4 Months on Steem Performance Review! #7

in #oursteem7 years ago

Witness update 7 JerryBanfield.png

Would you help me look at what I have done in 4 months here on Steem because when we focus on what we are doing to add value to our community here, we are guaranteed to get growth? After reading my post, will you be inspired to make your post and tag it with "oursteem" as seen on this post and at https://steemit.com/trending/oursteem because I would love to see what you have contributed in your time on Steem? Here is a summary of what I have contributed to grow Steem in four months of being a user here as a part of now my seventh witness update!


Bought at least $68,457.11 in Steem and powered it up from Bittrex along with a few thousand more I have not went back and added yet. The average price I paid was $1.176 per Steem meaning at today's price of $1.06 I am down about $6,779 on what I bought so far. steem bought as of 10 10 2017.jpg


Reinvested nearly all of my earnings from posts equal to about 40,000 Steem without so far having taken even one power down. What I have cashed out is about $10,000 of SBD in author rewards with over $8,000 of that paying for the advertising campaigns at https://airtable.com/shrXuoYTnODWA0QG1.

The remaining few thousand I have cashed out is not nearly enough to pay for the $10,000+ in Steem related expenses I have made ranging from witness server hosting ( ~$2500) to transcriptions (~$2000), and help from freelancers (~ $9,000). If I powered all my Steem down, stopped posting here, and paid the taxes I would have a profit of maybe $10,000 on about 500 hours of work equal to about $20 an hour. On the video courses I have sold since joining Steem, I would have made much more if I had not spent the entire course focusing on how awesome Steem was according to data from coinstructors.

I am grateful to have so much Steem in my wallet today and I hope to do a lot of good with it during the next 10 to 20 years upvoting posts and enabling each of us to share our truth!

steem wallet jerrybanfield oct 10 2017.jpg


The top post received over 30,000 views mostly from Google search from users seeking information about cryptocurrencies. top steem post jerrybanfield.jpgPosted 266 times to my blog at https://steemit.com/@jerrybanfield resulting in 100,000+ views on those posts with the majority from Google search, sharing on social media, and readers already following me elsewhere. With my account being 143 days old, that is an average of 1.86 posts per day.


Commented 2,815 times on Steem mostly in replies to comments on my posts and more often now comments on posts by others. With my account being 143 days old, that is an average of 19.685 comments every single day.


Made 7 advertising campaigns on Facebook for Steem reaching 3,721,223 people in nearly every country in 6 different video ads and a text ad for the wired.com article. The budget came from $5843.61 given in author rewards. steem facebook ads results oct 10 2017.jpg


Created and managed 21 Steem advertising campaigns in Google AdWords including display network ads for smart media tokens, 6 different video ads, and a text ad for the wired.com article. The ads have been shown 871,609 times to users in nearly every country resulting in 10,316 clicks on a budget of $2,847.06 of which about half came from author rewards and the other half equal I have spent over the budget given! Note that in the screenshot all campaigns are not shown because of space limitations steem google ads oct 10 2017.jpg


jerrybanfield minnowsupport eco-alex delegations.jpgDelegated 1,000 Steem Power to @minnowsupport and to @eco-alex.


Uploaded 60+ videos to YouTube and Facebook to millions of followers mentioning Steem with collectively hundreds of thousands of mostly organic views. jerrybanfield steem videos.jpg


Twitter activity by jerrybanfield.jpgTweeted every Steem post to over one hundred thousand followers on Twitter at https://twitter.com/JerryBanfield resulting in thousands of retweets.


Devoted 39 "upvotable" posts to featuring the work of authors on Steem that you might enjoy following as a reader paying out of $1,000 in tips for participation and recently paying out half of the rewards to any author featured.
jerrybanfield upvotable posts 35 to 39.jpg


Paid out a prize of 2,000 Steem to @sarasate for getting a functional prototype of SteemJ launched at http://www.steemj.com/ to help give us a freelancer marketplace and bring new users to Steem!

steemj oct 2017.jpg


Hosted what I think was the first Steem meetup in Florida and maybe the USA as seen at https://steemit.com/meetup/@jerrybanfield/first-florida-steem-meetup-photos-and-video.

Florida Steem Meetup


Posted 20+ tutorials showing how to use Steem with many featuring apps and services created by others maybe of which include a matching video on YouTube.

steem post tutorials sample by jerrybanfield.jpg

# 14

Created several updated guides for getting started as a witness on Steem and helped increase voter participation in the witness process.

steem witness guide posts jerrybanfield.jpg


Pledged 80% of my earnings as a top 20 witness equal to about $200 a day towards more ads for Steem!

top 20 witness pledge.jpg


Bought my ticket, booked my hotel, and secured airfare to Lisbon, Portugal for Steemfest2 along with asking any of my European followers online to join me there!


