, but they're well camouflaged. Hey, we've all got to have a windmill to tilt at.
Same old same old here, just hanging in there like a hair in a biscuit. My first thought was 'there's got to be an error somewhere' but that was closely followed by 'but good luck getting anybody to acknowledge that.' Don't expect there's much I can do but if you think of something just give me a holler. Sounds like y'alls hitting on all cylinders for sure.
Hey, and if you get bored there's always pirate radio!
You're more than welcome my friend.
hmmmm.... do they even give a reason?
or just - GTFO.
well what about you doing the whole... like... ok- then Pura can live there -(and you too obviously) but you juts have to take a plane ride to Spain for a day with her every 6 months - to renew your visa?
would that work??
and - this whole time you've been traveliving (and i love that word hehe) was it for adventure - or with the hopes that you would actually find the place you wanted to stay?
or both
and... how do you choose the next place you can go? (so many more questions hehehe but... i shall leave them there)
I thought you'd never ask = } Real short response ahead:
Reason—not exactly. England word salads the shit out of everything. Something basic like the red light at a traffic signal they won't call a red light, they'll go into this crazy word salad: Before green and sharply after amber and after green as well in preparation for amber again rather than just say red. Immigration offices are understaffed temporarily or indefinitely or at the moment or until further notice (see what I mean?) due to the recent influx in asylum seekers.
With the exception of EU and their Shenzhen countries with 90 day stays in a 180 day period, border hopping would work. We've done plenty of that in the past. We've been warned, however, against attempting it in England post-Brexit. If they believe I'm abusing entry authority without paying the fees and applying for Frequent Traveler Pass they're currently understaffed to verify they could revoke my entry indefinitely. Hard to believe, right? D-words. This is how they treat the spouse of their own National Citizen who suffers from a chronic illness. Nah.. not bitter at all.
Traveliving—adventure, excitement, all of the above and seeing places we always wanted to see, absolutely. And pre-covid it was actually substantially less expensive to live like this. But we both have/had high expectations the entire time during our travels we'd fall in love with somewhere and call it home. Somewhere would actually stop us in our tracks because we'd rather stay there permanently than travelive. Still searching....
How. The only stipulation to 'how' is we don't pick it more than 30 days in advance. We're kinda on a pause right now and signed a short lease in England to get Pura all dialed but we're off again in October like I said. But as of now we have no idea where November, December, etc is. So we won't pick November until we're settled in Spain, won't pick December until we're settled wherever in November and so on.
Less time to plan decreases the chance of disappointment. So a couple factors come into play; want, beachy/not, historic/modern, touristy/isolated, culture like not disrespectful to women, a couple basics like that. Once we have an idea we kinda try to keep it close distance wise—2-3 hour plane ride. A couple affordability checks on Air B&B and then weigh out our options like "Istanbul!"
Thanks Dreem.
Im just very interested in georgia and albania ^^
Albania has super affordable rent too which isn't necessarily a good thing but something I'd like to experience. Typically if you can stay somewhere seaside with a kitchen, hot water, ocean view etc for under $500/month it's not safe. There's quite a few like that in Albania but we've definitely given it some thought specifically, cuz it's seaside, affordable, and not part of Schengen. Maybe stay on the other side of town but you're not alone, I'd like to stay there too.
I'll let you know what I think should we make it. Where are you now? Thanks!
I'm still in nazi germany..
Actually I don't think albania is too unsafe/ dangerous - every country has albania mafia except albania itself.. xD
Shenzhen? you mean China? xD
I'm interested in how your plans will go and for which way youll decide :)
I appreciate the follow. If I disappoint just say something and I'll kick my ass for you.
Apologies, I misspelled that. Schengen is what I meant which not too many Europeans are familiar with cuz to you it means nothing. But a foreigner who wants to stay longer than 90 days in Europe, it's scripture.
Just recently my wife and I drew cities out of a hat. We'll be making a pair of quick, 1 week trips before we leave England. She wrote down 3 and put them in a hat—pulled Paris. My three were Stockholm, Berlin, Amsterdam. Amsterdam won. I would love to visit Germany.
Nazi is before my lifetime, no stigmata from me. Man look at Russia, you guys are heroes now. We've met and befriended a handful of Germans along the way, like five I think, this is a couple years ago so before this war. I wrote about it a long time ago how Germans almost instinctually duck their head when they said where they're from and almost whisper, "Germany."
I always felt so bad and wanted to be 'It's ok, it's ok, it's ok, that crazy past isn't your fault!'
sorry for the late answer, this is the other comment I ment :P
I'm currently travelling a little bit
and yeah, you are right - schengen makes it way easier to travel, also sending packages,.. especially between german speaking countries and whole europe
but also would be shit if not.. like in lockdown
ofc better than not being able to just go from bavaria in germany to also german speaking friends in austria - like in lockdown
so I still have problems like you, especially cuz I just want to leave germany and also europe
already hinted at albania and georgia
georgia is a special case
but in albania I'll also have to invest and build to be allowed to stay
I think albania is also quite similar to the 90day rule
but it is all just bureaucracy shit and I'm very much looking forward to see it all fade
heroes? by having lockdowns, no freedom and soon hunger and blackout?
yea, germany has a big fault cult problems, thats why we again try to genocide - ofc lead by unaware, still very actively
Albania is absolutely beautiful. The people of Albania are usually very hospitable and welcoming.
