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RE: Trip Day 3-Didn't Go As Planned

in #outdoors3 years ago

Wow, that sucks. I have never been that far north west, but I know that some of those areas are pretty packed. All those city-ots coming from across the boarder and hogging all the space. It's crazy how many people have turned to camping due to covid. We keep waiting for them to get sick of it and go back to their cruises and resorts, but the campgrounds are still packed!


I was really unprepared for the crush of people in the Sierra around Tahoe. It was like an ant hill and I was 50 miles from the lake. Crazy. Just crazy.

I pulled off the highway a few times. Once between Truckee and Sierraville into what turned out to be a 'cabin community' with at least 2000 houses. Remember the Eagles song Paradise? That's what I saw. It was just insane. "You call it Paradise, kiss it good-bye,"

I promise you, the next legs will be the exact opposite. There are places...

I am glad this was the only bad spot on what sounds like it was an otherwise awesome trip. I guess one might argue if this was the worst part then you got off easy! :)