Collaborated with @lexiconical to produce posts and videos featuring an overview of the contributions made by the top witnesses to help increase witness voting participation and help witnesses making contributions mostly in the background to receive some recognition. @lexiconical received all of the SBD payouts on these posts.

meet steem top witness posts by jerrybanfield.jpg


Spent about $10,000 paying freelancers for help transcribing new videos into posts and editing those posts prior to publishing on Steem. Each post where I paid for help includes a reference to who helped. @gmichelbkk has done the majority the work on these posts and receives an hourly wage for the editing he does equal to 50 to 100 hours a month. @aarellanes also did many of the upvotable posts with me and received an hourly wage for about 10 hours a week for his service for a few months. Most of the transcripts are from GoTranscript with the recent orders as seen below. I have tutorials showing how all this works on Steem.

gotranscript orders.jpg


Followed Crowdsourced Marketing Protocol: Ideas, Proposals, Projects by @andrarchy at https://steemit.com/steemit/@steemitblog/crowdsourced-marketing-protocol-ideas-proposals-projects to ask for more funding for ads by Steemit with the hope at becoming the second accepted project!

growth projects by jerrybanfield.jpg


Recommended updates to enhance the user experience of Steem and related apps alongside participating in the discussion about how to move forward with future hardforks.

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I will stop here before this post ends up being twice as long and recounts every single detail such as responding to messages in steemit.chat, voice chat in steemspeak, etc.

The bottom line is I show up here and make a big effort every day to enjoy and grow our community. I am also as ordinary/extraordinary as you are having ups and downs that I am brave/stupid enough to be open about. With making 200+ posts, at least 2% of them are likely to be awful which is about what has happened. The only way to guarantee a post never is bad is to not make another post.

What I struggle with here is feeling like what I contribute is worthwhile and feeling safe in sharing with you. This struggle must be common here because attack on another is usually a function of a feeling of inadequacy inside. Steem's transparency makes it easy to compare with others and end up with a feeling that all we do is not good enough.

In writing this post, I feel good about what I have done here and hope this empowers you to feel the same. After reviewing my service here in 4 months, I am certain I have given enough to our community and am also certain that it has been given for the right reasons of love and service. If anything, I have erred on the side of giving too much and am continually learning a better balance of work and life which probably includes less time spent writing posts and making videos about Steem. Writing this post took about 2 and a half hours and blocked me from having time to make a video today.


as a top 20 witness I am pledging 80% of my earnings (~$200 a day) towards ads for Steem on Facebook and Google!If you would like to do the most help support my continued contributions here and build our relationship together, would you please make a vote for jerrybanfield as a witness or set jerrybanfield as a proxy to handle all witness votes at https://steemit.com/~witnesses AND share why you are doing so publicly because

Thank you to the 1567 accounts voting for me as a witness, the 740M VESTS assigned from users trusting me to make all witness votes by setting me as proxy, and @followbtcnews for making these .gif images! I am voting for witnesses where my vote seems to do the most good.

Vote Jerry Banfield Steem Witness Rank 29


Set JerryBanfield proxy

What are you contributing to our community?

Will you share what you are doing for us using tag oursteem because I would like to be more aware of how you are helping us grow and reward your efforts with my upvotes?

Jerry Banfield

There are 2 pages

Please stop upvoting this moron scammer! EVERYTHING he is charging people for is available for FREE! DO NOT SUPPORT THE SCAMMER @jerrybanfield!!

Would you give out 80% of your earning (~$200 a day) towards ads for Steem on Facebook and Google?
I think that's totally totally insane! I'd keep it to myself if I were you, Jerry. Buy a new house for your new puppies! LOL
So many ungrateful human beings creating bots on this planet. LOL Isn't it upsetting! haha

I love living a simulation world =)

I love the Steemit BOTS sometimes! Too bad I missed the curation reward!

"This struggle must be common here because attack on another is usually a function of a feeling of inadequacy inside. Steem's transparency makes it easy to compare with others and end up with a feeling that all we do is not good enough."

Unfortunately, around the internet, it is common to attack people personally when it would be sufficient to attack them logically.

As I'm sure you are now well aware, and speaking only from the perspective of the economic value of it as a business, your proposed account creation service was a bad idea. The service you were trying to create had already been done cheaper, and therefore better, by other entrepreneurs with even more community support than you had.

You also chose to give it what is clearly, in retrospect, a controversial name. I'm not bothered by it and neither was my girlfriend, but clearly some people are touchy about it.

Having successfully re-beat this horse, I can get to the point. It would have been sufficient to simply not use your service while pointing out it was bad in the comments without getting personal. I think automatically intuiting malice is jumping the gun. Obviously, the service was never going to make much money even if you left it running. Also, Paypal is like fraud central, so I can't imagine it would be much fun to operate this service either.