Hey, you! Each time I go looking for you, you've vanished for like half a year. Thanks for stopping by. You still in New York?
Hi 👋! I’m Back for now. I’m still in NY. I’m pretty sure I’ll always be in NY. Lol . How have you been ?
Only great if that counts like cannabis trucks in New York City.
They are all over in Manhattan. I’m not a fan of them, especially when going into Manhattan with my kids.
yes Ive been told that very often - I'm very looking forward to feel the atmosphere. vibes and good basic people :)
That's a bummer, but I know you will land on your feet somewhere. Spain sounds like it may fit the bill. I know that you raved about Greece. My daughter just got back from Greece, spending 10 days there. She loved it and the pictures she showed us were unreal. She said that the people there were wonderful, with most speaking English.
The trip back to the states for her and her husband was a nightmare. They spent 48 hours in the airport as one flight after the next was canceled. She was stuck in Montreal and finally took a Greyhound bus across the boarder to Plattsburg NY. 378 miles later we finally picked her up. Another 395 mile and we had her home. Spent the night at her new home and then 186 miles later we were finally home and exhausted. Never again will she fly Air Canada.
Were you ever given a reason for being denied a permanent visa?
You also mentioned that you were looking at locations to hang your hat in the states. That 10 acers you purchased in Tennessee could be the answer, lots of room for the dog/dogs you have wanted for some time now.
I hope everything works out for you guys.
Peace my friend!
Wassup my man? Thanks for checking this one out. You'll find most of the touristy spots like I'm assuming your daughter visited, regardless what continent it's on, there will be a lot of English speakers. Slowly but surely it's becoming the world language.
We keep hearing of traumatic airline experiences but hers is one of the worst! Man that's terrible. We were so prepared on both of our recent trips, expecting the worst, and it was smooth sailing. We got Amsterdam and Paris coming up before we vacate England and have heard both are tough, wish us luck!
Tennessee. You know, we toss the idea around regularly. I don't wanna get much further into female dog skin than this article already is but the longer we stayed there the longer it may just be an investment—nice place to visit. Sweed, it's sofa king Bible thumping white in Tennessee. I guarantee they're still flying trump flags. We were kinda happy to leave but it's not off the table. Plus that property is pretty isolated from everything. Only catch is a bridge needs built to access the road which I knew going in. Either that or clear six acres of forest on the opposite side, the bridge would be better and is a shorter, already cleared distance.
Weather, fresh fish daily, some culture, A BEACH, and not taxing like Ca dot dot dot dot would be a Godsend. We've been shopping properties in NC. Got any thoughts? I'd love to know what you think of the Carolinas. SC is super red, they fully backed the Feds recent abortion laws which is disappointing to us and we've stayed there several times—summers are rough!
Visa. I wish there was an easy explanation. One thing nobody warned us of is a got dang war! Obviously Eastern Europeans have priority, I don't have an issue with that. But the hoops England requires the spouse of their sick citizen whom they acknowledge is sick I do have an issue with. Due to the influx of asylum seekers, I'm required to file from outside the UK. But get this; Pura is required to stay in UK to continue paying the council tax on an apartment so I can prove I have somewhere to go. I have to file from my own country and surrender my passport during the process but wait, it gets worse. The whole process would take 32 weeks.
I'm expected to leave her here alone, return to the US, surrender my passport so we can't even reunite in EU or anything, pay a £5k fee and wait 32 weeks for response with no guarantees. Spain I can file from within, retain my passport, pay €150 and the whole process takes 7-10 days.
My man, been awhile since we had these winded conversations. I appreciate your sincerity. Thank you. Say hello to the farm for us.
Just don't fly Air Canada and you should be all right. The problem with Air Canada is that they fired all personal that didn't get vaccinated. That move left them totally short handed. My daughter told us that there were only two people that were working the gate at the time and there were about 500 to 600 people in line waiting to be serviced.
She really felt bad for the families with little kids that were going through the same nightmare. Elderly people were collapsing in line while waiting.
At one point both service people left to go for lunch and never mentioned it to all of the people waiting. At this point my daughter was about 6 people from the front of the line. She needed to find out where her luggage was so that she could pick it up and get in line once again for the final leg home.
She was so disgusted that after the attendants left she went behind the desk and started riffling through the paper work she located where it was.
There were other people that were also on the same flight to that she was and were looking for their luggage. She gets on the intercom and starts announcing to everyone where they can pick up their luggage. The whole time nobody stopped her. She said that there wasn't aa single security guard around and spent 5 minutes on the intercom.
Now we find out that Air Canada is trying to hire back everyone they fired for not being vaccinated and they are saying f--k you and not returning.
Some rednecks in this area are still flying Trump Banners and a few Rebel flags still fly. What the heck is wrong with these people. He lost, thank God, get over it.
SC not a place I would want to live, but NC may be a different story. Robin has a few family members that moved there in the past several years. They love it and it sounds very affordable.
That whole visa thing is so convoluted, talk about jumping through hoops with no guarantee after 32 weeks.
Spain surely sounds a lot more inviting.
There's no way I could ever imagine leaving Robin for 32 weeks, I'd rather live in a cave where we were both welcomed.
It sounds like you guys are stuck between a rock and a hard place.
Keep the faith my friend, things like this usually have a reason for happening which don't come to light until things are settled.
