He's Rough Around The Edges, Charismatic, Spontaneously Whitty, Charming, Strikingly Handsome And Not Narcissistic At All!! Let'em Hear it Ya Buncha Content Consuming Junkies! Put Your Hands Together For...

in #outofthinair5 years ago (edited)

Thank you! Thank you twice, thanks three times even. I miss you too, really! Like an ingrown hair on my taint.

Kidding--that was the first joke! Ingrown hairs suck, especially when they're taint related--no joke! How'bout that introduction music?! Thanks DJ! Let'em hear it Hive! Put your hands together one more time for DJ 2Nuts&1Hammer!!

iheart Pink All ArtsWork created digitally by yours truly

Whoever says ingrown taint hairs don't suck can't be trusted--like diplomacy in Washington. Or was it duplicity? 🤔 Democracy?? D-something. Dammit! Dictatorship?! Whatever D-word the clowns are manipulating this time. Ain't the worst thing that could happen (ingrown taint hairs, remember?) but make no mistake, you're in for an uncomfortable couple of days--nothing funny about those bastages. Unlike 'Decaffeinated,' that's funny! The only D-word that makes sense in this whole paragraph actually--Decaffeinated.

Suppose someone called you a 'decaffeinated tea bagger'

In case the above example is tainted, I'll give you another one: Imagine yourself amongst a group of peaceful protestors anywhere we're currently protesting here in the United States of AmericanS. You're amongst a few thousand equally deserving, oxygen breathing humans and everyone's simultaneously chanting:

"Tea Bagger! Tea Bagger! Tea Bagger!"

They're yelling at the fully-armed and deputized, vagina-birthed human beings who've been programmed to believe their authority masks demonizes trump's (for lack of a second better term) anything and everything related to acceptable human behavior:

"Tea Bagger! Tea Bagger! Tea Bagger!"

The crowd's all fired up and illprepared for an intoxicating dose of the notoriously war-banned (lawfully and acceptable, however, to unload radically unhealthy doses on American, tax-paying citizens by none other than American, tax-PAID citizens) substance known as tear gas when up steps a fidget (fuckin midget). Dude takes control of the bull-horn and the crowd of a few thousand peaceful demonstrators temporarily silence themselves in confusion with a genuine hint of concern when little man's voice echoes louder than everyone:

"Little person"

Why is it so difficult to find grape juice?

I think Welch's is the only manufacturer of grape juice and it's always purple. Seems venturing into strawberry juice is out of the question--can't find that shit juice anywhere. Cranraspberry, Appleplum, Palmagrape, Lemonlime, Pineapplemango, Kiwipeachberry, yata yata and whatever other infinite flavors they got beautifully faced down the 1/2 mile long aisle of fruit juices--just gimme some fuckin Grape juice!

Pre-call text messages--that's a new one

I don't remember that phenomenon being so widely accepted last time we were in the states. I say 'in the states' because nowhere else have we been is there a community of people so pressed for time they've normalized something as ridiculous as pre-call text messages--embarrassing.

"Hey dude, got a minute? Cool if I call you right quick?"

You're kidding, right?? Please tell me only my friends are so soul sucked into the rat race they actually believe pre-call texting saves time.

"Hey dude, got a minute? Cool if I call you right quick?"

Of course I have a minute, I got a shitload of minutes. Unfortunately, you just wasted 1n3/4 minutes sending me that pre-call text message which coincidentally required six minutes of my time to receive and all you originally allotted yourself was 4n1/2 minutes total conversation time--you're fucked! We'll have to reschedule this failed conversation attempt for a later date and, while I got you, I'd like to make a suggestion (if you have time). Call me next time you want to know if I have a minute. You'll be amazed at the amount of time saved. Tic.. Toc.. Tic.. Toc.