At the end of the day, I get why you made this post. I know people will (rightfully) point out that, to some degree, it is misidrection. However, what can we do when we screw up but try to point to what we do right? Our egos don't work well under attack.

Great work Jez! Your hard work and commitment to the Steemit platform have brought many (including me) here. So whilst it's easy to see the input above and the effort you've put in, the output reflects in the growth and coverage of this platform.

Keep up the good work.

Thank you Michael and nice work making the top cryptocurrency course on Udemy!

Go buy more steem :) lol

You will probably never read this, Jerry but I can only laugh about this small silly mistake of yours. I don't understand why many are trying to see something bad in your intentions. I read through the comments and I think they are mostly undeserved.

@flauwy thank you very much!

Wow Jerry! You are a gem in the Steem Kingdom! I appreciate you taking the time to reflect and share what you've done with the rest of us. Thank you for your numerable and continued contributions on this platform.

Denise thank you for noticing and taking your time to comment here!

Oh, FFS...

How about a performance review from users who are not you and who aren't sycophants or otherwise bought?

Some things just can't be quickly swept under the rug, Jerry. If you want to "own your mistakes," then own them. That's not what this post is.

Hi David! It's good to see some healthy debates going on! i'd like to throw my two cents in to the ring. Whilst I do appreciate and support Jerry, I would not describe myself as a sycophant!

What I would like to say is that I wouldn't have come to Steemit if it weren't for Jerry's promotions of Steemit (yes and himself) .. I personally powered up around $10,000 of Steem and also brought in at least 20 new people who also powered up a total of around $20,000 more. What I'm saying is that whilst we pick apart and try to find the truth and real intentions behind Jerry's motivations, that we should keep a level head. For example, Jerry delegated me 1,000 Steem a month ago to help me support the @ecotrain passengers. This was a very kind gesture that doesn't really serve himself at all. Although I have been upvoting most of his posts, there was no suggestion or any kind of requirement to do so.

We all know Jerry is a businessman, and a strong marketer. Whilst you may not agree with some of his choices and tactics, I think it's fair to say that overall Jerry has had a positive impact on the community and the ecosystem and in many ways. If he went too far, then I have a feeling he will take criticism and learn from it, because it is my belief that whilst Jerry does look out for himself very well, he also does have an altruistic nature and good heart.

What i have learned from this is the weakness of auto voting! As a result of this whole fiasco I have turned mine off so i can upvote those posts i really do support.

hope that helps!

Jerry you are making a huge impact on the community. I really respect your giving yet professional nature and ability to translate the functionality of the crypto world through your youtube channel and your posts on Steemit itself. I personally thank you.

I will have to agree with you on this. I myself am going all in (the little I have) for steem :) Jerry has brought lots of value to this community.

he has.. i Just found out today that a friend i was trying to encourage to join Steemit had in fact done so, but without telling me.. he has brought in 40K just by himself.. I think thats about 65K in total Just from me coming to Steemit as a result of Jerry.. and I'm just one person! ;-) Yes i really think we should appreciate the positive impact he has made as we react to this..

when I was telling a friend about steem, I used his browser to manually show him one of my posts. I noticed the autofiller suggesting a JERRY BANFIELD post, meaning he had seen steemit before! Jerry has paved the way, lets keep helping him get better too with our constructive comments and criticisms.

Yes, Indeed!

WoW this is great!

The cat is great too.

Thanx! I thought so :)

I think it would be ok for Jerry to review @lexiconical's posts since @lexiconical wrote them for Jerry to post, because quality control is just good business, but the sad reality is that @lexiconical probably wrote this post too.

For the record, I can confirm I did not write this post. (Nor was I asked to)

Sorry man, I hate to see your job getting outsourced.@lexiconical

btw are you the actor who plays Jerry in @jerrybanfield Youtube videos too?

Hah, well, I'm thinking this is a joke question right? However, if you have a real question, I'd be happy to give you an honest answer (which you can then choose to believe or not, of course!).

I have worked with Jerry on our series of witness posts after meeting him at his Steemit meet-up briefly. That is all I can take credit for.

It was his idea, and he offered me the full liquid payout with no haggling. He also handled the videos and I think pays for help with that, so ultimately, he received less than half of the reward.

If Jerry will forgive the breach of client confidentiality, you can see his reason in his own words from my Discord log:

"Would you like to collaborate on a post with an in depth look at top witnesses? I think a post showing what each witness does would be powerful because witnesses are doing so much without often much awareness by the community."

If his goal was to make more rewards, he would probably have been better off posting his own content or reposts. Bringing me in and splitting with me was an attempt to service the community and help earn his witness support, if I had to guess, not a money-making plan calculated to be +EV in the short term.

In the long term, I'm sure he hoped it would benefit his witness campaign, but given he has pledged the bulk of his potential block rewards to advertising, it's tough to hold this against him.