Talk later, we're headed to Herkimer, NY in a few hours to visit with my brother, from there we're headed back to NJ to do some visiting and attend our granddaughter's 13th birthday party. Be home on Monday unless Robin convinces me to spend a night at Mohegan Sun. The girl loves the slots. 😁
I appreciate the reminder sir. Thank you.
Enjoy your trip, be safe and all that. Til next time..
Back home safely. I saw a lot of people that I had not seen for a while we spent some quality time with the family and a few friends.
This comment is now on notice. Borderline Reply/Comment Gone Wild here @dandays Juss' Sayin'
Sweed's a bad influencer—brings out the worst in me.
That sucks that you have to change plans but that said I did love Valencia the times I visited there
My wife is Also British but was living in Spain when I met her she loved it there
How interesting. Was she in Valencia'ish or more south toward Malaga'ish? A lot of Brits resettle in Malaga.
Yeah shame on me I guess for not having a plan c on standby. I never considered the possibility of a got dang war breaking out!!!!
First covid and now this. Traveliving might be a thing of the past. Thanks Jay, where are you guys now?
She was working in Gibraltar and living just across the border, I think in a place called La Línea de la Concepción
Yes its been a terrible couple of years for travelling, I was working/living in Bosnia when I met my wife, she joined me thee, and then we moved to NY, I am now living in Massachusetts close to family now that I am retired
At first I was like, you are writing just like I remember. Funny and cunning. Definitely wondering where this was going, and then the bad news came up. That is definitely a hellish situation. I'm sorry that it's happened that way for you and your wife, and I'm sorry to hear of her being ill. It's a hard situation and I hope and pray to what God's there is that all falls into place and gets better and more positive. Much love and respect to the both of you, such great people you are xx
Also, hello again dear friend!
Nice to see you. I didn't know you were around again. I saw your handle like 'hey! Get back in my list.' You were gone so long I thought you were gone-gone, sorry about that. What's up? New husband yet? Wife? Wifband? Charlie still running scissors? Ok, enough about you. = }
Thank you. I'm glad you think so.
Yeah we've kinda been dealt a shitty hand but no one would trade shoes with me nor I them. Yata yata England Shmingland. Hey, maybe we'll turn up in Canada!
No need to be sorry, I myself didn't even know I was coming back. I ended up needing to check something on Hive and then all of a sudden, BoOM, I'm writing a blog saying heyo!
No husband, but boyfriend :D a sexy, handsome, tattooed one at that haha. Oh and hes super cool and nice and respectful and supportive and and and all the good stuff. Even the kids love him. Wife? Too much for me to handle. Sometimes I even think I'm too much in this skin suit :p
Man, if there was a great couple I could meet face to face from this blockchain, you and your wife would be it, among a few others at that. I have a list. If it comes to Canada, heck yeah! If not, I really do hope both of you and your wife's feet land on solid, good, healthy ground. You guys deserve the best!
Tattooed?? Eewww. Have you no decency?!
= }
Oh like you didn't already know XD
And you are def not Cunty and Funning. Or is it Cunningly Runty?
Ahh shit, now i am confused again. Time to delete this comment... Or did I hit the reply... Ahh crap.
Ever wonder why funny ain't spLeL'd with a silent P like pfennig or pfeffernuss or pfizer?
Definition of "
F̷u̷n̷¶hun Knees"...Verb:- Kamalaaaaah Hairyass 0n her knees working 0n Orally obtaining the assistant prosecutors position under Willy Browns willy...
That was a MouthFool!
Seems I missed this, sorry
Hmmm, I dont see Austria the promised land in your list? ;-)
I lived in southern Bavaria for 20 years, think you would like it there, the region around Munich is great to live, but very expensive and long winters
If I would like to move out from Austria my favorite would be south France.
But honestly, did you think about Kroatia or Slowenia? There you also have good medicinical standards. Seckorama is from Slowenia maybe he can tell you about his land.
Language barrier is NO reason. More important to find a place you both love to be.
Oh and no way without Amazon prime of course ;-)
Hope youre fine !LUV
(3/3) gave you LUV. tools | wallet | discord | community | <><
HiveBuzz.me NFT for Peace
Well hello, Austria.
Language barrier IS a reason when you're in South America and you have a target on your back cuz you speak English. They treat English speakers like an ATM there, assume we're all rich, and try to steal from us everywhere; market, cab, farmer, car salesman, barber, everywhere. It's way easier to call them on their bullshit when you speak the same language.
I want to experience Germany. Fun fact: we have a couple trips coming up before we relocate to Spain, Amsterdam in three weeks and Paris next month. But the way we chose—wrote three cities on paper, threw them in a hat and drew one, my choices were Stockholm, Berlin, and Amsterdam. Almost! Pura drew Paris, I forget her other two. I do hope to get to Germany sooner than later.
Croatia is on the to-do list. If Spain doesn't stop us in our tracks we're gonna spend several months in EU visiting Portugal, Istanbul, Croatia for sure, Albania most likely (traveliving), just unsure the order. I'll let you know what I think. = }
Chizz ('cheers') Beebuh! (Cuz Europeans can't pronounce their R's)
Damn, I'm sorry I missed casting my measly vote for this post and I'm sorry England is being such a selfish jerk. But Spain, Spain is really pretty, isn't it? And Spanish is an easy language. And there are beaches and there is paella and I think they like women all right...