Speaking of phone calls

You know you got some California OG when you're face-timing a buddy on your phone about the ridiculous pre-call text you just received from a mutual friend. California has officially enlightened the mood in your veins when you go to read the pre-call text message word for word but you can't find your phone. 🤔

Speaking of conversation pieces

I remember when hearing about my wife's daily poops was awkward. She'd be all excited exiting the bathroom like "guess what!!" I'd prepare myself for the worst thinking 'here we go again! Gee--can't wait.' Please, gorgeous, please continue on! Please tell me how clean or not clean, double flusher, or whatever it is you're dying to tell me about your turd. No, really, I've been eagerly awaiting this moment since I woke up--fast forward to present day.


Not only are hearing about my wife's daily poops no longer awkward, after nearly four years of marriage and trying to properly diagnose her gut issues, I find myself genuinely concerned these days like 'nice! Good one!' Furthermore, I'm fully engaged in the conversation nowadays even regularly chiming in about my own toilet experience like 'Na! Na! I only used five squares this a.m, ka'pow!' Butt But!!

One thing I'm certain I'll never find myself comfortably accepting ever ever ever ever ever ever ever

I don't care how drop dead gorgeous your wife is (mine's a show-stopper), partner is, spouse, fiancé, beneficial roommate, etc, whatever the appropriate term is today for 'person you fuck.' Put a tiara on her/him, whatever, Miss America ribbon--doesn't matter. I'm 100% confident I'll never get used to being the person responsible for clearing the area when it's blatantly obvious her first attempt at flushing last night's calorie consumption wasn't entirely successful.

Speaking of 'you don't know shit'

Why are atheists so boisterous? 🤔 I never met an atheist who didn't feel compelled to tell me they're an atheist every time they open their mouth. Dear atheists: I heard you the first 50 times. Nobody ever heard a chick, "I'm a woman! I'm a woman! I'm a woman! I'm a woman!" Or some douchebag regurgitating his sexual identity every chance he got, "I'm a man! I'm a man! I'm a man!"

Thanks (again), atheist! For a fraction of a second there, I had this crazy ass thought we were engaged in conversation without having to hear you go into great detail about how confused you are:

Space Cadet iPad. Apple Pencil. Sketchbook-app. Yours truly

Speaking of douchebags

I always thought big, lifted trucks were cool. I'd see those massive 60 thousand dollar trucks on the freeway with 37 inch mud tires and lift kits like 'I gotta get one of those!' I wouldn't have to pretend to be nice or rich or anything, I could pull chicks all day just by rolling down the window. My wife squashed that theory. 10's have an extraordinary douchebag detector.

She's since made it hilariously obvious. I can't tell you many times now she and I have watched a short fella (short-short, not dwarf-short) hop out of a big, lifted truck. She's since gone on to explain how "he's probably got a little dick, too." Poor lil' fella! Add an off-center (cuz apparently he can't read a tape measure) Tap-Out sticker to the back window and dude likely stands reeeaaally close to the toilet--just sayin.

Living on Ocean Boulevard in Long Beach, California for many years, I've had the pleasure of being the recipient of not one but two hit and run's. There's a lot of bars on 2nd street where everyone parties and, unfortunately, drunk people aren't notorious for stickin around to file a police report after smashing into unattended, parked vehicles. That's "vehicles" as in plural--more than one.

The second time it happened, the three vehicles parked behind me took the brunt end of drunk guy's attempt at driving home and all that happened to my car was a minor scratch on the rear bumper and a bent license plate. The other three vehicles, however, not so fortunate. Next door to Pura and I were two college chicks, sisters actually (not twins, fellas, keep calm!), they were always real nice. The following morning, upon discovering last nights escaped, one of the sisters said "it was a lifted truck, you know, like a douche." I'm thinkin 'Shit the bed! It's not just my wife and all her smokin-hot friends who think that, apparently it's common knowledge amongst the entire female gender.' Well then, I'm glad I never had a douchebag truck. The reason for this long-winded description of douchebags and their douchy trucks will be explained in the next (or two'ish) paragraph.

You're now entering the next paragraph

Just yesterday a big obnoxiously loud, douchebaggy truck was rolling alongside us on the freeway. Pura pointed out how little man with tweezer-pinching genitalia had a "Ford" sticker on his truck rather than Tap-O.. whatever it's called. Totally original by the way! Nothing more prestigious than an off-center Ford sticker on your Ford truck that already says Ford across the tailgate, a few times on each front quarter panel, the door handles, and wherever else Ford previously identified their product prior to exiting the assembly line--throw an aftermarket Ford sticker across the windshield and/or back window, too, douchebag.