I hope this answers any questions you have. Cheers!

It was a joke and I don't think you did anything wrong.

I wrote that because Jerry has insisted that he was writing his own posts and sadly he is constantly proving himself to be the type of person that will screw anybody over to get ahead, @mindhunter is a great example of this.

Also by treating Youtubers like charity cases, by throwing massive votes at them, because their followers don't exist, we are removing rewards that could be used to pay new people for quality content.

I would prefer to see Steemit grow than to watch Jerry throw more Steemians under the bus.

"I wrote that because Jerry has insisted that he was writing his own posts "

I think he's been pretty transparent.

Each witness post had a full paragraph saying that I wrote the posts almost word for word. In other cases, he cites when he uses a transcriptor to help.

"screw anybody over to get ahead, @mindhunter is a great example of this."

He didn't screw anyone. He presented the facts. The facts looked so bad that Mindhunter, who was ALREADY BEING FLAGGED BEFORE JERRY'S POST RELIGIOUSLY, gave up and left.

The community ran him out. Jerry attacked no one.

"Also by treating Youtubers like charity cases, by throwing massive votes at them"

I think for this complaint you need to direct it to the curation formula. People are dog-piling on top authors for their own selfish reasons with auto-voter.

"I would prefer to see Steemit grow than to watch Jerry throw more Steemians under the bus."

Jerry brings in lots of people, theoretically. That's the reason anyone wants him here.

I've already demonstrated that he has not thrown anyone under the bus.

@ats-david - as a newbie here I had tried to stay impartial and make my own judgement on what I could read of his work and his underlying intentions. While I did think he's exaggerated and pretty eccentric, I figured he was bringing traffic to Steemit.

Also I thought perhaps his sign up offer was a little misunderstood so I was ready to be open to that, I think everyone deserves a chance, or even a second chance...but at this point I totally agree.

It's not the right time to do a post about how great you especially after a "sorry" post!

There is still one nagging question I have: Did Jerry know about the Anonsteem service before he wrote that $50 per account post? Er....paid someone else to write it...Did he know about this and then lie to us? Or did he have no idea about the Anonsteem service, because he didn't read the post that he had paid someone else to write? Which is it?

For the steem service, I made the video without being aware of the service, paid for the transcription and editing into a post from the video, and then edited the post once more before publishing.

For the post with @lexiconical at https://steemit.com/witness/@jerrybanfield/meet-steem-s-top-10-witnesses here is the text at the beginning.

Thank you very much to @lexiconical for doing the research to make this post possible! Almost all of the text in the "Meet Steem's Top 10 Witnesses!" section of this post is directly from @lexiconical's research and is his writing. The text before and after this section along with the video is my contribution. We decided to do this after I had the idea and asked if he would help with the research. I am giving @lexiconical all the SBD from this post in exchange for his contribution which saved me hours of research and allowed me to directly present it here in this post as well as in the matching video!

In the end of the post, the text reads

@lexiconical and I hope you enjoyed this post which we worked together to produce! In the next post in this series, @lexiconical and I hope to present the top 11 to 20 witnesses in the same way we have done here!

While I skimmed over the post and made small edits, I did not click in the majority of the links unless I wanted to learn on something because I was in too much of a hurry to get the post out and start writing the next one. I realized that I have been posting too much which has been causing errors like this and am reducing my posts to once a day to help me focus on the most helpful posts.

I appreciate your feedback which has been helpful for me in adjusting my service here!

hmmmm that's the way I see it too. Be that as it may, he has done a lot for the community as a whole. I mean, most in crypto are quite greedy. It is par for the course. But I do agree that it was in poor taste.

Someone know how to view someone's internet history? other than that we'll never know...

He says he didn't know but truth is he didn't refuse payment to tell us he didn't know, could had just left a comment on the very post he messed up but instead decided to get another $100 or so by telling us he screwed up.

Either way this is why I like Steemit, all this stuff will remain so we can tell who's doing what later on.

Hard to believe he never looked into anonymity in Steemit, which would had revealed anonsteem, but I don't think we'll ever know for sure.

Hard to believe he never looked into anonymity in Steemit, which would had revealed anonsteem, but I don't think we'll ever know for sure.

It's not hard to miss what is offered on Steemit, as a regular user, that can be forgiven pretty quick. BUT, a witness should be held to a higher standard and should have researched his potential product better. Maybe starting with his own post?

I don't have a problem with someone seeing a potential problem to solve and making a few bucks doing so. I did have a problem with the choice of name and I thought he was over priced. The pricing issue gets resolved through sales, or lack of them. The naming one.. well that was just bad judgement IMO.

I am not an everyday Steemit user, but I was well aware of the service offered by Anonsteem . . .

You'd think after all the time he has spent on the steemit pages which he has just gone in depth about, (numbers 1-20) he might have come across the @anonsteem page once or twice.