Thanks for taking your sweet ass time, I can hardly pocket more measly cents. Not sense, cents. Not scents either.
I can get by pretty good with Spanish and Pura's much better than me. Looking forward to naps on the beach again. Unless of course mom sends junior to blow a whistle in my face repeatedly and wakes me up startlingly and won't stop blowing the thing over and over and over and I'm like 'dooood' meanwhile mom's yelling at me "$1! $1! $1! $1!" and I'm 'get him outta my face!'
That shit just keeps getting worse wherever we go.
Nonsense and incense. But no insects or incest. Just take the whistle and throw it into the ocean.
I didn't want to believe it but history I guess does repeat itself. Or, you know, gets nostalgic for all the wrong things. Relapsing.
I might've been just a little worried about you a little.
Awwwwww, did you think I got eaten by a moose?
Nah, way worse than that. I should probably watch less murder mystery shows.
Eeeeee yeah probably. I can't watch those things. Human nature can get very disturbing.
In Canada you can't carry a weapon but you can carry bear spray, which shoots way farther and stronger than my wimpy Kroger brand pepper spray keychain. Kept the murder mystery content creators at bay.
My low-brow opinion... find any place you can afford, in any small town, in any country that can give Pura the healthcare attention she needs, and do it. There is no place perfect, you have to make it perfect. Not to mention, it sounds like wherever you settle, you'll soon get bored with it and want to see something new. It sounds like what you should be looking for is less of a home, and more of a base camp... something you can lock up and leave when you want to.
In any case, forget about the weather, wherever you're looking. Weather changes, and right now, old weather patterns barely mean shit.
...just in case you didn't already have enough unsolicited advice :D
Who is this and what have you done with paradoxtma?
Wassup man? Maybe I should've waited a little bit to sign in but I think you just got real with me and I thought you only did funny satire, you good? Everything ok? That explains why you ignored my SC / NC question—tired of my shit.
We repeat back n forth regularly these days how as soon as we're even slightly hinting toward comfortable we're calling for the dogs. Stop. Park. Get the dogs en route and our hands are played. Being this mobile is a double edge sword. One side we're free to go and whatever and the other side we're free to go and whatever. I repeated myself on purpose on purpose.
Do you guys have kids? How long have you been where you are? There's a lot of questions in this response huh?
Your advice is much appreciated.
Hmmm... I thought I had replied to your NC/SC question. Might have been one of those nights I fell asleep before I hit send. The reply was basically: 'Ask any questions you have, worse case is that I don't have an answer.' If you replied after that with some questions, then I just missed it.
Hedge Witch has a daughter, but she's almost 30 now and doesn't really require any attention. I've only ever had step-kids, and at this point, they're all grown. I've been in the house where I do my homesteading for 15 years now, which is 3 times longer than I've ever lived anywhere else. When I decided to buy this place, it just made sense from an equity point of view... the payment here was lower than rent on a similarly sized home, so I figured that if I decided I hated it later, I could at least get some of my 'rent' back.
It's hard to give good advice, without knowing you both a little bit better, but I can give some advice that applies pretty universally. Like I was (kinda) saying in my initial reply, don't look for a perfect place, look for places that fit your most basic needs. Keep in mind that it isn't necessarily a forever decision... people change homes all the time, for all sorts of reasons. If your budget is tight, make sure you leave room in it to cover emergency repairs. Last thing (for now), wherever you actually look at a house, spend a little time in the community as well. Act like a tourist, talk to some people, and check out the local classified ads. You can tell a lot about a community by the stuff they buy and sell.
Funny satire is only one of the many things I do. I can also weld, weave, and fart the star spangled banner.
Initial repairs, good one. When considering a purchase I'm always thinking of leaving enough money in my pocket to build a big garage or swimming pool. Initial repairs are probably mandatory.
We do rent a spot for a decent amount of time to get a feel for the culture while touring homes at the same time. But what happens is, 3-6 months in, same shit... the bad always outweighs the good. I haven't signed a 1-year lease since about 2014 I guess and even that one I bought myself out of. I really suck at sitting still.
You made the right call. No kids makes it easy to roam. But a mortgage these days is quite a bit less than rent. You're probably way in the green on equity.
I'm thinking speed up the process this next time. Just get by a beach like you said, our main want, be near a major university for medical is a necessity. So long as those are accomplished, order the got dang dogs so I can't leave.
Because this is such an awesome post, here is a BBH Tip for you. . Keep up the fantastic work
Hey I don't think we've met before. Pleasure to be met. Thank you.
I didn't learn nothing! See ya in Spain!
Are you trying to teach me something?
Bring weed!
Did u know that it's depenalized in Spain?
Yes'ir. I check my Weed Maps updates every morning and then the LA Times.
That sucks, brother. There's always Canada. Apparently we take everyone. At least that's what the hicks around here say.
If you are wondering about Spain, maybe ask my brother Daniel. He's older than me.
I feel confident that you two will end up where you are supposed to be. Together.
Ladies a gentleman, welcome to the comment section, the newest owner of a glass cutter thing.
Wassup! I sound all kinda female dog on that one huh? Whatever, buncha D-words.
We've met a lot of refugees during these traveliving days, one thing's for sure, each of them know Cañada welcomes them. I love doing one of these ñ's when I spLeL Cañada to a Cañadian. Getting there is the challenge but once they're there, they're home free.