You're now entering the next-next paragraph

I said 'What's up with that?? Dudes are always out to impress chicks but so are chicks.' They never get all gorgeous'd-out to impress us, they get all gorgeous'd out to out-shine the (competition) other chicks. @Puravidaville does it too. She doesn't get all decked out to impress me, per se, she gets all decked out to out-shine the other chicks.

You're now entering the next-next-next paragraph

She said, with her memorizing blue eyes and gentle, soft and sexy voice, "cuz all we have to do to impress you guys is show up." ..........🤔
...................................... 🥶
................................ 🥵
.......................... 🤬

Touché! They (finest creatures to ever grace this planet, 'ladies') don't have to do shit to impress us--they just gotta show up! Add something as basic as a half-assed, off-centered glance in our direction and we're foaming at the mouth.


They (ladies) could be all raggedy lookin in pajama pants--hasn't frequented the esthetician for a number of weeks and, here we are, fresh cut and shaved with a stack of $1's in our pocket, rollin around in high-priced douchebag payments like we're swingin for the fences and we're still droppin credit cards to buy drinks. No wonder their only objective is to out-shine the other chicks in attendance--free drinks!

Speaking of God's gift to man

I recently caught a study claiming 29% of women are regularly prescribed anti-depressants. Question: Who's the quack responsible for misdiagnosing 71% of women?? 🤔 That was a joke! 'Ha-Ha-Ha' get it? 'Can I buy you a drink?' 🍹🍸🍷 (or three) Or however many you want! 'I got a big truck parked outside.'

Speaking of drinks

You know that song Goody Two Shoes, "you don't drink - don't smoke - what do you do?" By Adam Ant? You should know it--it's the epitome of one hit wonder. I always thought that song would resonate with more listeners if the chorus was slightly altered: You don't drink - don't smoke - we'll never ever have anything in common ever!

Speaking of sharing a world of common interests

Pura and I have numerous common interests. She likes to take showers, I like to watch. I like to take showers, she doesn't like to watch. She cleans our laundry, I wear laundry. She likes to cook, I like to eat. She says jump, I'm instinctually one-leggin a pogo stick like 'Mayday!! Gimme an extension ladder, stat!'

Another common interest of ours is neither she or I wish to breed additional humans into this safe and non-conforming, unregulated environment of over-populated humans eagerly awaiting the arrival of corruption, debt, air backed loans provided by centralized banking and.... ithink you get the (protected) point.

I'm at CVS the other day getting tampons (for her, not me). Plastic applicators don't stand a chance soaking up everything I barfed out so far. Something I've done countless times, by the way (grabbed tampons). I never barf long-winded rant style paragraphs. I've received numerous admirable-type comments over the years regarding my purchase by people whom I've never met.

The other day I'm waiting in line at the register with a box of non-scented Tampax Pearl's in my hand cuz I've done this before, I'm a professional tampon picker-upper, and I know wtf tampons to get. The lady behind me says "awe, that's so sweet" insinuating I'm the sweetest dude in the store because I'm buying tampons which, by the way, I'm not only the sweetest but undoubtedly the coolest as well. Her surprised look of enlightenment turned to a confused look of concern when I said: "Bet your ass--means she ain't pregnant!"

Speaking of protected sex

My buddy Michael always calls me on Christmas Day. Even if it's the only time I hear from him all year, I can expect his phone call on December 25th. He's in New York--forced to leave California when we were 18 but that's a whole different story. Anywho... Christmas Day.

:ring: :ring: :ring:

'Merry Christmas, Michael!'

"Merry Christmas, bastard!" He continued "ain't like you got family, who the fuck else is gonna call you on Christmas Day?"

I laughed. Michael and I go way back, I expect nothing less. "Merry Christmas, bastard" is totally normal conversation. 'Thanks for always thinkin of me man, Merry Christmas, watcha got goin today?'