I call bullshit on him pretending not to know about @someguy123's project


There are only two realistic scenarios here:

  1. He knew about @anonsteem but simply wanted to fleece unsuspecting potential new users with his own "service." And now he's lying about not knowing of the alternatives.

  2. He had no clue about @anonsteem, which makes it laughable that he pretends to be some sort of Steem/Steemit spokesperson and wants other people to vote for him as a witness, when he clearly has no idea what he's doing or even what he's writing/promoting in his own posts.

Either way, it makes him a joke/fraud. And the problem isn't even that he wanted to create a new service. It's that he continues to lie about shit, tries to exploit the ignorance of his followers and unsuspecting readers/viewers on and off the platform, and then tries to backpedal and deflect/distract any criticism by claiming that he's doing sooooo much for the platform.

Putting ads on Facebook doesn't entitle you to act like a damn clown and try to rip people off with bullshit "services" - like his $180 witness tutorial which doesn't actually help aspiring witnesses because the information is bad.

All it takes is a few minutes of reading what people have to say about him outside of Steemit and it's obvious that his mere presence here is pretty detrimental to the community. Add to that the fact that he's handsomely rewarded for his shitposts and it's clear that the perception issue for Steem/Steemit is still a major hurdle to overcome. I hope the larger stakeholders will finally recognize this someday.

If someone parts with $50 so easily, they didn't read my comment and deserve to pay more. I outlined two other ways over on Steemfiles.com already and I pointed out two other means that I do not profit from.

I agree that jerrybanfield can have many sycophants ... sometimes it's even annoying to read them...on one occasion he made a post saying "I no longer knew how to do to help the community" or something like that...and they all told him not to worry, that he was the best ...I replied that I did not think he felt bad and that what he had written was to win upvotes ...but I also said that doing that is perfectly valid ...or is it not that steemit?...the reality that I follow jerry in every post he does ...many post seems good to me and others not...and when I do not like it do not make me hysterical ... it just will not deserve my upvote and ready...but the truth is that with jerrybanfield is with who i learned most from steemit...and it's also the ones I see most done by steemit...and from what you also benefit...or does it not suit you to bring new people to steemit?...
I see at a glance in your blog the topics you write are interesting and I could even follow you every day also because I like the sport that I see that is what you write most...but I also see that you and Jerry write about totally different things...not that you compete with him in the posts...so I honestly believe that this discussion is due more to jealousy or envy ... because it feels pretty hysterical ... little girls fight...
I think that everyone should write what they like to write ... and offer or advise what he want...and if you do not like give your opinion but with "respect" ... that's also steemit ... without getting silly fights where they look bad...live and let live

You wrote the words i had in mind :-)

so I honestly believe that this discussion is due more to jealousy or envy ... because it feels pretty hysterical ... little girls fight...

It's more to do with credibility and honesty.

Also, little boys don't fight? You had a bit of credibility until you decided to demonstrated your sexist bs.

jajajajajjajajajajajja...very good your answer ... something funny to cut the ice is good...I am a boy who will not enter into hysterical discussion with a girl or other boy ... I do not know what you are ...

Tell that to the Bankers!

I just hate people who just write reviews on what they have done so far....hey Jerry no one asked you for that and no one forced you to do all these.
There are thousands of people doing much more than you but we never find them talking so much like you always do.
Learn to be humble man, you already lost respect in front of many, try to build your image again...but not like this.
Stop flattering yourself man, real man don't do this.

How do we know what each of us is contributing if we are all working in the background? When we communicate about what we are doing, then we also help avoid unnecessary working on the same projects and open ourselves up for collaboration. At every job I have been at, I have been required to submit to some kind of performance review on a regular basis. In graduate school, we had to do a portfolio showing what we accomplished. What happens is some of us get triggered on our own insecurities when we see what others are contributing. Once we realize this, we accept that our own contributions are enough. I personally would like @ned and everyone at Steemit to show something like this to help us each understand what they give because it is easy for any critic to say Steemit is not doing enough without seeing what each person is doing!

There are thousands of people doing much more than you but we never find them talking so much like you always do.

Yes, and they are people who are actually building useful stuff, not wasting money on Facebook advertising, then pretending that this wasting of money entitles them to act like an ass-clown and try to rip people off for BS "services."

On a side-note...this "pay me for advertising" crap is precisely what drove him out of DASH. He's using the same worn tactics of trying to build up his "value" to the platform - and it happens to be the same tactics that DASH masternode owners rejected and which led to Jerry's selling of his masternode and coming to Steem/Steemit. And now he's trying to do the same thing here. Only this time, there are still idiots willing to reward him for it.

The larger stakeholders here really need to get a clue. This guy isn't a net positive for Steem/Steemit. I would encourage them to read/watch how he is viewed by people not on Steemit and who are not part of his sycophant/paid following.

chop him up chef

Chop him up, and wok fry him too!