It'll work out the way it's supposed to. Pretty tired of nodding and smiling. Thanks Chris!
Nah, I didn't get the bitchy vibe at all. Big difference between bitchy and frustrated. I think I will pronounce it Canyada from now on. Thanks for that. Sounds more Latin and who couldn't use a bit more Latinization?
I'm so sorry to hear that the ride is so bumpy for you and your wife at the moment 😢 The UK government really needs to sort itself out when it comes to spouse settlement visas. It's appalling and has been for years. They make genuine families jump through all sorts of hoops and then still say no. I'm actually surprised at how few F words you used, under the circumstances. I do hope you find your dream home in Spain, somewhere you can both lay your heads at night and snuggle down with the soon-to-be-acquired 2.5 dogs hehe. Sending much love x
!LUV !ALIVE !hivebits
Has anyone told you how kind you are lately? Only thing I would've done differently is read this first this am—pleasant way to start my day. Thank you.
Are you English? The hoops are outrageous with compliance expectations that are very challenging for us to justify. Because of the refugee influx at the moment, God bless them, asylum seekers receive first attention which means no amount of money qualifies me for immediate action. That means the husband of a UK citizen with a chronic illness must wait 8 months for processing but wait, it gets worse.
That's not a typo—32 weeks.
I can't be in England during application process, wait for it.. wait for it... My wife must be. Figure that out. D-words! She must remain in UK alone for 8 months to maintain National Insurance # with proof of residency as well so I can prove I have somewhere to stay when I get here (That's the short version). The fees are astronomical too compared to most places other than Dubai.
Eight months apart, I can't be in the country, nearly £5k in fees with no guarantees. I wish I was making this up.
Somewhere, yes. If not Spain then 'somewhere.' Portugal is fairly close in distance too. First covid and now this. I think traveliving days are numbered like my British days. = }
Thank you.
aw you are lovely, thank you... I am actually South African by birth. Born in Durban. Grew up 30kms from the coast. Moved to the UK with my husband (who had dual nationality at the time) when I was 29... so I came on a spouse settlement visa back then... many moons ago lol. So... now I am British by naturalisation. I lost my South African citizenship because of another government's ridiculous, inequitable rules and regulations which were not published at the time. I also checked in with Home Affairs in South Africa before I proceeded with my new citizenship application and they told me it was perfectly fine. After I had applied, they told me it wasn't! That I needed to apply to retain my citizenship of South Africa before I apply for British. I told them...sure...ok I will pause my application or withdraw it... do the correct process and then re-apply. Their response. Too late!!! meh! I will always have permanent residency rights because of my birthright... so let them do them.
I do hope you guys manage to find your home in the world. It's appalling how governments treat their own citizens. They have a lot to answer for. May the people make that happen through the use of their voices and their votes.
Sending love x
ps: Portugal is lovely... only been there once on holiday (weird right? it's so close... ) but definitely want to go again and again...it feels so much like home (South Africa) to me, and it seems to be one of the easier places t get into in the EU if one is looking to move.
Oh how interesting. Very neat. Where about in England are you guys? We've stayed in all four corners, each has its perks but if we were forced to pick, we'd say Liverpool.
We're in Manchester now. For now. It'll be in the rear view in October. Got a couple short trips between now and then. Looking forward to that! But TSA already gave me grief my last re-entry from Hungary. D-words.
Portugal. From what I've investigated, residency is even easier there. And close too. Opportunity wise and the fact no one has ever said Spain sucks, we're curious to scope it out first. I've been back n forth with the Spanish embassy back home—easy peazy. So they say. Much quicker, too, 7-10 days vs eight months and about 1/5 the cost.
oh wow that does sound a lot easier and far more compassionate and family-friendly. Sounds like you have a couple of great options there... plan C's so to speak 😉🙄
Aah Manchester! I am nowhere near there lol... but then in the UK nothing is ever too far away... hehe... I drove back home from Edinburgh in an evening once! Granted it was a long ass drive... but still doable. I am in Berkshire, near Windsor. My road used to be in Burnham, Buckinghamshire... but they rezoned it and drew a fake line around our neighbourhood to facilitate voting mechanics... how unlike the politicians haha. So now I am in Berkshire 🙄 It's the Royal Borough...and Lillibet lives down the road so... not all bad, right? My hubby and I used to drive up to Manchester every other weekend for the football. We had season tickets to Old Trafford at one point - before kids! But then road trips have never phased me. I quite like them...time to chill and let my mind wander and wonder...
Would love to know where you end up and how easy it ends up being... making the move across the channel. You mentioned previously that your wife is American-British... what is your nationality that it requires you to seek spousal visa... did I read between the lines... American? Spanish?
Meh, you're only 5 hours by train, see you for breakfast. Why didn't you make that little meet-up they had in Halifax a month ago? I was pleasantly surprised how fun that was.
:confession: I'm unaware who Lillibet is so I googled the name. Is that Hairy / Meaghan's daughter? Are you laughing? You think that's funny don't you? It gets worse, watch, why isn't she in LA with her parents?
Speaking of LA, that's my hometown. DanDays comes from Here. Pura, yes: American/British. Me, no: American/not British.
There was a meet-up in Halifax??? I had no idea!!! who should I be following to find these things out? lol.
haha yeah, Manchester was like a 3.5-hour journey up the M6 for us... not far at all. We used to drive up... chill for an hour or two before a game... watch the game and drive home haha. We may be up in the area towards the end of August to see friends... I'll let you know if I am!
