The criptomonedas arrived in the 21st century, bring improvements or just more problems?
For most of the more traditional stores, it allows you to venture into a new experience with a currency with high volatility, that was holding back the use of coins by merchants more conservatives.

Problems have generated the use of criptocurrencies?.

To every problem human beings seek a solution thus appears GRAFT
It is a mobile application that accepts different crypto-facilitating transactions and preventing the acquisition of different points of sales and applications, facilitating transactions in real time among consumers of (goods, services) and the merchant, avoiding the charge for transaction which can be in local currency or pesos(CUC) of your preference and availability.
When performing transactions confirmation is done by telephone message of immediately making purchases occur normally in the establishment, take into account that charges by the uses of this application are awarded to the merchant or seller.

What are the benefits of GRAFT?
smart contract : The application has a business card that is a predefined contract that allows the creation of a user to the merchant, is easy access does not require programmers to the placement of the descriptions of the business adjusted to the requirements of the small businesses, using low effort and costs low GRAFT allows merchants to use your system according to your need and offers, promotions, credits, investments and costs, to sell and perform the required transactions, as well as reward to the issue of gifts, points for loyalty which are available in real time as the beneficiary decides it.
Marketers when making a refund does not allow reimbursement of 100% of the amount paid, Instead this application converts the return in exchanges where the merchant does not lose the customer and this can use the chips for the next purchase either in local currency or in virtual currencies.
This system allows to issue gift certificates to increase the benefits that the dealer has to offer to its clients, generates promotions that attract customers, and this certificate is guaranteed by the merchant. There are many different types of transactions in smart contracts as create, renew, add, themes redeem, folders app among others. Where the merchant pays the fee to the customer. Being a low amount and symbolic. Without affecting the profits of the merchant. It provides benefits to the merchant creating a private virtual string to connect multiple stores, and insofar as the customer can manage multiple accounts without payment of fees being beneficial for family transactions and corporate accounts.

Biometrics GRAFT?
GRAFT is implemented a little of all more better data security, pattern of login, biometric data, FIDO and other connecting factors, techniques and techniques to identify the user. To do this, the system will be composed of several elements (keys) some linked to devices and other users through biometric data that will provide a basis for identification and user safety. The available identification (face, Palm, iris, token hardware, device, etc), the objective end is to ensure the safety and speed of the user at all times and that you can feel safe from potential scams.

It protects your identity?
Users can implement several additional security methods to the system protecting the network and ensuring its integrity, avoiding spoofing identity, repeats and attack impacting on the user and their finances. GRAFT has authentication, authorization and identification methods for transactions between the transmitter and receiver adding confidence in the use of the application, these are established between stakeholders.
Volatility associated with the criptomonedas
Generally traders prefer payments in their local currency, and not written coins in order to replenish stock, pay bills and pay salaries of employees, It is also expected that you just is is starting to use this type of coins and there are doubts by traditional retailers, but feel swept away by new trends now their clients look to pay in these new coins and you can't miss their clients. GRAFT has been able to solve this problem making transaction in real-time, instant,
to reduce to a minimum the possible loss of value due to volatility. Seller payment app can automatically adjust the amount of the transaction to the Cup's current Exchange and change the local currency through Internet Exchange right after the completion of the transaction.
How GRAFT increases the confidence of the merchant and the customer?
GRAFT allows the score in each user's system for transactions, these update dynamically, changing and improving the traceability of operations without compromising the security and privacy. Both the customer and the merchant have access to score. In some cases, which guarantees reliability of customer or the merchant. The system is in charge of the validation of the score using simple analysis ranging 0-100 points.
Can GRAFT solve problems for human errors, fraud or technical error?
This application has free technical support for resolving the conflicts caused either by the system or the customer, provided that this is the account holder, ensuring payments equivalent to USD 100 and compensate to the client or the lost trader's funds for technical problems or fraud.

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