Thank you anonymous creator :)

I'm not a jerrybanfield fan to say the least, but you gotta give him props where props are due and he did make this post yesterday saying he was sorry. I didn't read the entire article, but I think he does a good job at owning his mistakes and even rights the wrong.

Not trying to be snarky, but:

"I didn't read the entire article,"

This is a good place to start on a controversial issue.

I know ><, but after this comment I realized the person who's making these comments mind is made up and no matter how much of the article I read I will never change his mind.

Oh, thanks for the sage advice. I'll try to remember your amazing tips.

Do you do this for a living? How can I pay you for it?

If he would have brought up points worth looking into I would have went back and read the entire article.

no matter how much of the article I read I will never change his mind.


You should probably read my replies to him on that post you linked.

I don't remember what I posted more than a couple of weeks ago and have probably only made a handful of posts. This guy averages one per day and gets crap because he misses something from one line of a post?

All I'm saying is he messed up, he made a mistake, he apologized for the mistake, and then corrected his mistake. Who gives a shit if his apology is genuine because he's the only one that knows if it is or isn't. Get over it and move on

Oh, thanks for the sage advice. I'll try to remember your amazing tips.

Do you do this for a living? How can I pay you for it?

More than you can afford :D

Oh, I'm sure. Everyone in crypto is super smart, super skilled, and super important. I forgot about that.

Thanks for the reminder! You really are good at this. Wowzers!

Jerry does so much for the whole community. I think this should not be forgotten. Who else actively promotes steem on other information resources? I like this detailed report

You are right on this! He's everywhere lol


All I got to say is this @jerrybanfield, you are a true Boss! I've never seen someone just come on to a platform and gave so much. Damn bro, you make my hustle look small and I'm pretty good LOL

I've been seeing tons of hate, that tends to happen when you put yourself out there. We make a few mistakes here and there but that is acceptable.

The people who don't "Do" like to criticize all the little flaws we do. What have they done? The people who criticize? Absolutely nothing.

I don't think many people are aware or know that what you do takes so much energy and effort.

All I got to say "Good Job Bossman, Mad Respect", You were the reason I got on Steemit! Well you and @dollarvigilante :)

Well said, stackin. Hope you're doin well, bud.

Let's remember not to dismiss our critics, however. It's important to learn from them. You may not be able to please all the people all the time, but hopefully, you can avoid pissing any of them off most of the time.

". What have they done? The people who criticize? Absolutely nothing."

"Whataboutism (also known as whataboutery) is a variant of the tu quoque logical fallacy that attempts to discredit an opponent's position by charging them with hypocrisy without directly refuting or disproving their argument."


I agree, sometimes some critics (very few) I learn from. I learned a new word today "Whataboutism", thanks @lexiconical lol

Sure thing! Hope everything is ok out there in LV...relatively speaking.

Haha I never knew about Whataboutism, but I like it.

Glad I could drop a bite-sized piece of knowledge on ya.

The people who don't "Do" like to criticize all the little flaws we do. What have they done? The people who criticize? Absolutely nothing.

I created the largest freeroll cryptocurrency poker site in the world and host the Steem Poker League. I criticize wrongs when I see them and don't blindly offer my loyalty up to others simply because they've done some good in the past.

Your bold statement lumping all into one category begged for a response, so there it is.

I Second this! Best Poker site EVER! it's FREE and it doesn't have the support it deserves...... YET!

Yeaaa I hear ya, now I have to check out your the steem poker league :)

Well said @stackin. I too, learn lot from & Jerry & @dollarvigilante

Thanks for basically the only positive comment up until here, @stackin. Bossman style! Trust in humanity restored.

Hi Jerry,
I found out about steemit after i stumbled upon your blog. That was a good day. I am not very good with computers etc and i was trying to educate myself about cryptos. I share your enthusiasm for steemit and have invested my humble savings in it. I have 100% faith this is going to be massive because i never cared about face book etc i just think it is a total waste of time. Steemit on the other hand is an epic place to learn , educate and share ideas in a truly pleasant environment. I was not i need or want of a community but i have found one. Awesome job of promoting steemit i am all in!

Thank you @jist for joining us here and letting us know how you found our community!

Cheers. There is a lot to learn here.
I have a few suggestions which will sound uneducated, but from a newbies perspective they maybe helpful in welcoming new steemians. We have a lot to offer from what i have seen . I have learned so much about a plethora (TM (joking)) of subjects. I have seen so many people just be their true selves on here and in a good way . We can all be our best selves on here and we can all let it spill into our actual lives. It is easy.