Lillibet - aka HRH Elizabeth II - aka the queen lol... her official home is Windsor Castle... about 10-minute drive from my front door. So nope...not a reference to Harry and Megans' daughter !LOLZ
Aah Long Beach, CA... I never made it there. It looks really lovely. I was in LA in March... made it to Venice Beach (eclectic and heavily scented with flora of the rolling kind haha although I did spend a quiet 1/2 hour watching the waves roll in from the dunes) and Santa Monica (the Pier was heaving - I didn't stay long)... spent an afternoon on an open-top bus around the city. I was severely jetlagged at the time. I was happy to be rescued by Dreems and whisked away to the mountains via Universal Studios haha.
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This is one impressive comment section. Much more so than the British visa requirements.
Sorry to hear you guys are still in limbo. Especially with Pura being able to get better healthcare there. Fingers crossed for a good visit to Spain to check things out over there.
We didn't hit any comedy clubs this time in Asheville, but did think of you guys as we ate here...
I would move up there just for the food. And the hiking. And the autumn leaves...
That plate looks so good.
Why don't you then? Move there? What's holding you up?
Now that we're in it-in it, I wouldn't say it's better, it's just free. Kind of a double-edge sword really. Free, yes. Get what pay for, oh absolutely!
That plate looks so good.
That part about we've been looking at property in the states again, we're specifically looking in Wilmington. = }
That plate looks so good.
Life can be challenging at times, but look at the great things you have achieved in past and hope for a greater tomorrow. Definitely, this too shall pass.
Best wishes Sir
Hey whaddup @alidickson? Welcome to the Blockchain, how's your first three weeks going?
I try not to get too female doggy too often but it happens. This blockchain is good for all kinda things; meeting new people, vicariously traveling, image saving like when your phone is loaded up—just save'em here and venting!
weekly writing challenge and offers rewards to a few entrants but it's also a good way for new authors such as yourself to meet new people fairly quickly.Are you familiar with @GalenKP's weekend-engagement challenges? He hosts a
Welcome to Hive dude, tell all your friends about us. Don't be a stranger.
Thanks so much for the warm welcome boss @dandays . Hive is a very interesting community and I am getting along well. Sure I will be bringing my friends on board too.
Many thanks for the weekly writing challenge recommendation, I will check it out right away!
That’s pretty lousy. Shame! Hope you guys find something wonderful in Spain - the weather is much better, just for starters 🤗❤️💕❤️🤗
Funny. No, no that! The other day it got in the 90's and I swear the whole country shut down like a new variant was announced. No trains, pubs closed, lights out across the whole island. Today it's 60 and raining, consumerism resumes.
There really is no place to hide!
We've been looking at our options & have a similar list as yours but for now we at least still have a good life despite all that's happening around us.
But your wife needs good medical care and then you're denied leave to stay!!! I'm soooo sorry but hope you find your little place in the sun where Pura can get decent medical care without traveling out of town.That REALLY sucks @dandays!!! Likely a stupid question but is there no way you can appeal something like that?
We didn't see that one coming. Thank you more than THIS for the reblog and apologies even bigger for the F words I made you read. = }
I was just saying how we did everything the best we could; this, that, t's, i's then a got dang war broke out!!! F WORDS!
Sounds promising in Spain. From what we've read at least. It's always different in person. Only one way to find out, Ms Lizelle, first hand. We'll go see what we see and I'll tell you all about it.
Thank you <3
That's a really interesting lifestyle. So how long do you generally stay in one place - a few months? Do you rent apartments or all airbnbs and hotels? Feel free to ignore the questions if you don't want to answer.
Sorry to hear about the denial. Hopefully plan C gets figured out and works out in the end
It's a little more challenging this time compared to pre-covid. We stay at least 30 days to not only engulf ourselves in the culture but get the discounts on Air B&B. England, for example, we've stayed in all four corners. Liverpool is my favorite in case anyone's interested. Monthly discounts on Air B&B can be as high as 60%. One week could be $600 but the whole month is 14 hundred, see what I mean? Pricing though, between now and pre covid, are about 2n1/2x higher. They're making it tough to roam.
Yeah. Us too. D-words. Thanks Leaky.
Okay interesting. That's a really cool way to live and I'm sure an amazing experience. You must have seen a lot of different places by now
We have man. Everything from history you literally feel to places I won't go back to if it's my best friends wedding and airfare is paid for.
Someone's gotta do it.
The Luckiest Guy I Know
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Group hug!
i was lucky enough to apply for residence in Bulgaria before Brexit / UK leaving EU. i think it's more difficult now to get residence here and to buy property.
i'm happily settled here now, and retired (at 45 - well sort of - i still have entrepreneurial spirit). UK healthcare can go ##ck themselves, no health insurance for me either, i have my stocks of MMS, Borax, Magnesium, enema pot and urine so no need for "western" death medicine!
Sat Nam
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Whaddup Sam? Your sentiments on the health care here pretty much sums it up. Until experiencing it first hand, we just weren't sure. We're sure now.
Check this out. We did Covid in Italy, Brexit in England, my visa expired so we went back to the states, left again and now this. What are the chances....