"I'm at the strip club @dandays but I didn't want you to think I forgot about you--Merry Christmas, I gotta go."

I laughed again, 'really, a strip joint?!'

"You know what kinda girls strip on Christmas Day, @dandays?!"

I had no idea where he was going with this one but I bit: 'What kind?'

Before abruptly disconnecting without saying goodbye, he said "the kind I'm fuckin!"




Wait a minute... is your brain working faster than mine??? I must have slowed mine with a couple downers (Beers) I can read one paragraph, skip 2, and read another, go back one and catch up where I left off... then skip 5, reverse back 2 and I am still laughing. What is wrong with U ~I~~ We?

Don’t you strip on Christmas? Or is it Christmas Eve??? What day did you tell me so you could get some extra $$ to buy BTC??

(days) how much time I spent putting this one together. I almost said resteeming but I'm sure I already hurt a few feelings here. You're never gonna believe this but Jokes actually have a way of doing that sometimes.Thanks a lot for re-blogging this, @jlsplatts, I honestly have no idea

Oh dude, have you heard this one yet? It's funny!!

Good thing I didn't write too many paragraphs then. When you were bouncing between 2, 5, 8, was it? 🤔 Did you say three, too? Or was it 3-2? 32?? Where was I U We?

No, no, not Christmas Eve Splatts--simple mistake (happens all the time). You see, I 'dance' when and where they least expect it. Eve is just a stage name. When I'm doin what I do, whether it's take everything off, lay everything out (wink, wink), complimentary services (if you know what I mean), a little bit'0 this, designing some'0 that and I've been 'donating my services' 🤫 for three years now.

.....And I've never ever ever ever ever ever ever ever attracted one (1) sperm whale 'Regular.'

Your post has been boosted with Ecency Points. Keep up the good work!

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Thanks for keeping an eye on me @ecency. Great job with the app @good-karma and all your witness support! I thought I was playing with censorship fire on this one--glad I didn't get burned. 👍🏿

'thank you!'@curangel. If not for your curation initiative, I doubt I'd stick around. Thanks for recognizing #original-content. On behalf of all the authors you and your curators support on a daily basis--

That was funny, specially the part of the atheist parrot! 🤭

virtual feelings. 🤔Thanks for checkin this one out, @trincowski, and I appreciate you dropping me a line, sir. I'm glad you enjoyed it. The funniest shit is always the realest shit. On the flip side, the realer we are, the likelier it is we crush

I'm down two followers (so far) on this one--I laughed harder at that than I did the comic strip!! Funny. Jokes have a tendency of doing that sometimes when the reader/listener is a D-word cunt. 😉

Much love from Nashville to Portugal, @trincowski, thanks again man. Enjoy the rest of your week.

I'm down two followers (so far) on this one

I'm not sure what you mean with that. You mean.. two human replies so far?

Did I say two? Make that three. Douchebags


for @dandays

@eii. Your continued support is never taken for granted. Thanks for keeping an eye on me! I hope this message finds you and yours well.

BEER Hey @dandays, here is a little bit of from @eii for you. Enjoy it!

Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your BEER.

Cheers @beerlover! These three 🍷🍹🍸 are on me, @eii. "Cheers!"

I'm not sure if I want to read through again to catch all that or just call it a day. Because Wednesdays I'm dancing all around from morning 'til evening earning my dolla bills, so count yourself lucky I'm taking time to comment. ;)

Totally agree on the big trucks, small, errr, minds. I'm down with anyone who is comfortable with poop talk. I mean, it IS a big indicator of health, so... Of course you know we're on the same page with abstaining from raising little humans. I'd rather just the text, no pre-call text or the call if possible. And just nodding my head to a lot of the rest...

In other news I keep meaning to message that 10 of a wife of yours to check in, but then the friggin' days keep passing by so quickly. How is it September? But maybe by putting myself on shout I'll actually do it...

Did you do it yet? The texting her part, Tref, what'd you think I meant?!