  1. Steem = good
    2: Steemi t= good
    3: Be nice and helpful to others = good
    4: be original i thought = good
    5: Put your soul on here anonymously in a safe environment = good
    6: Be your true self in a safe environment = good.
    7: Just go forth and Conquer = good

Many thanks

I am flashed - not sure why everyone always tends to write posts what good he has done for the community- might be an issue we all have - however. Do not talk / post about it - Do It - people will recognise it (might take a while but that is more honest )- my 2 cents.

Being a witness will ultimately become like being a politician. It will be necessary to sell to compete if Steemit becomes a more mainstream-like social media platform.

Whether this is good or bad is irrelevant; it just is.

@lexiconical, I've been avoiding using that word - policitian. I'd love Steemit to work. I really would, and I hope it doesn't need to sell to a mainsteam-like platform. If the whole witness thing just becomes like being a politician and Steemit is just a miniature world with it's own currency then yeah we're fucked. Of course it's a community now, and of course it sucks you in but it should be for the right shit - ie the content being fucking great. If it's not that then the platform is dead. While it's a community, it's not really a place for this bullshit, it's a place for photography, poetry, homesteading, advice, stories...whatever...creativity, not drama, bad vibes and bullshit content.

There's some great content on here, but let's be honest, that is regularly overshadowed by the absolute quagmire of shite. It's not often that I'm finding a host of articles to read. Is it because I'm not finding them? Maybe. Or is it because there's isn't enough? Yes. So we need new people to get creating! And good people, not just people here to spam and get bullshit money.

Someone will create something better with the same logic if things don't change course...

"hope it doesn't need to sell to a mainsteam-like platform."

Unfortunately, doesn't success for a social media platform almost always entail being somewhat mainstream? The more people I know on Steemit, the more awesome it is. I hope it supplants Facebook completely, and I will take the idiots on board happily to get them out of censorship and into the loving arms of Rationality (tm).

"the content being fucking great. If it's not that then the platform is dead."

I realize this sounds great to say, and I want to be true in real life, but Facebook and Twitter utterly destroy this line of logic. Can you support this claim in any way? All evidence points to the exact opposite.

"There's some great content on here, but let's be honest, that is regularly overshadowed by the absolute quagmire of shite."

Yeah, the article-finding interface is terribad. You have to follow specific authors and that is a LOT of work.

"Someone will create something better with the same logic if things don't change course..."

Here's to communies and HF20...

Thanks for a great comment!

There's some great content on here, but let's be honest, that is regularly overshadowed by the absolute quagmire of shite. It's not often that I'm finding a host of articles to read. Is it because I'm not finding them? Maybe. Or is it because there's isn't enough? Yes. So we need new people to get creating! And good people, not just people here to spam and get bullshit money.

Someone will create something better with the same logic if things don't change course...

It is because you are not finding them. I get that there is a lot of shyte posts on Steemit. I do manual curation and can literally spend hours finding good posts some days. Others
days I can find them through other sources. I don't like returning to the same sources as I'd end up sharing the same authors a lot. Even if they deserve to be shared, I want to help other less noticed authors too.

About the only way to avoid the shyte and spamming is through a system that approves articles, which means human eyes on them before they are released. That means labour intensive setup and takes away from decentralized and uncensored (except via community flagging).

Sometimes we have to take the good with the bad.

Couldn't agree more. Hopefully the "Communities" update foes something for the bad interface. At this point, you have to kinda just follow specific authors or slog through the junk. Bummer.

Thanks for explaining @lexiconical- I understand that in general, but have some concerns I might outline later or via direct chats. You are a good commenter I have to say @lexiconical - politically skilled too if that is the witness direction - thought the witness required different skill sets like tech knowhow but I am wrong it seems.

"but I am wrong it seems."

You're not wrong, I just think it may be that the role is changing as Steemit gets larger. I'm only commenting on what I see, not what I think should happen.

I personally think it would be better to have some witness diversity. A programming company isn't all developers, they need someone who can market too.

for real

Yes, there are rumors that some Witnesses are selling Witness information for cash. Very political imo.

I think these "rumors" were already confirmed.

Jerry will make streem great again. I think he is able to offer a lot of new ideas.

I think there's room for one trying out internet marketer witness. He got me here, at least, and he pledged most of his rewards away.

Hi ,
Very interesting read, Thanks you for sharing it!

Amazing Jerry

Wow, I am inspired to steemit on. From this post I get to understand so much about steemit. So impressed, I have voted you as a witness and I am to write a post about all I have learned here. Thanks so much for sharing

You are very helpful @jerrybanfield. I started using steem when i saw your video on fb and i am very thankful to you. Hope that you make us grow as well on steem.

nice achievements!!

Not bad not bad :P 10x it now lol but out of everything you have done what did you enjoy the most ?

@jerrybanfield is about the best booster I've ever seem online. I'd pay him more than he makes here to be a booster for my properties. In my 30 years in this space I have seen time and again cliques attack users taking a site mainstream. They want to stay big fish in little ponds. They hate someone grabbing the limelight.