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Spain is a pretty cool country to live in. Much better than England in every way. I wouldn't be caught living in England, that's for sure. Bad weather, rude people, everything is miles away from the residential areas. It just sucks big time.
Spain is a great country to live in. Cool people, nice weather, great beaches, great food... what else do you want?
I can't really think of anything else, sounds like the perfect spot for walls and dogs. Looking forward to the experience.
Wassup Trincowski? Always a pleasure when you stop by.
Although not a crowd favorite, I'd like to elaborate a little racism. It's so deeply intertwined in the culture here they don't realize British / White British, a commonly asked identifying question alongside Sur name / First name, for example, on every.single questionnaire is highly offensive. I'm just a visitor though so who cares what I think.
I've been asked a couple of questions here in public (3 to be exact) with onlookers nearby by seemingly good people with a genuine interest in my response who honestly have no idea how racist they're being when asking otherwise they wouldn't ask. It's just that deep here—alarming.
I'll elaborate if anyone's interested but it's horrible verbiage, I'd rather not—you've been warned.
Thank you
I read it last night @dandays but was too tired to reply hehehe 🤭
I soooo understand. We talked about this for a while now.
I sooo hope you find on your next travels “the” place. As it is exhausting.
And the advice of others, yes… their opinions are never yours, you need to experience yourself.
We are in the same fase… we so need and would like to settle down for once. Grow roots… stay… build a life. Hopefully we reach our next destination before the end of the year 🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻 Sending out positive vibes ✨✨✨
It’s crazy to think they don’t let you stay. Everywhere seems understaffed and backlogged at the moment.
Keep your hopes up. There is a place out there…
Be careful with the new rules how long you can stay somewhere, it can get complicated.
Much love for both of you 🤗🤗🥰
Well hello there! Fancy meeting you wherever the fuuu heck we are.
Rules. I was actually warned already by the attorney here about in and out. Then just recently by TSA when returning from Hungary. I'm told they could refuse my entry indefinitely. Crazy. 'But my wife's English'. Who cares! I didn't know anywhere was difficult when half of you is a citizen. Even in Costa Rica where we stayed six months, border hopping between Nicaragua and Panama, no one said anything.
Yes, you're right, strictly follow the rules. Know where to layover inside and out of Schengen for example and understand the 90 in 180 day period which doesn't concern you with a European passport—nice passport! We've mapped out non Schengen like Turkey, Montenegro, Ireland, Croatia. = }
Love it when you stop by LittleMightyBee. Thank you.
Indeed indeed, fancy meeting you here again too 👋🏻😁
It is crazy to think other things, probably not even concerning you, are stopping you to stay in the Uk.
You are right I have an EU passport… but hubby is British too. So it could get complicated one day if plan A and B don’t work out. But we focus on plan A now. Still no updates hehehe
I notice everything is getting stricter. When we moved back to Spain from Malta in 2020… we should have gotten our long term residencias back as you can stay up to 2 years out of the country when living longer than 5 years in Spain before. They didn’t return it, processed a new one and our “clock” started to count again.
Croatia is beautiful people say… I know nothing about Montenegro… are you sure about Turkey?
I like our conversations!
Take care… 🤗🤗Thanks @dandays ☺️ That’s nice to here.
I don't think I'm understanding. They are not Schengen, of course, only EU countries are but I don't think that's what you're asking. Help me understand.
Bummer about having to start over for you guys. All of the borders and governments who honor them.. Hashtag WeirdWorld. Since we began this journey we've experienced Brexit, covid, and now the war, all from abroad. Wtf!
What happens when you guys go to the US? How does that work? Do you get a 2 year work visa there, too, like your husband has now?
Nope not meaning it in that way, I mean of countries you would go to/ are looking into.
It sure is a strange world at the moment. Yep, we did too… all of that living abroad. It is holding us up in many ways… backlogs etc.
Brexit is causing hubby a lot of problems as he works in Gibraltar, he has to cross a border every day…
We go on a relocation with the company. They have offices in a lot of countries. They are expanding the US further now. It is indeed a work visa, that can be changed later on to green cards. I’m spouse of…
He doesn’t have a visa for Spain as they had to honour people living on the right papers, before the change date, in Spain. He lived in Spain 15 years now. We had our recidencias reapplied just in time. So that is a bit of luck.
When I read your words I notice all the minor adjustments you have to rely on the translator for that I never paid attention to before now like "shoe" and "shew" for example. Is English tough to learn?
You, young lady, are so practiced! 15 years you've been doing this?? Dayum. I'm even more female dog than I thought, all this wa wa'n barely six years in. Hell yeah I bet you're ready to park.
See how easy you have it mapped out already to qualify for stay in the US? Neither of you are from there and you have a simple map. Now check me out, can you feel my disappointment?
Gotcha, Turkey. Tell me what you think. Have you been there? Here's the scoop. My culture does shit like invest a buncha money in our teeth, "guilty!" Subsequently, we schedule things like routine check ups and maintenance, "routine," meaning every six months. Teeth cleanings, X-rays, etcetera all in the same appointment 2x/year. They're free where we're from so when England said £500 I was OUTRAGEOUS! A routine teeth cleaning is £500! Crazy. That doesn't include a check up. 5 hundred fucking pounds! My point is..
Turkey I can get them cleaned and a full check up for $35. Figured while we're there might as well stay a month. I'd love to know what you think though. Should we get our teeth cleaned and get outta there.
I for sure make still mistakes in my English.