Yeah.. comedy is best when it offends, causes concern, raises suggestions, and makes you laugh all at the same time. Or maybe it's just me who thinks that and that's why I'm down a few followers after this one. 🤔

Ps--that last sentence is even funnier than the article! The truer they are the better.

short one. We're en route to Knoxville this time next week--"home."Much love from Nashville, @plantstoplanks, thanks for taking the time to check out this

You know that introduction song was funny!! Give some knuckles to DK for me.


Well that was a mouthful, you trying to confuse us especially the gray haired Hiveans like you know who???
Soooo nice seeing you here again!
You can't find grape juice?
I could not find many simple things like fresh carrots, or a packet of yeast, during our hard lockdown! We were only allowed to go to the food stores and pharmacies, EVERYTHING else was closed so of course our economy has finally had it, hunger and unemployment and hopelessness will certainly kill many more than Covid!
But we are a tough lot here in the south of Africa, so we're all trying to get back on our feet.
I know I've veered off the subject, but I really will have to sit down and study this blog of yours as it took me all over the place, or rather took my mind all over the place.
Your friend reminds me of the gent who called last night enquiring about hourly rates at our BnB, a sure-fire way to get my BP up sky-high, and when I told him in no uncertain terms that we do not entertain THOSE kind of bookings, and our minimum stay is 2 nights. He then enquired about the rates so of course I doubled it and he & the woman in the background both said "Oh Shit!" Then he ended off by saying "Thank you Ma'm, God Bless!"
I was dumb-founded to say the least!
I'll have to go read your blog again, but slowly, so I can process all of that properly!
But to end off, it's great seeing you again!

(cuz although this time around I won't be censoring my curse words, there's people like you, Plants, maybe one or two others who deserve that respect and my curse words shall remain censored... "Crap!") But I laughed out loud just now when I read about the gent towhere Pura's like "what?! That's so funny!!" I hope you understand I'll likely be adding that to my 'funny' notepad for a future comedy release one of these days. Pura said "That's hilarious!" Nah... we don't miss you at all.@lizelle! Oh crap!

Still laughing

I don't know how you managed to do it but you completely yanked me outta character! I like to comment back n forth in the same character I wrote the article in but you completely rearranged my whole style with that response. Classic.

@lizelle - 1 @dandays - 0

Can you believe I actually lost 3 followers on this article?? 🤔 Uhm.. they're 'jokes' people! Truer they are the funnier, in my opinion. Jokes raise eyebrows right? Maybe it's just me but I thought a good joke makes you think, possibly frustrates, all while laughing in between. Anywho...

You threw me off so much with that hourly rate comment I still can't get back into character and I'm actually frikkin trying to!

Too funny.

Good one!So nice to see you again, @lizelle. Thank you for reposting this one. You really did stump me though, chef.

I'm glad you're back on my phone. I'm happy to know you and yours are well.

PS--Call it Coodies. Sounds so much more believable than Coors. Champagne?? Or was it Cognac? Ahh! Corona, I don't know, whatever C-word the clowns are manipulating this time. 😉

edit I'm back. Eh, @lizelle, Pura said "how many hours did they want? Anything under 5 is inappropriate." LOLOLOL!!

I’m going to try & keep this short and sweet…like at least under an hour! Please tell Pura she’s given me a great idea as I now know exactly how I’m going to respond to those hourly requests; the minimum stay will now be 5 hours & it’s going to cost them! Dying to hear the response!
This a regular request that we all have to deal with as the ladies of the night are trying to move into the suburbs now!
One guesthouse owner told how this very smart good looking lady booked into her guesthouse, but when she started getting visitors, one after the other, all guys, they realised what was going on and had to boot her out!
We’ve now added a ‘no visitors without prior arrangement policy’ to our terms & conditions!
You are a very funny and very dear man Mr Dandays, those followers don't know what they're missing!

I don't know what atheists you've been hanging out with but the ones that grew up in the bible belt tend to be a little more circumspect with that information :D That being said, they're probably a bit more militant with it for living where sharia law (er, blue laws, excuse me) has been implemented...