You are a great Steemian
I wish there were more people like you
You have invested heavily from cash to time
Spending precious time from your life promoting steemit.com
Much love

u can also make a good steemian @greatvideos

Thank you very much
I much appreciate your comment
Have a lovely time Steeming

I'm still VERY new here, and I'm one of those who doesn't give a fuck about numbers as long as I think something's worth it.

Never really educating them on what really goes on under the hood, what a buy signal is, how to anticipate one and hedge bets etc.

Unfollowed. Anyway I'm writing this because, in the past few days that I've been here I have learned that @jerrybanfield is doing nothing to contribute here. He's just TELLING PEOPLE HOW HE MADE MONEY. Also, it's worth noting that @jerrybanfield has NOT replied to ANY of the comments (and LIKED his OWN post)


thirds rule strategy

I found this post quite interesting and informative.

It hardly matters who collaborated with whom to produce any fine quality content on Steemit. The question is, does it have any value, and will Steemers benefit from the info in the post.

Generally speaking, Jerry's posts and videos contain interesting material that is also informative and educational. Some of it is helpful to me, other posts are not so helpful. I read / view what I need to see, and leave the rest.

Reading the above post, the one thing that struck me is that the man is doing plenty of work and putting in long hours. Granted, that's partly to promote himself, but is that not what every one of us is ultimately doing?

I think it's clear that Jerry is also focused on the big picture, and working for the success of Steem and the community on the whole. More power to him, and more Steem power to all of us.

I am here in steemit because of you Jerry and I will forever grateful...to you. Keep on doing the right thing you are doing...God bless!

thank you.You have done a fantastic job @jerry ..... I need some help, I'm not a good author, my writing skills are not good. what are different idea I can blog about, where much writing skill is not required.

i can't beliave that performance @jerrybanfield everything need some process

Wow jerry youve been very busy! Great contribution, I think an app for the future would really help steemit s functionality and draw more people in. An upvote would be nice 😀

Hi @jerrybanfield, I'm interest with your post. Can I ask to translate your post to my language Indonesia?

Spamming comments is frowned upon by the community.

Continued comment spamming may result in action from the cheetah bot.

Jerry i am the first one to comment on your these blog lol.. now i will read it

I am a small follower of u in here ND also you tube I follow u nearly I saw all ur blog nd also video I wish i will be there one day. With ur good wishes
I am small now this time but surely will be.

You have done some good things, keep it up brother, we welcome your insight on things. Be well jerry steem on. ✌

Great work! Thank you for creating so much helpful content and sharing it with us - Steemians :)

wow you been doing so much on Steem and promoting Steem. Yet I see your blogs written and organized very well. And you have quality time with your daughter. Hard to say that this is not a success. Keep it up and hope you get to the top, rooting for you. I got on Steem because of you ;)

Wow,i like your activities Jerry you always work hard

Wow. That is an incredible amount of work. I like the Florida meet up. I spent part of my childhood there in Deland and it's a great place. Today I found a new steemian called @bluerocktalk who runs an established YouTube channel and is a talk show host and guest on Coast to Coast radio station in the states, though they broadcast world wide. If you could visit her blog she has hopes of creating a paranormal style category as steemit doesn't have one yet. I've reached out to different researchers and talk show personalities who are established on YouTube, and to get them to leave the familiar surroundings and head to steemit is quite tough. So even a hello or advice would go a long way to helping new users like herself feel welcome in that category. She found her way here on her own so I'm doing all I can with my feeble voting power and what advice I can to help. Your effort on this platform is amazing Sir so thank you. Will follow and upvote. Steem on.

JERRY, I'm always impressed with your dedication and enthusiasm that you bring to this platform. This post demonstrates the real hard work off the net you put into your videos. They really do help people. I watched one about being a witness and how to do it. Im just not there yet :) again, great job.

Your knowledge on Steem never ceases to amaze me thanks for sharing!

Doing a great job jerry

Hi Jerry,

thanks for posting tour development timeline. I am trying to understand your process but I am a bit confused how content can help the growth of this community. I have got some idea from watching lot of videos. But all are like how awesome it is to earn in steemit and things like that. But I wanna understand the fundamental structure of the platform. How is it creating value within the community and how does it effect the currency !! I donno if I am asking the right question...

I did make my first post saying what I have understood about steemit.... maybe you can check it out. but it would be great if we can share some thoughts about the platform and how it breaths....

thnx for your post

Dedication right there

awesome post...keep it up and win the world


well done, I wish I could accomplish 1 % of your effort. and I soo much appreciate your witness vote for me. This is really what keeps me going and to do more and more... THX jerry

Its great! I really like your work!

@jerrybanfield, this was a real eye opener, I never realized there was so much more to it than just posting commenting, and collecting steem.

Nice work!!

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