I don’t use a translator… Since I met hubby almost 6 years ago in Spain, (also late in my life like you) I talk every day English and dream English now. I only started learning English because of my art in 2011. I didn’t have it in school, back in the days. We could chose as foreign language German or English. I was fluent in German so chose that…. Hahaha lazy younger me. So now many moons later I wish I had chosen differently. Please let me know when I make mistakes… still learning English. 🤓
I haven’t done classes or learnt with books. I learned it the parrot fashion way… watching movies, music and tv.
So I thought I knew most… until I started writing here on Hive hehehe 🤭 I discovered words are written differently, like heart and heard, my pronunciation makes them both the same hehehe, also my worst ones, to and too, a and an, life and live, built and build, of and off etc. for me it sounds the same so I couldn’t put them in the right spot.
Hubby was correcting me in the beginning here in Hive, before I posted a post, he isn’t doing that since 2 months now. I still see mistakes when I reread it. But I pick up on them myself now. Getting there…
English is my 4th language in learning order. 😇😎 doing my best writing now, without help or the translator. (Spanish is 5th)
We so are ready to settle… I for sure moved too much, not counting travel, I moved close to 50 times… in 5 countries.
Doesn’t mean that they accept us yet, still many things could go differently. But we hope for the best. 🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻Positive thinking.
Yes, I soooo understand you and the disappointment now. Especially her being British. It is crazy. I did read some other comments from you in your post here. So I have a bigger view of it now. So sorry this is happening.
Maybe “life” is guiding you further… to maybe “your” perfect spot!
I would just get the teeth done and get out of it, see a few sights and that is it. If you want a country that is good for women, that isn’t the one to go. Especially living there. Even if it would be cheap.
Yes, I had friends from Turkey but the things going on behind doors… nope… not for me or you I think.
Healthcare can be crazy… in some countries. It is expensive in many countries. I payed a fortune in the Netherlands for them to mess my teeth completely up… lol
Happy to brainstorm a bit more if you want… Ireland sounds nice and Croatia too.
(She had the nerve to post Youtube videos in her posts, in addition to many of her own images, without giving credit!)
And the first thing that comes to your mind is to downvote this user? instead of showing her what she did wrong and how to do it right?
And as if that wasn't enough arrogance, even downvoting her answers/explanations?Wow, you are such a hero @dandays There is someone (@reccandra) who has been on the platform for less than a week. and made a mistake.
What was that about helping and supporting new users?
Is it dark there? I mean, with your head in your ass and all.
You must not be referring to this explanation then.
You've already messaged me 13 times and wrote me a love letter you've now edited three times which is slightly stalkerish. Just sayin. If you'd like to go back and forth here as well, I'm happy to oblige but anyone who uses Ecency points obviously means they understand the platform and anyone who understands the platform knows Wtf plagiarism is.
Thank you! Enjoy your weekend.
Hi @dandays, Thank you for participating in the #teamuk curated tag. We have upvoted your quality content. For more information visit our discord https://discord.gg/8CVx2Am
My pleasure. Thanks for having me.
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You need to own more token
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Problemsposts to read But A (@dandays post) Ain't One...Wanna see if you can fix that Arts...?
AGAIN. <--- 👀 it there
This simple comment has turned into a "Rant." A Fool Blown post about my, and a shit ton of others on Hive's fave dysfunctional writer, retired electrician specialist and Java Slayer/Mountainbiker/Gatekeeper
Yooo Krazzy! It's nice to be missed. My sincerest apologies dude, I'd like to say I have something in the works but that requires lying.
Truth is, my grandmother always taught me not to say anything if I don't have anything nice to say so I just deleted what used to be right here.....
That is exactly what I needed. I am a D&Ays Junky.
I was gonna get with @cmplxty and see if He would let me steal a few of his draft postings. He has a cache of them stacked I hear.
Change a few words around. Slap a few @krazzytrukker one liners in, a giphy or ten...
Walla !!
Thanks for the stolen posts @cmplxty lmaoooo
I will be like the hamburglar of HIVE !!!
He's so busy posting I lost count how many mentions he's missed. I don't mention him anymore. Now if I need to get ahold of him, I shoot him a DM on discord and wait about 21 days for a response.
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Wassup Zooropa84? Welcome to your first week on the Blockchain, glad you found us. Nice to be met.
We're in UK because my wife, being British, wanted to experience the healthcare system here first hand, something we hadn't done until now. She's pretty sick and requires routine attention.
That part about I have a target on my back pertains specifically to Central and South America (Brazil, Panama as you mentioned), fuck that! Been there done that. About a year ago I even respectfully declined a wedding invitation in Costa Rica with airfare included. I have no desire to visit those parts of the world again.
The Portugal citizenship purchase seems the most open-ended, for that we plan on visiting before the end of the year. Spain also seems relatively attainable. Greece, like I said, as much as we love it, the plane ride to and from UK should she need treatment could prove inconvenient.
Having experienced as many places as we have with a few more in the works before the end of next summer, nowhere compares to the US medicinally. Specialists, customer service (which only exists in US), physician awareness, punctuality, attentiveness, everything comforting as far as medical practice is concerned, having experienced it first hand in several places, nowhere compares.
Russia. No. We recently visited Baràbas, Hungary, and saw first hand what they're capable of. Hard pass.
Thanks man. Enjoy your weekend.