I'm stealing "decaffeinated tea bagger"! It just seems like a lovely thing to yell at people with no warming :) I've talked a lot of shit but you sir have me beat in the literal shittalking category!

Who's Sharon? 🤔 Must be Old news, like fake news but different. I like the part where Jesus ixnayed the old stuff.

I never really got to hang out with'em too long @coloneljethro. Never really been into birds, especially parrots.

It's yours, sir, you don't even have to steal it. If everyone around you doesn't change their tone immediately like "wait, hold up, did he just say decaffeinated tea bagger??" You're saying it wrong.

It's cuz you're younger than me, that's all. Nah.. that was another joke. I ✔️ all the shit-talkin boxes. Like this one, ✔️ it out!

Eh, I spent days designing that comic strip--literally. But check this out.. and I even said the word "joke" in the very first paragraph. I found a few more douchebags and they weren't even driving trucks:


^^ That's even funnier than the comic strip and I mighta spent 1n3/4 minutes designing it.

Thanks for your support man, keep your quality images comin and don't tell me to shorten my responses ever ever ever ever ever. 👍🏿

You have some mouth on you, where’s the soap?
Right on with the big truck thing, funny stuff

(exactly what I said) who deserve that respect. You're one of them, Mrs. J.My favorite up-state grandma--good morning from Nashville, @farm-mom. I was just telling Lizelle how just because this time around I'll no longer be censoring my curse words, there's her, Plants "and maybe one or two others"

My articles, yes, I'm a firm believer in curse words adding flare as well as simplifying emotion. I, too, come from a construction world (of course Union! C'mon lady! 😉) where non-soap washed grills (custom grills all shiny, btw, that say "Chevy" in neon green lights) fly off the shelf like a bottle of fresh brewed syrup. But these right here, when it's just you and I, ain't happenin! No way! Never ever ever ever ever ever.

'funny' notes, it was pretty lengthy, I hope it entertained you for a minute.Thanks a lot for keeping an eye on us, @farm-mom. I pretty much unloaded everything I had til now in my

If not now more than ever, ithink this world could use a farm-sized garden of Arts & Entertainment.

We only think of you and Bob all the time and I hope this message finds you and yours well.

Your friends,
D and A

Good morning sir, with soap in hand, how the fuck are you?😜
There I said it. When my boys were young I was constantly on them about swearing and to this day they still say “sorry “ when they curse in front of me. Respect, that’s the key word. Thanks for putting me on that list of deserving it.
After months of silence, I can see how pent up you are, so let it rip you crazy ass SOB you are hilarious 😂
❤️ to you and pura

Hey! That Upvote was supposed to be worth $143, dang autocorrect!!

❤️ Mwah!

Dude! You know I'm an atheist, right? I did discuss my atheism with you before, my atheistic tendencies are not a surprise to you, right? You did hear me when I said I was an atheist?

Jeez 'one hit wonder!!!' Stand and deliver is a veritable national treasure here... Shame you spent so much time being locked down you could've got out there and educated yourself on our real royalty while you were here...

Oh and in case I forget to say it Merry Christmas Ba...rtender... Gahhh! I bottled it... I told you I was an atheist, right? HEY! Did you know I'm a vegetarian? I told you I don't eat meat, right? It's because I'm a vegetarian... Be lucky it was me writing this... My Daughter's a vegan!!! Although I don't touch milk either, I'm almost there... BUT I am a vegetarian atheist, in case you didn't know...

Exits and goes and stands REALLY close to the toilet...

Not as close as me dude! I got everyone fooled with this limp thinkin I got a bad wheel when really I stuff a sledge hammer down my in my pocket.

Parrot, parrot-parrot. Parrot.

(all the way outta the truck). I would say thanks for a second time but I already said thanks it at the beginning of this paragraph--no need to repeat repeat myself myself.Thanks a lot for checkin this one out @stevenwood. Seems you made it through the whole thing or maybe you skimmed it and joke's on me. Either way, I fell for it

Parrot, parrot-parrot. Parrot.

Thanks for keeping an eye on me, sir, I know this one was pretty long. Keep your content coming as well. See you soon man. 👍🏿